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Everything posted by NebelFir

  1. --------- ACCEPTED! --------- Please contact a VCMDR+ for Officer training
  2. --------- ACCEPTED! --------- Please contact a VCMDR+ for Officer training
  3. +Support Good application Been around for a while Has previous command experience Has experience leading a sub-battalion -Is still just a CPT and not Low Command yet
  4. + Support *Good character *active *has been in shock for a while
  5. It isn't going to be a Sub-battalion like Riot or JT it is just going to be a job donators can hop on if they are in 501st. There isn't going to be anything other than the job no Rank structure or anything (other than the main 501st ranking structure). It is just another job not a new Sub-battalion
  6. + Support +Good JTL +Been around for a while +One of my most reliable officers +Takes his job very seriously -Isn't a stinky HVY {but we can overlook that}
  7. --------- ACCEPTED! --------- Please contact a MAJ+ for Officer training
  8. +Support +Fun to be around +Active +Best Shock I have met in a while +Good App
  9. +Support + Good mate + knows how to lead + active + good VCMDR **Best of luck to ye**
  10. Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : 501st Vice Commander Nacht 2. What Regiment are you applying for? 501st Legion Commander 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? I want to become the Commander of 501st because I know I can handle the responsibility of the position, I know I can stay calm and cool during my interactions with others and be a source of knowledge for those seeking to better themselves. I know that I can have positive interactions with all of the 501st and not be viewed negatively by those I work alongside. I feel like past 501st command has always had an issue with dealing with anger inside and outside of the battalion so having someone who is able to keep their calm is necessary to keep the battalion alive. With this being said you need to be calm in order to keep good relations with the other battalions as in a sense you are the way they view your battalion so if you have a mingy Commander everyone views your battalion as very mingy because the very top of the battalion is setting the prerogative for the battalion that minging is ok. You as the head of the battalion is essentially the way everyone views the battalion so having someone who is not going to make everyone they interact with mad or view them as a fool is imperative for their success. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? 866+ Hours https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/919716259?servers[4604844]=3M 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? The main purpose of the Commander is to motive people to get on and be active through flag ups, and to work with their officers to keep the battalion active and serious. Your job as a Commander is to encourage activity from every level of your battalion, through actively giving rewards to NCOs who do tryouts, to getting your officers through promotions and praise to do SIMs training and other RP activities with the battalion. Failure to do any of these will result in your battalion becoming unbalanced with either too many officers and NCOs and not enough enlisted or just outright dead. Your secondary purpose is to be a paragon of Virtue for your battalion keeping your reputation untarnished and to lead your troops as they should act themselves. This can be achieved through being serious and being respectful to your peers. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : I can be trusted to be Commander because I understand that your job is to be a symbol to others and if you tarnish that symbol your rank is forfeit. With that being said I would regardless be respectable even if I wasn't a paragon of virtue to my battalion because I look negatively on anyone who abuses their powers or minges. It just destroys the experiences and vibe of those people who are around you. 7. How often can you be Online? : II can be on for 4-8 hours a day 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : None
  11. + Support -Active -does a lot of SIMs for medical -always willing to help anyone -very learned in his field -deserves it
  12. +Support +Long time 501st +Very good officer +very good at motivating people +Is a stinky HVY *Hope you get this and wish you best of luck in the future*
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