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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. +Support Looks good! Yes I want the GMOD Admins
  2. +/-Support Atleast the cat can't get AOSed for legit every single reason like maynard.. Just putting this out there but yeah I find it a reallyyy good Idea but CI does already have maynard and the sleuths even tho sleuths are very restricted on what they can do and can't so I wouldn't really call them a problem like Maynard. However I have a question would the cat have Foundation comms @NeoID? or Would it only be able to like get information by actually being next to MTF and hearing their conversations. Also Infils aren't spys they are more there to scout ahead in raids.
  3. Would be just a minge Job in the end of the day. Also I actually saw some people that RPed on Dr.Bright lately without breaking a Motd rule which Was pretty cool to see.
  4. +Support Wait.. I didn't even notice that 457 got removed lol.
  5. +/-Support I believe that this is such a small mistake He should be talked to and not striked In my opinion. As he used it with good intentions even though he can't use it.
  6. +Support Even If there were like a lot of sits up you shouldn't just rush through the sit that's not what a staff member is there for they are there to patiently and slowely handle the situation especially as a Senior Admin you should know this. Even If demi didn't tell you he had a clip you should've asked him tbh this seems really unfair to demi here.
  7. Well If you want Snipers and stealthy stuff I suggest E11 or Nu7 since that's basically all of your options.
  8. +Support -Active -Pretty Good in PVP -Good Application -Nice guy
  9. -Support In my opinion this isn't needed the sound of the gun right now Is good since It's a silenced pistol. I mean the fire rate Isn't supposed to be really fast since it's a pistol but idk
  10. +Support -Active -Good Application -Guinea Is a really nice guy and Is fun to talk to -Trustworthy Command member Good Luck! Dababy
  11. Alexxxx

    CI app

    +Support I suggest working a bit more on the "What is something that sets you apart from other applicants" But Just give him a chance tbh
  12. +Support Clear Evidence.
  13. +Support -Active -Good Application -Trustworthy -All around a good guy Good luck Apple!
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