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The Addition of Omega-1 "Laws Left hand" - Denied


Should This be Added.  

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  1. 1. Should this be added

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MTF Ω-1 "Law's Left Hand"

Who are they:

MTF Omega-1 is a Mobile Task Force serving directly under the Ethics Committee. They are authorized to apprehend or eliminate high-ranking SCP Foundation personnel that have egregiously violated the Foundation Code of Ethics. Omega-1 is typically compared to MTF Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand", as they both exclusively serve elements of the Administrative Department.



Arrest of the false O5

After investigating the original SCiPnet file of SCP-4339, the Ethics Committee realized that Dr. Archibald, the head researcher of the SCP, used its effects to become the 14th O5 Council member. As a result, MTF Omega-1 was deployed to Site-01, where "O5-14" was arrested and demoted to Level 0 until his trial.[2]

Operation Black Dove

Junior Researcher Alan Raleigh blew the whistle on Site-36 director Lucius Danton and his abuse of power in early 2019, especially regarding SCP-4263 and obtaining several sources of off-the-record funds with 4263's power. After a 36-3-12 vote, the Ethics Committee deployed MTF Omega-1 on 13 April 2019 for Operation Black Dove, the goal being to apprehend Danton for his abuse of power. After battling Site-36 security and apprehending the senior staff, Danton merged with 4263 accidentally, being contained at the site he once directed.

Why they should be added:

I know your first thought would be "Oh god not another MTF Branch." But that is not how i want this to come across. The way i would want this ran is that you must be in Alpha-1 "Red Right Hand" and must be picked by ethics to join. In my eyes at least i don't see why we have RRH and not LLH its makes no sense to me. This would lead to so may RP scenarios and great Opportunity to the Foundation and Gaminglight. Another reason this should be added is that it gives RRH more RP because they now have to watch what they do or get into a gunfight with the LLH. Now in RP Lore they would have a LVL 6 Clearance but that can be change but I don't think it Should seeing that Ethics would be picking who goes into it. but with it being 6 SF/HTF would not be able to know who they are. Please give thought on why they should or shouldn't be added.

Models and Gear/Heath:

MTF Ω-1 "Law's Left Hand" Sheriff (There Salvus Unit)

Health/Armor: 250/200

Weapons: F200, Barrett M82, Mossberg 580, Rope Cuff, Frag, Flash Bang, Smoke, Armor Kit, Health Kit With being able to Buy charges. Cloak Swep. (These are Rough Suggestion what they could be, But all can be changed.)


MTF Ω-1 "Law's Left Hand" Deputy (There Guardian)

Health/Armor: 225/175

Weapons: L85, Chey-Tek, Rope Cuff, Frag, Flash bang, Health Kit (Can buy Charges).


MTF Ω-1 "Law's Left Hand" Evaluators (There Analysis)

Health/Armor: 175/150

Weapons: MP5,  Mossberg 580, Rope Cuff, Flash Bang, And all the usual stuff a researcher gets.


MTF Ω-1 "Law's Left Hand" Architect (There Engineer)

Health/Armor: 200/150

Weapons: m16A1 With Acog, p90, Rope Cuff, Smoke, C4 charges, Land Mines, Armor Kit with being able to buy charges.



Please Give thought and tell me what you think or Gives some Suggestions for a Model or Weapons or Health/Armor Changes.

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igneous is rolling in his metaphorical grave rn
In all seriousness this just looks like a RRH clone, doesn't seem like it would be anything interesting going on with it 

2 hours ago, GhostReaper_Eod said:

Weapons: L85, Chey-Tek

D5 wouldn't allow this lmao 




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4 minutes ago, PlantBruh said:

igneous is rolling in his metaphorical grave rn
In all seriousness this just looks like a RRH clone, doesn't seem like it would be anything interesting going on with it 

D5 wouldn't allow this lmao 






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I'm intrested in it but the idea of LV 6 seems over the top to me yes they do have more authority than RRH working for the Ethics commite however that seems like way to much power for the class I get they cant arm the nuke but this means the only class that could check their IDs would have to be really high up heck I thought level 5 was over the top for RRH as well. But at the same time I would like O1 to be a real branch in the future the only thing is that this needs a lot more refinement before it can be made real so my current thought on this is -/+Support.


Edit: just clarify by refinement I mean try to get them their own special abilities and not just be an RRH clone with a higher Clearence make it unique theses classes should be an upgrade for the RRH varients not just copies.

Last Edit I swere: So after some consideration I am switching to a -/+ support as I like thing about this but like I said needs refinement. I do like the idea of it being picked from SFs and not spplied for I will say that however yeah I still dont like the level 6 clearence so like like it but it needs a lot more improvement first.

Edited by purple2005

Current: Director Of Containment

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+support so some things can be changed by this suggestion again its just to give them an idea. Omega one is a very cool MTF branch that could be select from other SF [they select SF from SF] or just have them be an sub branch of RRH, clearnce level they should just have level 5 keycard, but they would have more authority over RRH

Former E11 Captain, D5 Sergeant, V1 [EOI], CI LT,  and Nu7 LT
Current E11 LCPL|Riot Shield Abuser|Cloak hater

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This is some cool ideas that can come off of Omega-1, However i feel like the "Deputy" shouldn't have a Health Kit if they are going to be like the Guardians of Red Right Hand and give the Medkit to the "Evaluators" since Engineers are the people who come from Maintenance/Medical. It would kind of lose the point of having a job that can heal/fix armor or ppl.


Secondly I do agree with Triziums point. I know weapon exclusively sounds stupid however the branch owner has paid for that weapon to be apart of Gamma-9 and seeing it on another job takes away that exclusivity from that branches Special Forces and this goes for all Special Forces. For example, Gamma-9 has a mostly exclusive weaponry at there arsenal which includes the Heir Apparent, Blast Furnace, and finally the Cheytac. HTF has the Erad & Freedom SR as weapon exclusivitys, and STF has the Volk. And lastly E4 have the Trek-50 which will soon change to a DMR (I'm pretty sure the DMR is exclusive to E4). 

If you can find a weapon that can be exclusive for Law's Left Hand itself, then I don't mind at all as every SF needs weapon exclusivity.

The Third Thing is how do people get to be apart of Law's Left Hand, is it chosen by the Ethics Committee and Hand Picked and does it take a life. There is alot of concerns I have for this job. 


I will -/+ support this for now. As this is an enticing idea and can be laid out into something better


-MTF D5 VCMDR Shadows

MTF Delta-5: OFTO CMDR Shadows SHDW, G9  GT1, DO Agent New York, CTF ODIR Polaris OC01, Overseer Raptor Operative/Creator of Raptor Operative's  MTF Alpha-1 COL Ghost | OH-1 Guardian Squadron/Salvus Unit Sierra 11 (1st Salvus) | A-1 Guardian Sierra-11
Imperial Commandos: MAJ 0939 Shadows, SSVL, HCO, IC-4461: Maroon, ES-04 | Purge Troopers/Inquisitorious: CPL Shadows SH39 , Apprentice IV Shadows

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I feel like I should state that the main idea of this post was to get the idea out. Nothing in this post is for sure it can all be changed. And yes I do think that branch weapons are a bit dumb I can understand why because oh what they had to go though to get those guns. And with this, this branch it is very similar to RRH in terms of its purpose, and yes lvl 6 is a bit much and could be lowered to 5.

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Massive - Support

In this server Ethics is given to SMT (Senior Management Team) and is already above 05, So i Don't Think Adding another RP Rank/Job above RRH's n O5's authority will work out.

 "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God" ~ Isaiah 41:10
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Omega-1 should only be added if Ethics becomes a joinable branch, Ethics pretty much is just a job for SMT to mess around on.


 Security Colonel Warden Legate Juggernaut Enforcer Research Administrator M.A.D. Site Operations Chief RRA Professor / MTF Delta-5 'Front Runners' Captain Veteran Raptor Operative / Internal Affairs Agency Assistant Director MTF Nu-7 'Hammer Down' Captain / Covert Agent / Deputy Head Field Training Officer / UN Global Occult Coalition Corporal Combat Medic Tactical Paramedic R&D Scientist  Marksman Recon Specialist / MTF Alpha-1 'Red Right Hand' Major Enforcer Squadron Lead

"We are the first line of defense. We are the first responders tasked to save those in danger. We have the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of all staff members. Because of that, you are the bravest men I have ever had the honor to serve with.”

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We don't need more MTF branches, there is already heavy competition between Nu-7, D5, and E-11. 

We also don't need another RRH, we already have a branch for that. Not to mention there is not enough Ethics to justify them having their own group. Current Ethics: 4, Current SA: 12

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5 hours ago, Hex-G said:

We also don't need another RRH, we already have a branch for that. Not to mention there is not enough Ethics to justify them having their own group. Current Ethics: 4, Current SA: 12

Don't think this as another branch think of it like a RRH Sub-Branch where when Ethics is on and they have selected They can protect them and run Ethics Check.

And Another Thing is when you get SMT you really don't get a lot of RP and i think this is a way for them to get back into some RP so we may get SMT longer. And no i'm not sucking up to SMT i just thought this would be a Good Idea and give a lot of RP.

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Since Ethics are given to SMT, they really shouldn't step into roleplay-related situations much in the first place unless they have to. Adding this would simply encourage that to occur far more frequently than it already does. On top of not really serving a purpose, it just adds another sub-branch for people to power trip with that isn't too hard to get into.

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Really cool idea but it i dont see how it would work out since ethics isnt really a job that regular players get only staff members, and they dont really do much. That being said this a great idea (even if I think RRH is better) and could be implemented if for some reason the Ethics Committee were ever made into a obtainable RP Rank. 

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Retired Nu7 Captain/Maintenance OM

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Overall just an RRH clone but for ethics and that's the problem, ethics committee is an SMT job, might 99% cause people to power trip and often ask for things to their VIP. Not to say but since SMTs main job isn't to roleplay and half of the times they are on the server it's for some other reason this job would be quite useless. I once joined a server that had both jobs and from my very few days I already noticed how those 2 branches were at each others throat.

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EX Head Of Staff SCP-RP | CI will forever be in my heart. 1/15/21 - 8/1/22 (CI CMDR Cosmic ITLY)

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As everyone said it's like an RRH clone but aside from that it just adds an additional branch that just seems like a big mess to handle and add to the server just for the player count on the jobs to more than likely be low. As cool as it seems there are better efforts to be placed into among the other individual branches

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2 hours ago, K I W I said:

As everyone said it's like an RRH clone but aside from that it just adds an additional branch that just seems like a big mess to handle and add to the server just for the player count on the jobs to more than likely be low. As cool as it seems there are better efforts to be placed into among the other individual branches


Former Ranks: Medical AHOMSSEC Major AJG WL LucillaD5 Vice CommanderCI R&D Archivist DHBICI Lieutenant Colonel


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On 12/20/2022 at 6:00 PM, Hex-G said:


We don't need more MTF branches, there is already heavy competition between Nu-7, D5, and E-11. 

We also don't need another RRH, we already have a branch for that. Not to mention there is not enough Ethics to justify them having their own group. Current Ethics: 4, Current SA: 12


Demonically Inspired ..Nu7 CMDR rem love GIF


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