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Everything posted by Dang

  1. I was not present when the whole issue was raised with security and ci, the main issue I have is because the command members are beefing this also effects the NCOs and enlisted server experience. One of my RND member who was not involved with the situation was being laughed and shit talked by multiple security command because he died while he was playing d-class because he was apart of CI. Not to say its only security's fault other ci command have just been as bad, I find it appalling and just childish that certain command members from multiple branches have caused a toxic environment for people who aren't even involved! More stronger punishments must be handed out to the people who cant keep there toxicity to them selves, because my whole RND branch are being effected by the toxicity meaning they wont hop on the server, which doesn't help when my branch is not as significant in size as other branches.
  2. +/-support - Good update and needed buffs - I am hoping that with the Remington being added the restrictions of getting access to the close range specialist class increase because the Remington is disgustingly good.
  3. Enjoy your time of sir sir sir.
  4. You were a great RND command! You helped me from the start when we worked together to improve and save RND from inactivity and I can say that you played a big part to save RND so I thankyou for that.
  5. +support - 50 RPM increase would be great.
  6. Warro you forgot to warn him the third time when jailing him after telling me you did. Please next tell me the correct information before requesting a ban. Well in this case +support should of only be a jail and a second warn.
  7. Clearly states on the MOTD that D-class are not allowed to spawn props at anytime.
  8. Warro told me he issued you a warning for the offence twice. and bazooka once.
  9. The evidence for me was on the logs he was spawning props multiple times on D-class.
  10. I only placed the ban after being told you were prop abusing three times. In addition on the staff handbook it states 3+ Prop Abuse/Prop Block or Prop Block of Spawn - Formal Warning + Ban (24 hours). However I did not witnessed but I was informed by 2 tmods @Warro @[GL] Bazooka so they should have the answers. Also the tmods said they already warned you multiple times, so I hope I wasn't miss informed.
  11. You were a great RND member squash good luck with whatever you do in the future.
  12. Dang

    Shotguns - Accepted

    +support - Shotguns are the meta right now and literally no other weapon can beat them accept the Negev. - AR are under powered and SMGs are terrible at this current moment. - Also the range on the shotguns are very broken at the moment and I recorded this clip earlier showing how far shotguns can shoot.https://medal.tv/clips/28711513/d1337lk2pnII, I know I wasn't on high health however at the start of the video you can see I was taking 30+ damage from the other side of d-block from a shotgun which doesn't make sense and shouldn't be the case. However with the right buffs and changes this hopefully this can be changed to a more realistic outcome. - However what I suggest is SMGs and ARs get a further buff to at least have a slight counter to shotguns. This could include a damage increase so you cannot just rush and use shotguns at long range without having a consequence.
  13. ACCEPTED Please request an FTO in the CI discord! Also if you need the CI discord DM me on discord Tank#5515.
  14. Dang

    CI Application

    ACCEPTED Please request an FTO in the CI discord! Also if you need the CI discord DM me on discord Tank#5515.
  15. + support - Just want to say if you want EXP to be more powerful you want to follow the meta of the server which is SHOTGUNS. I don't know why I am giving you advice lol but there you go.
  16. +support Model looks great!
  17. Literally high ranking MTF and utility are + supporting the suggestion, this suggestion is for multiple branches on the server not just CI.
  18. Dang

    Ci Applacation

    ACCEPTED Please request an FTO in the CI discord!
  19. big hassle to change the rule tbh.
  20. ACCEPTED Please request an FTO in the CI discord! Also if you need the CI discord DM me on discord.
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