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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. -Support I will keep my -Support till you actually follow the format and till you put actual effort into this.
  2. Ah! Its this guy! Hey my man! We all miss you you should come back ngl!
  3. Sad to see you go man but cya on discord man! lmao you really did a funny
  4. -Support -You are a pretty nice dude if im being honest here but you got VCMDR 8 days ago and in my opinion you just need a bit more experience and time sry man but i really do think that you can get the position of Commander in the future you really would do anything for 501st. Good luck tough!
  5. -Support -Bad Application seems really rushed. -I dont see you online that often. -I havent had that many Conversations with you so i really dont know if you are fit for this position or not Good Luck tough!
  6. In-game name?: Alexx. Steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:186567623. What is your ULX Rank?: User. What is your RP Rank?: Currently i am a Seargent in the Chaos Insurgency and a Nu7 Recruit. What is your timezone?: Central European Time. How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): I would say that my knowledge about the SCP Universe is about a 8-9.I have been following the SCP Universe for a couple years now. I know a lot about the lore and the SCPs itself I also have been watching Youtube channels that go into more detail about each SCPs due to it interesting me a lot. Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Yes, I am very experienced in Event Planning as i am a Gamemaster on the Gaminglight Imperial RP server for about 3 Month now. Thats why i would call myself fairly experienced. How Active are you? (1-10): About an 8 I would say. I would be more active i believe. It would even reach up to 10 but due to me having responsibilty as a Vice commander on the Imperial RP server of Gaminglight i cant be the most most active. (But i am online alot) How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers): I only have 1 warn and I got that 1 warn on the Imperial RP server. Why should we allow you to be a Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I believe you should trust me with the position of Event team is because I am trusted as I have been given a lot of Positions that take a lot of responsibilitys and require a lot of trust. For Example I have been given the position of Vice commander and the Position of Gamemaster (which is Event team but on Imperial RP) those two Positions take a lot of responsibility , much experience and a lot of trust so I am fairly trusted I would say. I am also part of the community for a while now. I joined August 2019 meaning i have been around for 1 year already. I am also from a different time zone Im not EST I am CET (EU) and i think that would be great of use for the Event team not only to have EST Event team members but also some from different time zones. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): First i would get an SCP any SCP of choice that is pretty interesting transfered to Site-!= Lets say for Example SCP-610 which is a Keter Class SCP As i would call it "Infectionist Flesh". Brief Description of this SCP: SCP-610 Looks like a piece of flesh and it is flesh however... If any living being may it be Human or Animal it turns into one of them. You could say its like SCP-008. I would make it like this "Infection"would break out within the Foundation (However not ruining anyones RP while doing so) and having MMF and or any other Task Force that deals with Infectionist SCPs. (However this is just a brief and quick desribtion about the event it would be way longer and way more detailed). Have you read the Event team Guidelines?: Yes, I have. What is your favorite SCP? Why? My personal favorite is SCP-498 As i would call it "The unstoppable Alarm" Brief Description about the SCP: Basically its an alarm clock the alarm clock goes off every 11 minutes. The starting noise of the alarm is about 30 dB But it increases by 4dB every 10 seconds. I know this SCP doesnt sound that interesting at all but! If you actually think about it if someone smuggles SCP-498 out of the facility and just activated it i think you could imagine what that would cause. No one would be able to actually turn the alarm off as the dB would already have reached a amount that a human cant take anymore. So you could basically say that its even more dangerous then SCP-682 depending on the situation which i find is pretty nice. (Its also undestroyable so you cant destroy it either)
  7. Best maynard change my mind
  8. Floppa Is love Floppa is life.
  9. At Account settings then you go to Signature
  10. +Support -Active -I mean the Application could be better but its fine. -A really nice guy to talk to and overall pretty nice -Dedicated -Good In combat from what i saw ingame he is pretty good in combat Overall Pills is really active he is definetly dedicated and is a really nice guy he really deserves ACM. (only Con is that the application could use some work)
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