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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. In-game Name: Buck SteamID: STEAM_0:1:570251076 DiscordID: Buck#6783 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): RnD How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? theres lore? I am calvin lucien and I will complete the cycle! Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) I should be in the chaos insurgency because I make really really really good suggestions for RnD! I am also a very good RnD member and write amazing test logs! These test logs are top tier and include much Roleplay! but seriously I do have a good ammount of friends within CI and dont have a lot to do as of right now so I figured might as well give RnD another go around. I like to beleive that I did some good for RnD and was fairly active within the branch and did well in sub branches like Ghost unit and EOI. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I am former EOI, D4, G9, D5 command, E11 command, and a former RnD member How active can you be? about Atlas level.
  2. Welcome to the retirement home brother, u did a lot of good for CI
  3. What are you suggesting? - Allow MTF retired command tags to see meeting note channel and the main MTF announcement channel along with allowing any other retired tags that don’t already have this feature to see their respective channels. How would this change better the server? - It’s nice to see meeting notes once in a while to see who is moving to where, big promotions and all that fun stuff Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - N/A Who would this change mostly benefit? - Retired command Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  4. I have gotten on once to see it, I hate the new doors and a lot of the button sounds. The old doors felt more like an SCP site rather then a shitty Area-51 complex. They are extremely bulky and overall ugly imo. I don’t like how many doors are in EZ and how much of a maze it is to find the exit.
  5. +support I remember whenever this was activated there would be that moment of panic where you go “wait is that the nuke?”
  6. Welcome to the retirement home
  7. I knew this was coming for a while and it still saddens me to know that it’s a reality. Semper Fi
  8. Former EOI comments: Banana fridge. But seriously, I will give some pointers. here we go: 1) try to get more info on what each of these sub units do for Nu7, ask what the purpose of CA or FE is. 2) Add methods of torture when they are used, just calling someone out is rather boring and bland, describe the torture method used and the hostages reaction to it. 3) change up the color scheme, the hostage name shouldn’t be the same as the text imo. Also you can put your name instead of researcher. overall this is a decent interrogation, there’s a lot that you missed on gaining however. Don’t be afraid to go in depth with your questions. If their good enough you can literally get the hostage to start reading off their SOP
  9. Its Buck

    Ban Appeal

    Did your dog also open up 6 different roblox tabs?
  10. This is a really good interrogation log, you got a lot of information out of arcanic! I would Reccomended asking more about higher ups instead of inferior people like the J/S FTOs, I would also suggest choosing more in depth methods of interrogation. Now some general pointers about the interrogation and the questions asked, 1) The RFA called out a medical low command hostage so you already know the branch. 2) when asking about the FTO program you could always ask what information they give the trainees and if there is a HFTO or OFTO. 3) As I said earlier I would recommend getting higher ups or atleast the ranks of others. Arcanic commented on the names of two J/S FTO but not their actual rank or the FTO rank, we know their an FTO and that’s ate about it. -Overall this is still a really good interrogation document and I can’t wait to see more from you! good luck -Former EOI V3
  11. For many of you this may come as a surprise but to others not so much. I have been with this community for over 2 years and have watched many people come and go. I have resigned a lot of times and come back time and time again, however this is probably the last resignation post I will make as I do not plan on returning. there are a lot of reasons as to why im resigning, coruption, quota's, assholes, furrys, fucking squeakers appearing out of nowhere, irl shit taking priority. I want to better myself as a person and not be criticized for not knowing how to crouch spam or bhop around the map. there are a lot of people that I want to mention and not all are positive comments. so lets get into it shall we: Bop: You are a good manager but sometimes your jokes go too far and it gets really hard to enjoy things when you feel like you cant ask questions. Hoovy: I dont know what I did to you, but holy shit you hated me and I never understood why. it always felt like you were holding some sort of grudge over me that I never understood. You believed what you wanted to believe and said things that you would never have said to my face. You talked shit about me and refused to acknowledge it when confronted. I asked you time and time again about the reason I couldnt apply for RRH and you never gave me an answer nor would you let me appeal it. I enjoyed playing with you on the server as it made some things fun but at the end of the day like you had to say about me, "Some people will just never change" Django: I respect you but It always seemed like you were always trying to hold me back. you put me on a silent DNP, and a SF restriction for nearly 4 months while I was rank locked at SM. you claimed that you dont hold grudges against people but it sure as shit feels like you held one massive ass grudge against me. it was always the same response of "when SA see him improve his behavior he can become command/D4" That was bullshit. I worked my ass off trying to prove that I wasnt the same person as before yet you never wanted to believe it. You would give a timeline to my command and then extend it even longer once the time was up. you guys dont pay attention to people changing, you pay attention to what you want to pay attention to. And the majority of the time, its the small shit that makes you look bad. Sparkle: Gone but not forgotten, you were a good person and always had the best interest for everyone. You realized what was going on in the server and were removed when you tried to change it. Alexx: We used to be friends on imperial and idk what happened but we drifted apart and everytime I tried to rekindle that friendship it went nowhere. Im not sure if it was the power or rank difference between us but it saddens me that we have grown apart. I remember talking with you about SCP-RP and how cool it was, then you joined CI and you said that all you wanted was E4, now your a fucking HCZ manager. look at that. Sixx: we both know its coming. good luck at BTC thanks for everything you have done for LCZ. Moonrose: It was an honor to escort you, all of our interactions were always stupid asf and hilarious. I hope you can get DoRS someday. also stop sweating in monopoly. Kevlar: I trained you into D5 and watched you transfer from PRP over here. I am happy that I was able to watch you achieve your goal of getting HCMD. I know thats something you always wanted. and now your a member of JMT. keep doing good work, we both know what really happened in D5 with robby. Im glad you werent impacted by it as much as I was. Zack: Finally got HOMS after so many years. a true chad. it was an honor being a medical command member. some of the most fun I had, long live the organ stealing program! Cecil: Thank you for giving me the opportunity of being in EOI, you were always a chill person who said what he truly thought and did not care what others thought. I hope you can get CI general, you work harder then anyone else in CI. --Now for the E11 mentions-- Danny: Congratulations, you did it. Im now part weeb. I hope your happy, because fuck you for making me wait so god damn long to watch anime when you werent avaible. Thank you for fighting for me until the end. we both knew SA didnt like me in the slightest but you didnt care, you still fought for me and I am extremely grateful for that. Vanny: someone should remove your soundboard. but really you are an amazing HCMD despite people only seeing the soundboard side of you. You were never afraid to scream at SMT or SA about something you believed in, you helped me with so many projects that turned out amazing thanks to all your effort. Goat: Literally speedran to HCMD. I still see you as the imperialRP general who got bored and came over to SCP-RP. Keep fighting for D4 and RCU. Panda: You really don't deserve to be rank locked man. you do so much for E11, its insane to think that you didnt get HCMD. Long live Reznov Hale: Im ngl bro, I can never tell if your high half the time. but on a serious note you take some jokes way to far. Frog: Im trusting you to help rangers survive now that Im gone. you have been here forever and I dont understand how. former G9, E11 VCMDR, E4, RRH and so many other titles. it baffles me that you are still here Zepherz: For the love of god learn how to use dupes. Frog wont bite either, talk to him about ranger stuff when Im gone. Global and Jeff: Yall arent getting rid of me just yet. And yea, that pretty much sums it up! if you were not mentioned its probably because I didnt have anything nice to say about you! but now I am gonna pray that I dont get blacklisted for calling out half of o5/SMT so yea! theres a few people who I want to mention but didnt think needed a full recognition: Sogi, Henderson, Bones, Lucas, Shadows, Phill, J0LT, Pure, Banana Fr- Bossatron, Scooty, Pills, Nefario, Blue, tangerine, Ender, and to those who have resigned and whom I will be joining in the retirement home: Luxxy, Rang, Atlas, Panky, Guinea, Blight, Saint, Blackout, Shinspin, Dodo, Recon, Spy, Gamersquadman, Potatto, grey. If you guys ever wanna talk you know how to reach me! Its been a good ride and I have made a lot of good friends within this community! I will probbably lurk around the forums and discord but yea, ima head out!
  12. Heavy -support -Little effort put into app -6 warns in august alone (8/1 to 8/17/22) most recent one being from the 14th and 13th You sure? -No name on app -no SteamID on app -low ranks -only been in E11 for 2 days Overall I do not think you are fit for RRH. Make yourself known on the server and get a good reputation. But for now there is a lot of concerns about this so heavy -support
  13. Alright didnt wanna have to do this but im gonna respond to some things: People can apply on the forums regardless of in game rank so this argument is invalid This was before ttk was changed severely. there is no point in comparing hp/ap values from a .65 dmg multiplier to what is now a .85 damage multiplier. C.B.R.N- Takes away the benefits of D4 immunity to SCPs like 610 and 049. FE- Literally a Combat Engineer that can actually spawn armor charges and doesn't have to walk halfway across surface to get in site. this within itself took away the unique idea and purpose of CE Goliath/BHM- Literally has a mini gun??? MCU- Literally RCU that spawns in site. Right now all of these classes have similar hp/ap values and have perks that E11 jobs dont get. Please do not talk about not having incentive to join a branch just because they need an hp/ap buff. on top of all this you guys have a lot of classes that are not really needed and IMO kill incentive of joining E11 and D5, IE, Rifle Guardian, Enforcer, CA. There is a lot I could say about this but I will refrain and try to keep this as respectful as possible. Our goal is to fight CI and recontain SCPs, we are meant to be tanky and able to deal with those kind of tasks. I am also currently in a call with Danny while typing this to make sure I dont say anything too harsh and his response to this comment was: "how did d-block end up getting to the point where we need to stand outside d block " -Danny And as a reminder: This update went through Nu7, D5, Both CI Mil, and CI RnD HCMD + o5 who all approved the proposed changes. This also gives more incentive to donate to the server and more donations allows us to get better things for the server.
  14. This wasn’t included in the update but RCU is no longer apart of the CCU program and was swapped out for the new job. I just wanted to make that clear for people
  15. +support. New content? Pog! Rip RCU btw
  16. -support You lied about using it in game saying you were using +attack and we’re consistently arguing and complaining about why you were warned for it instead of just making an appeal. You we’re caught using the auto clicker because you were AFK and breaking out of cuffs when someone had cuffed you. We repeated the cuffing to make sure we weren’t being stupid and you consistently broke out. If you were just mining wood it wouldn’t be an issue but you were able break out of cuffs using it +attack does not work on cuffs, nor does taping down the mouse button. you didn’t receive a ban either and you were breaking an MOTD rule so imo the warn is justified.
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