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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/06/2020 in all areas

  1. +support Dissed the server and everyone on it. If he wants to never come back I say let his wish come true. Also, if you have something that makes you think he is an alt account, make a report on it And Ryan, there is NEVER an excuse to diss players/staff/server/ anyone. If there were false warns he is free to make a false warn report
    3 points
  2. While I haven’t been on this server in a long while this boy and I have gone back, through torture sessions and all he deserves this the most of anyone
    2 points
  3. What is your in-game name?: Naval Midshipman Slicerr What is your steam name?: vSlicerr PM What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:119977538 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) I have alot of experience with staffing, I have owned over 5 servers and staffed high ranks on over 15 servers. I know everything about ULX, lua, how to talk/calm people down What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) December 20th 2019 What date did you make your forums account? May 13, 2018 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank) User How many warns do you have on the server? 0 Have you donated? No What rank are you applying for? Trial-Mod Have you read the staff guidelines. You will be tested on it: Yes, I will read up on it everyday. Timezone: Eastern Standard Time Permission (Admin+ need this): Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I believe I deserve the rank of Trial-Mod because I really want to help the server grow and help people have better times while on the server. I also know a lot about staffing because I've owned over 5 servers and staffed high ranks on over 15 other servers. I know my way in and out of the ULX system and how to work with people if they are having a rough time or really angry or mingy. I also know how to code very well in lua if that means anything for this staff rank. I can be very serious in various situations and I can also be very funny and jokey when needed. I'm also very active on this server and will stay active for as long as I play garry's mod. I play this server usually all day from 11 AM to 2AM. I would consider myself to be a funny person but most of the time I am very serious. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? If someoene was Mass RDMing and cursing at me I would first talk to them and try to calm them down. If that doesn't stop them from cursing or provoking me or other people, I would then jail them for 3 minutes. If they don't leave the server after a little bit before 3 minutes, I would come back and see if they are calmer and more compliant. If they aren't complient and still cursing at me I would ban them for 2 to 6 months. I wouldn't perma ban the person because if they wanted to actually play on the server another time they could because you never know what people are going through. If the person calms down and listens to what I have to say, I would get his side of the story of what happened. If it isn't a good enough story to back him up I would get 1 or 2 people to testify for his guilt. If he is guilty I would ban him for 2 Months for his actions although leaving him time to learn from his or her's mistakes and maybe come back to the server later on in time to rp and have fun. If the 1 or 2 people I bring to testify say hes innocent, I would double check the logs to see if he got shot before RDMing people. If he was shot before RDMing, I would bring the person who shot him/her and ask why they shot them. If it was for no good reason I would give the player who shot the mass RDMer a verbal warning and let him go. I would then let the RDMer go off with a warning but keep a close eye on his logs. If he does anything else mingy I would ban him for 1-2 months. If nobody shot the RDMer before he shot someone, I would kick him. If he or she came back and did something bad and or the same thing again, I would ban the person for 2-4 months.
    1 point
  4. -/+ based on what's above but also want to point out that boozle is very dedicated to ci and spends numerous hours a day on ci
    1 point
  5. ACCEPTED Any signs of this being abused will mean it will get taken away
    1 point
  6. +Support Just stop fucking flare-gunning me.
    1 point
  7. From that one time I called you babe in TeamSpeak, I immediately knew how god-like you were. +Support from me.
    1 point
  8. +Support This man was a former gamemaster on clone wars rp. He was a great guy who knows a lot of lore. He is a good teacher and makes very good events.
    1 point
  9. @Ryan The Epic Guy He was not being targeted for same situation at all, Once time he rdmed me and had a shotgun as a hobo, then he shot at me again and a citizen so he was warned for ARDM / RDM and the word "Faggot" is offensive and sure that's what google says but that is more of a word now that is taken offensively. He also was not warned 5 times in 10 minutes when this situation happened, he was warned twice in under 5 minutes because he broke two different rules and was not the same situation and a whole different situation, also not to mention hes a ALT account as well but no proof of that but he did say it a while back in November. Also Ill like to add this https://prnt.sc/qjuuji The first one can be taken offensively, second one Cant so it is considered player diss.
    1 point
  10. +Support - Well written application - Experience when it comes to staffing - Active / Friendly You have good intentions and seem to be aiming to make the server a better place which is good to hear. The only issues I see is your application not having a poll and your forums activity. Make sure to keep the poll in mind for future staff applications should you choose to write them, and try to be more active on our forums. Good luck Dylan Bryan !
    1 point
  11. overall rating: +support +active -inactive on forms +seems nice +good app +has experience
    1 point
  12. +/- support No Poll which is bad never seen you has experience good app
    1 point
  13. +support People will always minge Presidents will invade iran
    1 point
  14. hahahahahahahhahahah no
    0 points
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