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[AWOL] Jojo

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Everything posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. -support Was handled in game, I do agree with Jeff that if it’s your first time breaking a rule u should be given verbal.
  2. Massive -support There are tons of super cheap cars available that works perfectly fine if u want to go from A to B. This economy was (and still is) quite broken and so it’s just good to have cars to spend the ridiculous amounts of many people can get.
  3. Suppose I’m a bit late but happy bday! Haley? Would never ever have guessed that! ?
  4. I was trying to make u feel like u got a friend, your mom called and asked if I could pretend to be ur friend so u would feel better.
  5. I searched “Johns face” and this was first one that came up so I’d say this is it!
  6. @Speedy Valvano @Simonbest11 @Jeff Junior (Gut knife boi) @Freeze (Bullies me tho) Very nice of u! *Slowly realizes I have no friends*
  7. +/- support Serious offense but I’d say it should be shortened.
  8. I may be completely wrong but wouldn’t it be possible to find out who’s file is who’s if you locked the server for like 5 min and the people affected come on and their files should be at the top of you sort by last edited? Kinda inconvenient method anyways.
  9. +support +nice guy +good leader +active +/- Doesn’t train cadets a lot but does tell SGT-SM to do it. (Not like anyone else trains em anyways) - Is clearly very mean to little me
  10. The inactive ones are supposed to be removed but I don’t think Zeeptin has bothered removing them.
  11. +support Deserves second chance Sure, might seem angry at everything but still helpful and was a nice staff imo. Nice guy when he’s not angry
  12. -support Chaos and not really worth to buy a Negev for 20 mill. SG is great and much cheaper.
  13. I wanna join the rich boi club
  14. -support Guns are an important part of the game and many people use guns in order to get cash. If guns are too expensive u can’t defend urself when you’re basing in the beginning.
  15. Name: Jojo Steam link(be in the group): https://steamcommunity.com/id/JojosProfile Should I do a Christmas one: Would be cooler if there was some kind of game in order to get the cash. Maybe egg hunt but with Christmas gifts instead.
  16. +support This was in before and was AMAZING! The presidents held press conferences, kidnappers used TVs to show their hostage! It was so much fun!
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