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PC's Senior Gamemaster Application


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In-game name:




Current RP rank on StarWarsRP:


How long have you been Gamemaster:

since — 24/01/2022.

Have you received any strikes (please give reasons if applicable):

I have not received any.

How much time do you have on the server?:

i have 3 weeks on the server.

How well do you know the LORE?

I would say i know the lore of star wars somewhat thoroughly as i have watched all the the series and movies.

Why do you WANT to become a Senior Gamemaster?:

As i've started taking a liking to the Game master position i currently hold i wish to do more for the player base and for the server itself, by applying for this positions i wish to do more and help out where help is most needed within SGM team. Another reason why I would like to become a SGM is because I would like to assist the GM team in more ways than I currently am able to. As of this point the GM team would need as much help as it can, I would like to be able to help the team improve. I also would like to get more hands on in team building exercises that will allow for dup's sharing and more on stuff that the GM team is unaware of, such as small this that can easily improve the members Standing with him/her self in the Gm team, this is something i would love to do as i want to see the same GM remain in the team.

Why should you be trusted to be a Senior Game Master?:

I stand by the saying actions speak louder than words and i hope my actions have spoken louder then anything i've said, i will continue to purse this. A better reason of why I can be trusted with the position is because with the short span of time that i have put into the team i have grown through the ranks and now i only wish to help it, i try to keep myself away from anything that can cause my rank jeopardy as well as this i try to make sure that the SOP is followed and that i follow it myself. Lastly a better reason why I can be trusted is because I always put all my effort into my events and dupes as I always focus on quality events that people can enjoy, i Given my Events a decent amount of time panning so that they don't flop, I tend to create new Off-ship maps for events so everything is new to the players.

Have you mastered ULX?:

In my time as staff i have mastered the ULX system.

Are you experienced with planning Mega Events?:

I would say i am, i have made a "Mega" event in the past and have documents up and ready just need to act on them.

Give an example of a mega event: 


Part One - The hidden soldier

The ISD-GL, has a mishap as it hyperspaced to Endor where a new admiral presents himself, admiral Nepenin the admiral says that he’s come to take over the ISD-GL and plans on taking it as quickly as possible.

The ISD-GL battles it out with huge losses happening the protection to the EC fumbles and a few rebels get in and break the systems, the ISD-GL personnel are forced to jump ship to the light cruiser too quickly gather up, reorganizing and doing a headcount during this time the naval will be asking for a new ISD to support, the troops and naval head back to the new ISD to gather the forces to attack the outpost on Endor.

Admiral Nepenin flies to the planet surface in anticipation for an attack, the base a Hanger type of base the rebels use to counter attack many of which caused a lot of damage to the empire.

This part should take up to 30 min

Part Two - Anticipation 
Admiral Nepenin flies to the planet surface in anticipation for an attack, the base a Hanger type of base the rebels use to counter attack many of which caused a lot of damage to the empire, the troops land on the planet and get met with a lot of fire from the trees, pushing through the rayshield to meet the admiral standing on a platform as a hologram, another ship hyperspaces in and starts to drop, drop pods which the troops have to engage,

This battle will not only be on the planet but in AS as well to give it a feel of attacking a strong outpost and give it a more immersive feel. Then with the defeat of the ship and admiral Nepenin the troops will have some stragglers to defeat. 30 min on the planet.

^this is a ruff idea not a full story 

How active can you be:

I can be as active as possible, it can definitely hover around this point now.

Edited by MR PC
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11 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

- Fantastic GM.

- a little strict in behavior but nothing bad. 

- dose good Events 

- and alot of them at that

Good luck 👍




   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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13 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

- Fantastic GM.

- a little strict in behavior but nothing bad. 

- dose good Events 

- and alot of them at that

Good luck 👍




ImperialRP SMT & Head Admin

Former Marshal Commander

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 - My main reason for supporting this application is his activity and dedication to GM,
I pay attention to the gm activity logs and gm event claims and he has done his best to
keep those activities going which is really important.
- Helpful 
- Active
- Quality Events
Wish you good luck!


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23 hours ago, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

- Fantastic GM.

- a little strict in behavior but nothing bad. 

- dose good Events 

- and alot of them at that

Good luck 👍




Ex. Grand Inquisitor   / Ex. Lead Administrator / Ex. High Command / Ex. Support Advisor /  Ex. Senior Diplomat

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On 2/18/2022 at 7:34 PM, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

- Fantastic GM.

- a little strict in behavior but nothing bad. 

- dose good Events 

- and alot of them at that

Good luck 👍




Taught me a lot about GM as soon as I joined! Great teacher, chill guy, VERY active and dedicated to Gamemaster! Single-Handedly carries Special Forces missions! 

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On 2/18/2022 at 6:34 PM, Darth Zefer said:

+ support 

- Fantastic GM.

- a little strict in behavior but nothing bad. 

- dose good Events 

- and alot of them at that

Good luck 👍




Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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Huge + support. 

- extremely active (does at least 1 or 2 events every day)

- Pleasent to work with as event host or character

- Makes good maps for different type of events 

- Friendly person 

- Creative 

Good luck!





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On 2/18/2022 at 5:34 PM, Zefer said:

+ support 

- Fantastic GM.

- a little strict in behavior but nothing bad. 

- dose good Events 

- and alot of them at that

Good luck 👍




Former: Pyke Underboss, Shock VCMDR, RG COL/SHG Lead, Agent Kallus, Admin, GMIII.

Current: Lord Kat.

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On 2/19/2022 at 9:32 AM, (GL) Abumi said:

 - My main reason for supporting this application is his activity and dedication to GM,
I pay attention to the gm activity logs and gm event claims and he has done his best to
keep those activities going which is really important.
- Helpful 
- Active
- Quality Events
Wish you good luck!



Former: Imperial Lord Darth Vader | DT Senior Commander WH0

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On 2/23/2022 at 2:28 PM, Bub said:

Huge + support. 

- extremely active (does at least 1 or 2 events every day)

- Pleasent to work with as event host or character

- Makes good maps for different type of events 

- Friendly person 

- Creative 

Good luck!






Current: Shock PVT | Nothing

 Former: Shock VCMDR, Chief Medical Overseer(CMO), Admiral Garrick Versio, ARC JTO 1SGT Nex, Original ArK TrooVA, 
ISB Major General Nex (GM VIII)


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On 2/19/2022 at 6:32 AM, (GL) Abumi said:

 - My main reason for supporting this application is his activity and dedication to GM,
I pay attention to the gm activity logs and gm event claims and he has done his best to
keep those activities going which is really important.
- Helpful 
- Active
- Quality Events
Wish you good luck!



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On 2/19/2022 at 8:32 AM, (GL) Abumi said:

 - My main reason for supporting this application is his activity and dedication to GM,
I pay attention to the gm activity logs and gm event claims and he has done his best to
keep those activities going which is really important.
- Helpful 
- Active
- Quality Events
Wish you good luck!



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