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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. I Feel like he wouldn't do it again and Is actually here for the RP. Imo he deserves another chance. I hope you learned your lesson. +Support
  2. Bruh what's happening sad to see you go comrade bro invite me again to mafia rp I'll be sure to check it out my dude I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do man!
  3. Bruhh... Well I guess everyone has to go sooner or later well.. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do next hope we will miss you
  4. Damn Panda sad to see you go man. I wish you the best of luck in whatever you do next!
  5. I mean that It's not allowed to open other doors It can but It's not supposed to that's what I mean.
  6. Yeahh but make it so its only allowed to open bunks door with that keycard
  7. Alexxxx

    Coltable LOA

    Ngl this scared me good luck colt
  8. Changing to -Support (may change) -Staffing on a Different Server
  9. Ngl I would play on it but then again idk
  10. Alexxxx

    Almost to 101%

    Im proud the burger guy got 3 level
  11. Alexxxx

    Bye bye -J0LT

    This is so sad Jolt is leaving us
  12. Time for serious answer +Support -Active -Friendly -Fun to talk with Good Luck m8!
  13. Name: Alexx Rank: RCT Branch: Omi9 Steamid: STEAM_000000000 Protection experience: No 100+ Word count of why you want to be in this branch: Uhh please let me in i would like
  14. +/-Support Look I know it sucks to get sniped from the watch tower during a Supply raid yes but I believe you guys could rush into the watch tower kill all the longshots there and have I would say 2 MTF Hold the tower. Also I agree on ONLY Letting Longshots and Infils back outside. Maybe we could also work something out with only Max 2-3 Longshots to be allowed outside during a supply raid same with Infils to make it fair.
  15. Alexxxx

    Mass Riot D-7025!

    Got the wrong person loool
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