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[AWOL] Jojo

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Everything posted by [AWOL] Jojo

  1. Why is this archicad? Anyways +support
  2. Why was RT camera removed? It was great!
  3. +support Kinda obvious...
  4. Eh...is this your way of saying that youโ€™re gonna train yukis?
  5. Look, custom classes are expensive for a reason or probably more than one reason, imagine everyone running around with their own class and the job picker thing then. And the management/Zeep has to make money somehow...
  6. +support I mean, if something crazy doesnโ€™t happen you donโ€™t succeed with the raid and if you do you probably donโ€™t get your money for the guns back anyways.
  7. +support Not sure What he did but I think you should get another chance after 8 months, you can change alot during 8 months.
  8. I do think Valk usually did overreact and so its likely that whatever Max did wasnโ€™t serious enough to get a blacklist.
  9. + Support Having one isnt Enough in my opinion and I have No clue How itโ€™d be abused.
  10. Youโ€™re right, Idk Who you are. Hi anyways!
  11. So, I have the same name as my friend. My friend commits a crime while I am in my friends gunshop, he breaks into MY shop and hides there. So the cops come and breach my friends gunshop and so I go out and look at what the cops do. The cops try to breach my house and fail so I go there and open the door, when they enter they get shot and I GET ARRESTED for "association". Why df am I being arrested for opening the door to the police? It's not my fault we are relatives!
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