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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. What you want to see? - A rule where hobos can't be mugged Why should we add it? - It really does not make sense to me in RP to mug a hobo since most do it for 5k and hobos are considered to have no money or a source of income besides what small amounts people give them. To me, it looks kinda like FailRP, who would pull a crime such as mugging someone to someone with little money unlike someone in a Lambo for EX. What are the advantages of having this? - Hobo's don't go in debt Who is it mainly for? - Hobos and their little amounts of money Links to any content - N/A
  2. Look at the start of the video he did call staff and when yall were at the bank is when you instigated the crowd.
  3. +/- support He did hold the guy here https://gyazo.com/d1cf4ddeed328ad203746b371acd7c57 BUT I'm sure he was holding him because he stole a vehicle and was waiting for staff to arrive as shown here https://gyazo.com/a83865f0093757e7752e2bc48e28f875 (I personally used to do this myself but only if its the same person stealing Gov cars purposefully minging) The guy could have tried to run away from him and Robby may have physgunned him to keep him still until he can put him in on-duty staff's hands Plus your video did not show him physgunning anybody at your angle it would have been good to see it before he phygunned instead of after because all I hear is "OOOHHH RePoRT HiM RePOrtHiM" (don't take any offense it's just people are such instigators on here it gets irritatingg) I'm gonna wait to hear from @Robby Peppers about his side on this one. In my opinion, since he did physgun him off duty I think he should be verbally warned unless he has done this prior. Edit: Robby replied, I still uphold my original statment
  5.  Vinny

    new keys

    This already has been suggested, I'm pretty sure they took note of it.
  6. -Support - Please follow our format - Either way, this should be in the staff report section under the "Administrative" section on our forums found here - https://gaminglight.com/forums/index.php?/forum/211-staff-reports/
  7. You do need permission to enter, but they should have just called a higher up in PD or staff to come and talk with you instead of killing you.
  8.  Vinny

    Fix Radio

    it's still broketed even at it being K
  9. Aight, I thought about this a long time ago but the idea is a game mode similar to how CinemaRP is which is surprisingly quite popular, but basically, it's CasinoRP, it would be a server that has a Casino map with slot machines, poker, blackjack, craps, etc inside the casino but you can have a lot of extra games such as an arcade for example or mini golf just like on CinemaRP but instead of movie theaters it would be gambling if you want a better feel for what I'm talking about go play a Cinema server, walk around and explore and you'll see what I mean its surprisingly fun with the number of hidden rooms and activities, me and Snar played a few days ago on a CinemaRP server for like 4 hours straight.
  10. Not FiveM as a server ik it was shut down or else I would be on it lul I mean for ppl playing that game just how we have fortnite, CSGO, etc.
  11. +Support - Active - Mature - Great App - Deserves a chance - Zero warns! Good Luck!
  12. +Support - Active - Mature - Great App - Deserves a chance - Zero warns! - Member since March 28, 2017 Good Luck!
  13. -Support we used to have it, but it was abused and people were acting very immature with them.
  14.  Vinny

    Sull LT App

    -Support reasons above
  15. I do, you we're the person that warned me for my first warn ever! lol
  16. Well, it depends on what you did, I mean if you killed someone that's easily 10 years no questions asked, but if it was a small infraction they should do a reasonable amount.
  17. Join our Teamspeak at ts.gaminglight.com, once you are in go down to the "Support Section" join the "Requesting SMT" room, and one of our SMT members will be glad to help you with your forum issues.
  18. +Support some people have tree houses without the tree sometimes in the middle of the road I swear, it gets very irritating, we have structures on the map pre-made for a reason.
  19.  Vinny

    tcoops birthday

    haha I get the reference
  20. Wonderful Idea, I will be attending!
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