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Everything posted by Alexxxx

  1. I Completely agree. Azir Is a great command member and even a better staff member. Good luck Azir!
  2. I'm Just saying CI Don't sabotage the generator like at all. We only sabotage either lights , teslas or the lockdown. Didn't even know we can
  3. -Support -Haven't seen many test logs from you. -I Believe you need more time on the server. -Personally Haven't seen you online (Maybe timezones) Please don't take this personally Overall I think you could make a good OR however you Just need a bit more time on the server. I would also love to see more test logs from you I only saw one and It wasn't the best. (Also you have to be a Researcher+ to apply)
  4. I have to agree. He has done a lot for Havoc/31st and many other battalions. Good luck man you really deserve this!
  5. The report is to warn him for fail rp which he clearly didn't. Also Just because he said that doesn't mean that he did it.
  6. If there is no Clip or anything to show that he actually pressed the hyperspace button then -Support.
  7. +Support -It only shows how he KTAPed. (Which is only a Warnable offense not banable) -I really don't know why shock were chasing him? -Im gonna be honest @Purge SPC Murphy I think It was pretty clear that shock were chasing you It wasn't that crowded however I still don't know why shock were trying to arrest you. As of right now I will be +Supporting this due to the Evidence only showing how he KTAPed.
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