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Unkn0wn_F1R3 last won the day on December 28 2019

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About Unkn0wn_F1R3

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  1. I'd make a sheriff CC with these cool ass sheriff models...
  2. Id go for a proper Detective sub department for PD. or maybe a sheriff department with these cool ass models...
  3. +Support Eternity is a great staff member and a great person in general. He is very active and deals with any situations fairly & professionally. He has also been in the Senior Admin position for around a year now and 100% deserves this promotion.
  4. there has been a license plate mod added in the past but it did cause some small lag issues. A license plate system could be cool, but what benefit would it have in a Semi RP server? There doesn't really seem a need for them except they may look cool/realistic. +/-Support
  5. A band I like a lot is TwentyOnePilots but I can't just have 1 favourite, there's a lot of great bands and songs out there.
  6. +Support I think the current models are rather boring and overused, especially high command ones. Although you haven't suggested a specific addon link, I believe that the server should get their own custom made police models.
  7. +/-Support Although it would be helpful in terms of getting more community feedback on the application, it may lead to bias and for people who have very little interactions with the person to post opinions based off what others see.
  8. Get gunned down by massive ass families over a $100 ticket
  9. This used to be in several years ago but caused some issues. It would be cool to have but will cause a lot of problems with interactions with PD and usage with other add-ons. +/-Support
  10. Welcome back, hope to see you on every so often
  11. Not for 90% of players, still 2019
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