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Rice report- Denied


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1. Your In-game: Manjini


2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:513564410


3. The admin's name in-game: Rice 


4. The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] Joshi


5. What did the admin do: 

The following report is on SMT member Rice.
The report will include the following - Abuse of power and Leaking information
(Both SMT and HC)

Each piece of evidence will be provided along with a brief explanation.

First Section of the Report - Abuse of Power



JMT member Jaeger was Rocketed even though all he was doing was notifying a HA that they were ALT accounting. The response being rocketed made no sense, he did not deal with the situation until later on despite Jaeger informing him.

Second Piece of Evidence


The clip is self-explanatory - Rice is shown spawning an entity that blows up upon spawning, dealing massive damage and killing almost instantly.

Just like the screenshot provided by ex Lead Admin Jaeger, they would be rocketed/killed in some way or form.

These two pieces of evidence are a few of dozen, there have been multiple instances of abuse of power. However, these are the only ones that I am able to present to you today.


Second Section of the Report - Leaking information.

I would like to start off by stating a rule that is within HC.
(HC Equiv on SCP would be Site Admin and PD High Command)
Any leaking of information within HC (This includes screenshots / Leaking what is said in the  HC chats) results in instant removal from their position and a command blacklist. The following leaks do not only include HC information, it includes leaking of SMT information as well. Any type of breach in security, such as leaking important information that only HC or SMT should not, should not be tolerated.


Leaking of HC Information

Before showing the following clip, I will be providing context behind it.

Manjini is asking Rice, who would be the next Vice Commander of the Inferno Squad Battalion. Due to Rice being SMT, he has access to all the chats within HC, in which they made a decision for the IF member “Gold Roger’ To be accepted into the VCMDR position.

The only two candidates for IF VCMDR were Neptune and Gold Roger.

In the Clip, Manjini asks Rice how does he know that Neptune is getting the position, Rice replies with “He’s not” Indicating that it would be Gold Roger to receive the position, which he did.

Video -

This was also leaked to Ex Lead Admin member Jaeger. Once Rice leaked the information to Jaeger, he notified SMT.

Rice told Manjini that Gold Roger would be getting the position on 1/20/22

There was a vote in High-Command_navy chat on 1/17/22 for either Gold Roger or neptune to receive the position. It was decided on the same day that Gold Roger would receive the position


This can be testified by both jaeger and Nimo. Nimo received a report from Jaeger about rice leaking the HC chat to him, which jaeger stated that gold roger would be getting it.

The rest of the video is not concerning in terms of leaking info, but he does slander another member of SMT (HoS Nimo) calling him Racist, Homophobic, and Ableist which ties in with the following video.

The following video -

With both the statement slandering Nimo and this statement saying that He will be going for HoS Since nimo “won’t last long” is something that is extremely concerning.

Leaking of SMT information

The following DMs are with Keegan and Rice.
Though the screenshot is self-explanatory, Keegan was not given the rank of AHGM (Assistant head GM, equiv to Event Team Co-Lead)

He says that he wanted Keegan to get the position over the other candidate, Mando. Leaking that despite his efforts to have Keegan has AHGM, it was denied by someone above him in the ranks.


Second Piece of Evidence

Along with the leaks of high command chats, there has been leaks of Click up. Rice has told Manjini what is on his staff card, leaking the fact that I, Manjini have a DNP, who it was by, and how “long” it is.

Though I cannot confirm that this is true, only SMT can, he has leaked to me saying the following

“Your DNP is by Zeeptin and you won’t be going above senior moderator”


6. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):

Evidence Provided above.


7. What do you believe should happen to the admin:

Due to the evidence provided above, showing both leaks in information and abuse of power, it should result in a removal from his current position of SMT.


8. Any extra information:

Thank you for reading this report in full, I implore everybody to be completely unbiased when reviewing the information.

EX-Star fighter Marshall

EX-NCM Secretary


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With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former: Grand Inquisitor   Lead Admin
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I like Rice but have to support this, GamingLight has had a lot of abusive staff members on the server. Rocketting people for no reason, hanging people from walls and from the roof is something that has been going on for years. Its very rare that is reported, because people are afraid of what might happen. 

Overall: The evidence provided 100% proof staff abuse, however it kinda feels like the guy in the youtube video is setting him up? Idk im not sure how they come to talk of the things, but either way, the SMT member clearly abuses powers and broke many rules, which is jncanny for a person in such position, it should’nt happen.


have a good weekend 🙂

  • Gaminglight Love 1

| Ex DT S06/DT CPT DK0 | Ex 501st ARC JTL 3010 COL Gustav | EU 




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I can confirm that Yes, Rice has leaked multiple things to people out of SMT and High Command. As he has leaked SMT "Secrets" to me as a JMT Member aswell. This being a New rank being implemented into GM. Obvisouly I wont go into detail but I was given this information in a Private Channel in TS with Rice. As the reason was that He didnt want MANDO to have full control over GM.

Rice has been a known abuser of his powers and along with has been known to shit-talk people behind there backs and look into chats he wasent supposed to with his SMT rank to give people insider information.

Overall he should be removed from his SMT rank

  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former: Darth Vader

Former: Super Administrator | Forum Diplomat | Support Advisor

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4 minutes ago, Gustav said:


I like Rice but have to support this, GamingLight has had a lot of abusive staff members on the server. Rocketting people for no reason, hanging people from walls and from the roof is something that has been going on for years. Its very rare that is reported, because people are afraid of what might happen. 

Overall: The evidence provided 100% proof staff abuse,


  • Gaminglight Love 1

Former Starfighter Vice Marshall

Reserved Starfighter Group Captain

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12 minutes ago, Gustav said:


I like Rice but have to support this, GamingLight has had a lot of abusive staff members on the server. Rocketting people for no reason, hanging people from walls and from the roof is something that has been going on for years. Its very rare that is reported, because people are afraid of what might happen. 

Overall: The evidence provided 100% proof staff abuse, however it kinda feels like the guy in the youtube video is setting him up? Idk im not sure how they come to talk of the things, but either way, the SMT member clearly abuses powers and broke many rules, which is jncanny for a person in such position, it should’nt happen.


have a good weekend 🙂


  • Gaminglight Love 1
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26 minutes ago, Jaeger. said:


With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.


1 minute ago, MrPickle said:


I can confirm that Yes, Rice has leaked multiple things to people out of SMT and High Command. As he has leaked SMT "Secrets" to me as a JMT Member aswell. This being a New rank being implemented into GM. Obvisouly I wont go into detail but I was given this information in a Private Channel in TS with Rice. As the reason was that He didnt want MANDO to have full control over GM.

Rice has been a known abuser of his powers and along with has been known to shit-talk people behind there backs and look into chats he wasent supposed to with his SMT rank to give people insider information.

Overall he should be removed from his SMT rank


+Support. I've had a lot of conversations with Rice where he told me many things, he shouldn't be saying to me as an SMT member.


Here he initiated a discussion shitting on HGM Seaman.



Here he leaked (twice) the HGM chat to me!





Here he leaked conversations with Hotshot to me about the poor performance of Mel, and admitting to using Krennic only to mess with DT!



46 minutes ago, Marshall Manjini said:


And not to mention this picture! Which was sent to me out of the blue saying things that an SMT should not say to someone who got passed up for a position!


If this only the stuff sent to me, imagine what else he has sent/leaked to others!

  • Thanks 1

Removed General Keegan

Former Medical Senior Commander Keegan 4571

Former ImperialRP Senior Admin

Former ImperialRP Senior Gamemaster

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Based on the evidence shown it is clear that rice has been abusing his rank in order to gain advantage for other people that he likes. This is definitely a problem in regards to maintaining a safe and non bias environment. Lastly, having this kind of abusive relationship does not help the power dynamic between SMT and regular players. SMT should be people we look up to for the highest standard. 👍

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+ support 

This has been a thing with just about every SMT for pretty my entire time being in Gaminglight. 

Someone gets the Rank and then they just go Crazy with it. Notably people like Luci and Rice think just cause they are SMT it gives them amenity to break the rules freely. 

Some JMT do this to but it's mostly the SMT who are the culprits of this kind of issue. 

In my opinion Stricter rules need to be placed on JMT+ to prevent abusive power. 

SCP/Medical Senior-Command/Manager/Head of Field Work 




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1 hour ago, Jaeger. said:


With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.

I wish this wasn't true, but i guess it is...

Former Stormtrooper Captain
Former Nova Commander Comet 
Former Admin | Former GM Tick X


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1 hour ago, Jaeger. said:


With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.

RIP man, I like you rice, but unfortunately the evidence is all there...


   Former: Grand General / Havoc Commander / ST Vice Commander

EX Imperial Army Branch Representative.

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1 hour ago, MrPickle said:


I can confirm that Yes, Rice has leaked multiple things to people out of SMT and High Command. As he has leaked SMT "Secrets" to me as a JMT Member aswell. This being a New rank being implemented into GM. Obvisouly I wont go into detail but I was given this information in a Private Channel in TS with Rice. As the reason was that He didnt want MANDO to have full control over GM.

Rice has been a known abuser of his powers and along with has been known to shit-talk people behind there backs and look into chats he wasent supposed to with his SMT rank to give people insider information.

Overall he should be removed from his SMT rank

I'm sorry to hear Manjini that someone really did this to you, but Rice seemed like a good man but at the end of the day we learned something new, and I can say that Rice has targeted me with anything that had to do with Staff/in game RP .

Edited by KitChan


30 Second Darth Vader Kio

Stepped down General Kio |  Retired Dupe Builder for Army/Navy High Command | Last Ever Nova Senior Commander | Retired Assistant Head GameMaster | Admin | ST Vice Commander Revenant

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4 hours ago, Jaeger. said:


With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.


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8 hours ago, Jaeger. said:


With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.


Police RP (retired): Staff | PD Major | SWAT MSGT

Imperial RP (retired): Naval Commodore | Staff & Gamemaster

Military RP (retired): USMC Captain | DI LT | kamikaze pilot

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9 hours ago, Jaeger. said:


With the screenshot I provided, I contacted Rice several times that there was an individual Alt Accounting, I told him 4 times and he only stopped ignoring me when I did it in Admin chat, and not in PMs

+ Rice has leaked MULTIPLE things that he should not of. He leaked both SMT and HC information, he did leak to me that Gold Roger was getting VCMDR, I reported this quickly to Bop and Nimo.

+ Rice Would constantly Spawn in Entity's to harm other players he did this as a SA proving that he never learnt and continued to abuse his powers and shown by these Clips.

Rice would abuse his powers multiple times, a lot on me as well, it made me not want to be on the server when he was on. Though I had a few reason as to why I resigned, one of the main reasons for my resignation is that someone like him is in the position of SMT.


Retired Starfighter Corps Marshall


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15 hours ago, MrPickle said:


I can confirm that Yes, Rice has leaked multiple things to people out of SMT and High Command. As he has leaked SMT "Secrets" to me as a JMT Member aswell. This being a New rank being implemented into GM. Obvisouly I wont go into detail but I was given this information in a Private Channel in TS with Rice. As the reason was that He didnt want MANDO to have full control over GM.

Rice has been a known abuser of his powers and along with has been known to shit-talk people behind there backs and look into chats he wasent supposed to with his SMT rank to give people insider information.

Overall he should be removed from his SMT rank


Ex: Seventh Sister and Second Sister

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+with the evidence shown in this report and with the reply from keegan it has shown that rice is not only leaking information to people

+but also leaking information about choices on who is gonna get what rank should not go outside of HCs chat. 


+ he has clearly shown he is not fit for his position and for the GM Teams sake it is best if something is done. about the current situation.

+ And also to be leaking information to a previous SGM about the AHGM performance is not a good look on him. 

+"Even if he was doing bad it shouldn't be leaked it  should remain private."

+I cant say what should happen to him because I will leave that up to the SMT Team to decide.

PS: I hope this will not affect my rank I'm GM in anyway for plus supporting this but I must do what I can do that is best for the GM Team. i may only Be a SGM but i still can help in alot of ways but this is gonna put a bed reputation on us if this is allowed to continue."



  • Like 1

-IC CMDR 1138 Boss -Senior Admin  -Senior Gamemaster 


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Imma leave these here.0A80DE93-EA59-474D-B0BC-0B1987ACF43D.thumb.png.ffb83b54a058288c05accd6b054cd198.png7FEF1DCD-51E9-497E-AAD3-0800AED21F71.thumb.png.fe714220e2d9e8ebd487c1877e4626c6.png



just proof this has been a problem for quite awhile. 

Last-Senior Commander Iden Versio (First IF SharpShooter Overseer, Last Commander ID10,Team Chestbox Gang)

Founder of the Gaminglight Christian Alliance Ex-Super Admin SawickM/Forum Diplomat/Supportspacer.png

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On 2/12/2022 at 1:52 PM, (GL) Abumi said:


Based on the evidence shown it is clear that rice has been abusing his rank in order to gain advantage for other people that he likes. This is definitely a problem in regards to maintaining a safe and non bias environment. Lastly, having this kind of abusive relationship does not help the power dynamic between SMT and regular players. SMT should be people we look up to for the highest standard. 👍


Current: Outside enjoyer

Ex: Tenn Graneet/Vice Admiral || Purge BTO CSM Daddy || E-11 SFC MageZX || Security SGT MageZX || GM III || DT HVE 1SG SK3

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  • Manager

Based on the evidence provided and the admins response in SMT conversations, the claims are subjective at best. In addition, its obvious that a couple of these clips are clear attempts to baiting said admin into saying what the user wants, meaning the validity of them are questionable. Many of the replies and worded explanations are hopes in that we just take their word for it, instead of clear evidence. Moreover, discussing personal opinions against other players in private chats/dm's is not grounds for removal, if that was the case then half of the community would be gone. 

Also, Manjini has been aware of his DNP, both Hotshot and Zeeptin have told him

However, although no removal will happen, these concerns will be noted in-case any future issues with said admin arise.

  • Gaminglight Love 1
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