Medical: Can perform surgeries to enhance RP, Can research medicines to cure diseases, can perform check ups, is allowed to assist with interrogations and torture rolls, can use amnestics.
Maintenance: Can repair broken doors using a unique add on that actually allows them to do their job without a dumb luck roll, can earn money through trash collecting. Can build. Can prevent SCP breaches.
These branches all have things that are unique to them. Giving them the ability to combat heal is the stupidest shit I have ever heard. The reason it’s a rule is because it provides an unfair advantage of people abusing the medkit. And no dissrespect to Chaos butThere have been countless times where a BIO engineer would sit behind a wall with their medkit and armor kit, and heal their sniper every time they took a hit. It was abused and annoying. It was removed for a reason and should stay that way.
Having a medkit or armor kit is not a branches sole purpose in life. Not to mention CI saw bones is the equivalent of an RCU or CCU. They perform medical duties and are medically certified. How come they don’t get a reduced cooldown?
Im done responding to this post so I don’t lose my filter but I think everyone can agree with what I have said here