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Everything posted by Spection

  1. You disrespected me and ignored me. I told you about 4 times not to come back into the SRT/SWAT base after I was already dealing with a minge and the car dealer. I then warned and minged you for 5 minutes. About 10 minutes later after I come back at spawn you were causing issues and trying to fight about the same reason. I said a few words and then you told me to Shut the FU## up and called me a few disrespectful terms. I then warned and minged you for a half hour I believe. You then were spamming admin chat asking to get unminged and I told you serval times to spamming the admin chat as you were not saying anything useful and said more disrespectful things to me in the admin chat. I see you have left out a lot of details. Now if you're really going to appeal this. Why would you lie about the situation? You claimed you were in an admin sit but no admin was present at the moment. If there was an admin dealing with you he would have seen me with you or bring you back. This full situation would have never happened if you didn't enter the SRT/SWAT base 4 times. After me telling you not to enter 4 times before physgunning you out each time.
  2. It wasn't a permaban it was 4 weels
  3. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  4. I wasn't in RP, I was adding a car to the car dealer for SRT
  5. There should be a limits of gas
  6. -Support -That's part of the reason of why we have tac units
  7. Denied Sorry, you can longer appeal this warn because it is over 3 months despite it being false.
  8. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  9. I want to see that but haven't got the chance
  10. Well that sucks. I get I don't need to buy GTA 5 anymore. Hopfully one day we could reopen it.
  11. Gas should only be used in very low success rate situations like a very hard to raid base. Gas masks shouldn't be available to criminals because that's backup when the government can't breach.
  12. Spection


    As long as this doesn't occur often or repeatedly, its alright
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