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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. Name: Alexx Rank: SGT SteamID:STEAM_0:0:186567623 Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: Nahhh
  2. Had good conversations With him and we're Only good get this man to 2LT
  3. Damn.. I really had a fun time With You Killing You everyday but srsly im gonna miss ya I wish You the best of Luck in whatever You do in the Future Ky / Solar
  4. +Support -Good Application. -Hard working Inviduel. -A Pretty nice guy to talk to (from ingame experience) -Active. Good Luck! (This man also made a picture lookin good)
  5. I would like the idea it being a Event SCP
  6. Well it happends -O nothing gonna miss ya on the O5 job now i cant see you in the facility
  7. -Support Im sorry but if you were told to stop and continued its a -Support for me.
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