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Everything posted by Spection

  1. Spection

    Serious Rp

    +support I would love to see a SeriousRP because of how much lacking of roleplay is in PoliceRP. It would divide are playerbase but they would both continue to grow again. It would be a great experience. However, it would have different features and functions to it. It wouldn't have all the departments and ranks. It would probably have crafting systems too. It might be whitelist only if minges come over.
  2. Congrats dude thats a big achievement!
  3. Roaster and Discord finished!
  4. -Support -Please add more information to support your statement
  5. Denied DDOS are NOT allowed at Gaminglight no matter what!
  6. The Rockford Cafe Disclaimer: This is a roleplay organization and NOT a family. We will only accept people that are trusted. Manager: Spection Assistant Manager: Rhenic Advisory Manager: N/A Welcome to the Rockford Cafe. We are now hiring and would like to increase roleplay. We offer drinks and ball pong for money! We have several roles you can apply for such as the following, bouncer, waiter, and chef. These individual roles all have different aspects of how you serve here at the Rockford Cafe. If you were recently hired you will go through a quick demonstration and training of how to work. We will have discounts when we are having a good flow of customers. Staff will get paid based on their performance and on the flow rate of customers. The only time shift will start is when a Manager and/or Assistant Manager spawns in the cafe dupe. Meetings will be held soon once we get everything settled. Chef - Mix the drinks and wash the used cups. You will only stay in the back and hand drinks to the waiters Waiters - Collect the money from customers before serving them. Bouncers - Escort unwanted customers and visitors, assist with helping ball pong. Roaster: Click Here! Discord: Invite Link Apply Here: Application More information will be posted!
  7. Denied This can't happen because we have no database system. Also, it was added so you could see it. Otherwise, it wouldn't be a feature.
  8. Inactive custom classes getting removed could reduce lag, however, the custom classes are permanent when bought.
  9. Denied No appeal for DDOS threats, DDOS threats are when you threaten to crash or put down the server, it has nothing to do with minging or being a minge.
  10. +support It would look cool and keep the forums more active
  11. -Support -Its just a face reveal which would simply go into the general discussion section
  12. Spection

    Activity notice

    Alright ill put that down
  13. XD well that makes sense. I feel bad for the guy on the bottom
  14. Accepted  Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  15. Accepted  Go into the ban panel (at the top it says ban) sign in, go to your profile, go to your warn and click appeal. fill the information out and in the description put the link to this in it.
  16. -Support A server meeting wouldn't do much. We do community meetings to address what is coming to Gaminglight. People would continue to roleplay as the same way they currently are. However, if you would like to see a serious RP in the future, then feel free to make a suggestion
  17. When do you announce the winner?
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