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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. Please stop arguing and replying to your own application.
  2. +/-Support -Semi-Active (from my view might be timezones) -Decent Application. -You only have 1 Forums post if you want the position of Commander i suggest getting the forums activity up. -But Overall you are a pretty nice guy ive had mostly good conversations with you.
  3. As Bacon worked under me for a while i can definetly say he takes everything pretty serious and is really dedicated +Support
  4. +Support -Active -Experienced -Good Application -Deserves SNR Agent
  5. You got a Point there
  6. Damn im gonna miss you stone one of the best! I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do in the future man.
  7. As Phill said 106/343 Is a reasonable blacklist but 939 seems a bit too harsh in my opinion.
  8. Why? Like everytime i hear him he Sounds Like he is sick and its confusing me (also the Titel Rhymes lmao)
  9. ^^^ Exactlyy if Someone pours in milk First they are Just Not human lmao
  10. Imagine living in florida you already know germany gang gang shit
  11. I just hate the fact that you said this "stop sts from ruining the server with racial slurs"
  13. Alexxxx

    Player Report

    I was there so i saw it +support
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