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[AWOL] Jojo

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Everything posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. -support They’re really good and would be quite bad if everyone had it on every job. It’d be quite risky to use one and so I don’t feel like it would be worth it anyways.
  2. Zeeptin can check you don’t have show screenshots.
  3. +\- support can’t see the screenshots right now If he stole cars then sure but if he only got in cars then I’m not so sure. Prob won’t work, Big Chungus is most likely too powerful.
  4. -support If you can’t commit crimes there’s no point having cops. boring
  5. +/- support Would most likely be difficult to make. Probably laggy How would one go about jail breaking when the bridge is up? It’d be cool but not sure if it’s very practical.
  6. That's a great nickname for Zeeptin
  7. He meant it more like it was a normal sighting on the server.
  8. -support Tbh it would make it kinda impossible, we were 6 customs robbing and if the time was 10 second longer we would have lost. It would make it super hard for custom and literally impossible for non-custom.
  9. -support? I mean sure it’d be cool if the lockipicking process was a minigame and you could avoid it if you’re good (like some games). I feel like it would be really annoying if you couldn’t affect it by skill.
  10. 99.9% sure u can yell but adverting is prefieres since it doesn’t cause as many staff calls.
  11. +support if he’s super mingey now but I don’t think so since his warns are old. -support if he has improved
  12. OMg u aRR SOooO rICh PlEAsE giVE mahNeyH
  13. Everyone else makes posts to have them removed, I havent been warned for 3 months.
  14. Questions Your In-game:Random dude/ Jojo Your SteamID: The admin's name in-game:--- The admin's steam name (If you know it):--- What warning did you receive: ---- Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED):https://www.gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198097275586 Why do you think this warn was false:Want my old warns removed thank you. Any extra information:
  15. Everyone: Give me good team in CSGO John: Give me low rank players Anyways my top have got to be: GTA V, CSGO, Arma 3
  16. +/-support So I think you should be allowed to have the name Zeeptin if you don’t go around saying you’re “the” Zeeptin. I don’t see a problem with using a name unless you pretend to be the person. If you went around impersonating then -support but I honestly can’t put a - if all you did was have that name since there’s a very slight chance that’s what you normally would when you play games.
  17. There’s kind of a timer when the cash piles up again so the 2 is kind of already here. And for your 3rd thing I think it can be quite hard to set a good time since some don’t have CCs and it makes robbing it really hard but CCs have quite an easy time.
  18. +\- support I honestly think a person who has had a lot of warns in the past should be banned for it now. If he on the other hand is mingey now and received the warns now then yeah but from my experience he is not mingey although I’ve only encountered him a few times.
  19. What you want to see? - The amount of money you get from robbing the bank increased. Not sure how much but maybe increased to 400 or 500k. Why should we add it? - The bank raid is not very rewarding as it is right now especially when there are many government on. What are the advantages of having this? - A reason to rob the bank. Who is it mainly for? - Criminals Links to any content - 
  20. +/- support I think that the current weed is nice for new players who can’t afford a lot so I don’t see any reason to change it. I suppose it’d be nice with the advanced keys but I feel like it’d be annoying.
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