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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. Its Buck

    Tost's Warn

    -support no evidence
  2. Tbh I’m fine with the warn wipe package but i think it should show under the warns menu like *WARN WIPE PACKAGE CLEARED: XX WARNS* just so if staff go to look at someone’s warn history in a sit they know if there was prior incidents or if it is just worth a verbal warning.
  3. Ok now how many of those words apply to the job your currently playing on? Plus you don’t need to memorize everything word for word. normally if I’m playing on a job I have either the MOTD or SOP opened on my second monitor. So by no means do you have to memorize it. And a CTRL F helps a lot
  4. +support Good app (scenario questions could use some work imo) but everything else was excellent when I have worked with sponge in E11 he is always super nice and serious about what he does. sponge is a great fit for staff, good luck sponge!
  5. -support I’m not sure why infil classes are becoming an issue now? They have been around forever and have never caused issues
  6. Enjoy the time with your family!
  7. +/- support +support for removing the ability/glitch where once 2191 starts sucking you and then stops, you can’t deal damage to him after without it being reflected onto you -support for changing the hp/ap and damage dealt
  8. What are you suggesting? - Allowing HCMD to make job updates as they are needed so they can cater to the needs of that class. For example if a gun gets added to a class and turns out to be complete and utter shit HCMD can make a post suggesting the gun be changed and the reason for change. How would this change better the server? - this would help optimize branches with load outs and cater to sub branch needs. Rather than waiting for 4-5 months for a branch update if HCMD could make a post targeting a specific class or area then it would result in much better performance and would help that branches activity out significantly and help maintain balance within the server. This way if a gun is not able to keep up with other weapons used by CI/MTF in PvP it could be changed to help maintain a balance so no class is ever significantly better then what should be it’s equal. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? - Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion -
  9. -support I feel like the issue is the lack of genuine RP to do. Like you can roll to repair something and pray rng is in your favor or you can pick up trash. Not a lot to do. If there were more RP opportunities like door malfunctions. Hell a system that actually has a process to it would be amazing. For example civil gamers hacking system is very unique and user interactive. If things like that could be implemented for maintenance and medical then that would be amazing
  10. -support We have to remember that there are two managers currently and Colt does have a life outside of GL, he is going through suggestions when he can and implements them when he can. And if colt is really as busy as he says he is I feel like this would fall more on Jayden rather then colt. The only thing I would say is that I would have rather had him take an LOA from the server or at least an ROA to focus just so the community can know that he won’t be able to do as much as he normally does for the server.
  11. This was very well written and I agree with almost everything said in this post. Additonally I want to add that whilst the server does need to make money there are other ways of making money rather then adding a new Weapon to the store. I bought Diamond on the server because I thought it would be really fucking cool to have access to jobs like CI infil, sarkic, E11, pathfinder and so many SCP’s. But now it feels like that whole aspect is going away and it’s turning into the situation of there is almost no reason to donate. There are so many things on this server that could very well make money if it was executed properly, for example the SCP job pack, it was a great idea, you have SCP’s that require a special package to be bought in order for you to play on. But instead of adding good SCP’s to this that are actually fun and good for RP we got a bird that runs around, a guy that throws a harpoon and some dinosaurs that don’t even have a cc. If SCP’s that were actually good and fun were added so many more people would purchase it and boom, not only did you just make money you also just added new SCP’s for research to test on. It’s a win for everyone all around And I’m shocked that this hasn’t been brought up yet but I wanna talk about community blacklists. Those are not handed out like candy and when they are handed out they are for serious reasons, DDOS/DOX threats, Hacking, Promoting Suicide charge back threats (which I can understand you need to make money) all that shit. And you look at these and go yea if someone did something this fucked up they deserve to be banned and should not be anywhere near this community. Then you realize that they can pay to be unblacklisted? We are all familiar with the phrase “Community Blacklists are no longer appealable” yet if you give Zeeptin a few hundred dollars in crypto boom welcome back clean slate. On top of all this I don’t think I have gone a single week without being asked the question “how long do you think gaminglight has left” this question should not have to be asked constantly and the fact that it is genuinely concerns me. Something needs to change and it needs to change fast
  12. What are you suggesting? - That when denying a suggestion the reason for denial actually gets stated like “This won’t work because bla bla bla” or “we are already doing something along these lines” or “Denied based on community feedback” instead of having these informing messages we get the standard “Denied SMT have decided against adding this to the server for the performance of the server, benefit of the server or another unstated reason.” This is a rather shitty way of communicating things especially on post that has a hell of a lot of +supports How would this change better the server? - Increase communication with player base about suggestions Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - No Who would this change mostly benefit? - The community and SMT as it would avoid similar post from being made Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - Example of what it should look like:
  13. Mass -support No. Just no. you cause so many issues with your events and I’ve never seen one add RP value to the server. For example your latest event you gave yourself 2.5k hp, and 2k armor and told MTF “kill it” then when called out claimed it was a research event that you had to capture the SCP (despite putting in your event ping it was a kill the anomaly event) Meanwhile you went around killing MTF with the echo claws whilst they we’re trying to do standard RP such as feeding SCP’s. because of this negligence and camping near D-block/LCZ you prevented MTF from feeding SCP’s which caused a mass breach consisiting of 682, 035, 106, 2191, 939, 173 and 049. This inevitably ended in a code nuke that could very much be placed on your event for interfering with our attempts to stop self breaches. not only this but a day before you did a 323 event where you made people into wendigos by making them roll against you. If they lost you gave them over 1k hp and echo claws and ordered them to kill everyone they see. I don’t think I have had any good experiences with any of your events. Even within this app all your events do not sound like fun for anyone other then yourself. For example your mega event No MTF is going to want to deal with a bunch of “Giant Figures that emerge from the ground and kill everyone they see” if research, medical or maintenance want to do RP and you go around killing them all that isn’t very fun. CI still exist and that doesn’t sound very inclusive having the creatures raid the foundation. The people who are +supporting this clearly have not been apart of any of your events You are not fit for SET
  14. You were one of the few furries I truly enjoyed playing on the server with
  15. -support E11 need to leave a lot and the quickest way is RTA
  16. -support bro y’all are complaining about a swords feature. That’s like me reporting everyone that uses a keycard cracker to breach SCP’s because it’s “not designed to breach them” it’s a sword that was designed to reflect bullets
  17. -support the screenshot literally says “0 warns” and doesn’t even have the same name used in the report @Toastyyour side?
  18. -is command in GENSEC so can be trusted -GMT player and I love to have GMT staff +support Good luck tank!
  19. +support 3 years???? God damn
  20. Personally I wanna see a larger medbay and potentially more RP zones outside of LCZ
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