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[AWOL] Jojo

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Everything posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. +support Tac units often ignore normal PD, if only command has it the chances of it being abused is relatively low. Gun change is kinda needed.
  2. +/- support Active, I do see you on rather often. Low warns -Not a lot of effort on the last question. -Not a very active forums account.
  3. +/- support Was given permission. -Shouldn’t abuse demote system, you’re not allowed to demote.
  4. -support I do kind of agree that it’s meta since it wouldn’t be floating irl, I don’t think a warn was necessary but I do still think it was metagame. It’d be preferred if u did some kind of check on it before acting. Metagame means your character knows something he shouldn’t know, a floating gun for example.
  5. https://gaminglight.com/main/topic/23844-noones-meme-lord-application/?page=1 Copy and paste for instant accept.
  6. Wrong server????! +/- support Need NoOnes side of the story.
  7. -support I mean, it’s annoying being on the side that’s raiding but it really is impossible to survive a silo otherwise I’m a really bad builder but I don’t think u should stop the good ones when they’re making cool bases and I think these rules are fine as they are.
  8. +support Considering printers and miners are kinda good it wouldn’t make such a big difference in making cash, not that many people knows what it does either.
  9. Pretty sure u can If u pay 20$ extra.
  10. +support Helpful for the ”Family” classes since there’s no need for as many classes. It will most likely make the list of jobs shorter which is rly good.
  11. [AWOL] Jojo

    Warn Appeal

    -support It seems like you have many bad days... Can only appeal ones that you believe are false...
  12. My biggest problem is the fact that you cannot shoot a bullet without wasting 15 min after...
  13. Haha, the one in your family who is the least mingu is kicked out for being a minge...totally not because he was honest and apologized on behalf of your family..
  14. [AWOL] Jojo

    warn appeal

    Okay..could you explain why u were warned for a killbox a few days later? You built a killbox and said you didn’t know it was a killbox.
  15. [AWOL] Jojo

    False Warn

    This seems like you trying to get rid of a legit warn and hoping Closeman doesn’t remember.
  16. -support from what I know you first did one thing and then you got toxic or something and was warned for diss.
  17. Not sure but don’t think that’s allowed idk.
  18. -support when you break rules you say you don’t know even if you’ve been warned or told about it before.
  19. Your family playerdissed, FearRPed, RDMed, not waiting raid/mug cooldown and so many other things.. you keep saying you didn't know that you're not allowed to do it but the day before the same exact thing happened... Not to mention the fact that it feels like staff are favoring u since you were not warned once today even though there were so many witnesses and logs proving u did wrong. You also kept provoking people so that 2 people got banned after being repeatedly raided and mugged by your family, your family broke the cool down rule when doing this several times.
  20. I find it rather fun actually, I’m not making any cash tho...lost 3 mill already ;)
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