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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. This is a decent test log imo. However this test requires perms for 106 testing which I don’t believe ADVR has. There was also a fair amount of grammatical errors. Also just a heads up putting “Attempt at wanderers library” in the title exempts it from having a chance to be put in the library
  2. -Support Literally 0 effort was put into this. and I doubt that "Saying A movie name" is grounds for a BL.
  3. +support This would be a great way to enhance RP with SCP's if a test causes a containment breach then the researchers can fill out a incident report. thats what its for after all. It also increases the fun for MTF and SCP players to actually have a job to do whilst escorting for tests. I would really like to see this implimented
  4. Its Buck

    G9 Head App

    DENIED Unfortunately Gamma-9 command does not find you fit to be G9 head at this time. Do not Reapply
  5. In-Game Name: Buck Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 Current Research Rank: AR Foundation Test Log(s) (graded 8+/10 only): Wanderers Library: Your Operations Advisor Overseer, has informed you there is a group of insurgents collecting foundation data at a field operating base on the surface. They are armed and well secured. How would you approach it? (100+ words): There are two ways I could go about this: 1) Stealth mission Firstly I would attempt to get any information on the base and its surroundings, whether it be blueprints, satellite images or a 3D map. I would then examine the base and its surroundings to see what the best course of action would be to infiltrate the base. once I had obtained the needed information I would request that E11 Recon division attempt to scout the base from a distance and mark down the number of guards and which entrance they are stationed at. I would then inform my operations advisor overseer of my findings and request to send in operatives from the Nu7 Covert Agent division to assist in the infiltration. If given the greenlight to continue with the operation I would have E11 recon division take out any guards that may be on the outside of the base or provide intel on personnel inside the base. Using the intel from Recon division I would send in the Covert Agents and have them locate the stolen data and either erase/destroy it or recover it and return it to myself. 2) Hard Push Similar to the stealth mission I would attempt to get any information on the base and its surroundings, whether it be blueprints, satellite images or a 3D map. I would then determine what the weakest spot in the defense was and begin plotting an attack from there. assuming that I outnumber the group of insurgents I would request that any available E11 personnel on surface assist me with the attack. I would start a push from two directions that had the weakest security. utilizing their tactics and weaponry I would have E11 push and clear all the buildings whilst I have a foxtrot helping me search for the data and or any other information on the group of insurgents. There is a strange SCP that calls himself the “targeter”. When the name of another individual is said within earshot of the “targeter” the “targeter” will teleport to the individual that has had their name said, and run off. How would you suggest the foundation approach apprehension and / or termination of this individual? (100+ Words): In order to gain a better understanding of the SCP I would treat it as a humanoid entity and attempt standard humanoid containment. whilst containing the SCP no personnel are to speak in front of or around the SCP. Once in custody I would implant a tracking device into the cranium of the SCP so that the foundation can track his location in the event of a containment breach. Once I had secured the SCP in a testing chamber I would obtain 3 Class D personnel. I would give one a nickname and say that nickname in front of the SCP. if the SCP teleports I will note that nicknames can not be used around the SCP. for the second Class D I would say his designation of "D-####" If the SCP would attack the D class I would note that designations would not and to not use foundation personnel's designations or callsigns. I would have the third D class put a pair of noise cancelling headphones on the SCP and see how it reacted. I would then proceed to say the Class D name and watch if it attacked him or not. If the noise cancelling headphones proved effective then we would attempt to have the headphones on the SCP at all times to avoid a containment breach. I would then draft a special containment procedure and SCP file for my Operations Advisor to read and doccument. An abandoned camp site has been discovered on the surface, hidden incredibly well within the brush. There are documents, newspaper scraps, as well as an old laptop with unknown data being transferred to a suspicious I.P. address. How do you react? (100+ Words): I would first swab the area for any fingerprints or any strands of DNA such as hair. If able to find any I would test it to see if I could get a positive ID on whom had interacted with this set up. I would then attempt to trace the IP address and get a location on where the data was being sent to. Once I have a location on where it was going I would stop all transmissions and download the files onto a USB hard drive. once completed I would take a photo of the setup and collect any scraps of newspaper and doccuments and place them in an evidence bag so they could be used for further examination and testing. after this I would either destroy the setup or report it to an MTF group depending on the technology being used.
  6. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-B88K4XQoBTbr5F8Nv9BSxRdC_DxSl26nQv-1zIru7Q/edit?usp=sharing this took a while for me to do and I hope yall like it!
  7. -support Literally no effort was put into this application
  8. +support Panda is like the new bread and I love it
  9. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QiqXiBGaLHSqe75-NQElrhBYD42YjfnBnx7t7zGI1xo/edit Enjoy
  10. Can confirm, we tell them to not be in D block unless they 100% need to be in there -support
  11. Current MTF command, amazing person, outstanding activity, perfect canidate IMO! +support Good luck ren
  12. What are you suggesting? - Buffing the G9 Blast furnace Right now the Gun is complete and utter shit, It fires 2 shot bursts and Takes almost 9 shots to kill a single D class, 1 hit from the blast furnace at any range does roughly 12-15 Damage. With a super slow fire rate the gun is un useable, On top of this the Gladiator Class only has 2 weapons -Blast Furnace -Heir Apparent The Heir Apparent takes 4 seconds to wind up and disables if the user, Sprints Jumps or crouches while using it. With the blast furnace being our only other option it should be better for us to use. I would like the damage increased to at least 35 a hit given that it is burst and only fires two shots at a time How would this change better the server? - Make the Gun actually useable by G9 Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? - G9 Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  13. Its Buck

    ZJ's Warn Appeal

    -support, was told by staff/higher up to not spawn in props and continued to do so. Also arguing on your app does not help
  14. All I have to say is yikes +support from me
  15. What are you suggesting? - Add an AFK D class job to the server Job Name: “AFK D class” Job HP: 100 Job AP: 0 Loadout: Keys, Physgun, *Donator weapons restricted* (Having no weapons would prevent people from commiting RDM on other AFK People. Salary: 300 description: “This D class needs his rest after a long day of riots and testing.” job slots: unlimited Models: standard D class models on the server if possible they could spawn in a secluded area that nobody Other then staff and people on the job can access to prevent people from being killed How would this change better the server? - We encourage people to AFK and a lot of the time people can’t AFK on a job so they get on D class. A class designed for going AFK encourages everyone to AFK and even has a larger salary then most jobs Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? - Server rating Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  16. -support You are Very new to the community and I feel like you should take more time to get a good reputation and then apply. But right now -support
  17. I wanna add onto this and point out that you were just removed from maintenance and put on a 1 month DNT I don’t think you are suitable for staff
  18. Completely inappropriate response to this, you should know better +support ZJ has proven that he can learn from mistakes and become a better person overall
  19. name: Buck Rank: Doctor Activity (1-10): 7 Why should you keep your rank (SM+): I try my best to be active and help out medical as much as I can and now work as DHFW and have tried to be helpful to the best of my ability Any Notes: professional Kidney thief
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