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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. +Support -Trusted. -Azir Is a really nice guy to talk to. -Good Application. -Also a good staff member. Good Luck Azir!
  2. I mean makes sense. But I would just like to say RIGs have their weapons out when escorting a Researcher and Its annoying constantly getting hit/cuffed by 912 (RIGs are Combatants) Can we atleast change that 912 is not allowed to hit any RIG Units that have their weapons out when escorting a Researcher ?
  3. 3rd time re applying for GM Smh this sully guy
  4. +/-Support Till I know why you got banned I will stay with my support.
  5. @[AU] Vietnam Crusader manNow you gotta give reading access
  6. @[AU] Vietnam Crusader manMight wanna fix that thats the RnD test format
  7. Wait I didnt expect this at all. Its sad to see you go beanz Thanks for being a great 05 but even a better Person. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do in the future beanz
  8. Agreed he Just has enough experience +Support
  9. +Support Even If it wouldnt get used much I believe it would make a good addition.
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