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Everything posted by Spection

  1. Accepted He will be minged and warned
  2. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  3. Denied More evidence needs to be provided
  4. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  5. Spection

    False Warn

    Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  6. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  7. Denied -No evidence is shown
  8. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  9. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  10. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  11. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  12. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  13. Not really sure why people think he looks like scare but okay....
  14. Accepted  Go into the ban panel ( at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it. 
  15. -Support -You didn't read the staff handbook -We already have the best manager and only need 1 -All reasons above -Your not fit for such a high powerful position
  16. I just want to say I am thankful for being staff at Gaminglight for 1 year and 3 days. That is crazy to think about. I am just thankful for SMT+ keeping me and having such a long fun experience.
  17. +Support -Reasons above -The evadance is vaild and clear
  18. +Support -The warning admin called it false -Next time just wait a few more seconds before using the NPC
  19. No admins+ can warn off duty for obvious rule in fractures -Support -You NLRed
  20. +Support -You can only warn lower ranking staff unless you have SMTs permission -Next time please put down what you said to him so more feedback could be decided
  21. +Support -Admin claims it is false -False warn -You should be allowed to shoot if high command is -buses and trucks are automatically code red
  22. -Support -no vaild proof of anything
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