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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. -Support for now You are a great CI member don't get me wrong here but I believe you need a bit more time on the server before applying for RRH. Overall Don't take this personally please this is just my Opinion but Good luck!
  2. In Game Name: Alexx. Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427): STEAM_0:0:186567623. Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian. Current RP Ranks Held: I am currently a Captain in CI. If applying for Red Right Hand preferred O5 to guard: I don't care who I guard to be honest I would guard anyone as It is my job. If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A. How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2467940745 (Chief took the Screenshot for me because I'm too retarded to take one) Why do you want to join the O5 staff team: The main reason I wish to join the RRH Guardians is because I personally love guarding and I have tons of experience guarding. But I would also like to join RRH because I have been mostly on CI on my whole time on the server and I would love to interact with people from the foundations side. I also have been trying to find another Job that would be fun other then CI but I'll be honest all Other branches on the server aren't fun for me no offense That's why I would like to join RRH as I love guarding and It would be fun. Why should we accept you: I Believe you should accept me due to my experiences with this server and Guarding. On the Imperial RP of Gaminglight server I used to be a Death trooper, Death troopers were tasked to protect and guard Higher Ranking People As I was a Death trooper CPT I think I have a lot of experience in guarding. I would also say I am very active I'm on the server everyday for 6-7 hours. I am also pretty decent when It comes to combat and communication that's why I believe you should accept me.
  3. +Support Look at this guy! Point and laugh at him!
  4. +/-Support -Active. -Can Be mingey sometimes which is a problem. -Some Grammar mistakes in the application but not that big of a deal. -Great Command member. Other then that don't reply to your own Application but Good luck!
  5. I mean yes the sledgehammer is good when you hit but the hitreg sucks.
  6. +Support Ignis Is one of the chillest person that I have ever seen. He is a great and dedicated command member He is also very active I believe he could make an amazing RRH
  7. Type "stp" in console it makes you switch to 3rd person and 1st person
  8. +Support Yoo Definetly deserves this A hard working and dedicated command member and he is chill. And he is also very active.
  9. +Support Eh Tbh it's literally floating swat armor don't expect it to listen to anyone tbh. No need to re-add the rule imo.
  10. Name : Alexx SteamID : STEAM_0:0:18567623 Trello Name : Alexx Rank : Member Do you have Ts3 tags? : Yes Is the roster properly tracking your quota? : Yes IF MEMBER - Do you have an interest in a SET position? : Uhh not really atleast not yet.
  11. +Support Staff Member that warned him admitted that it was false.
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