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Its Buck

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Everything posted by Its Buck

  1. -support Very low forrums activity (2 posts) short scenario questions not seeing you in any branches. never seen you before
  2. -support i feel like I haven’t seen you on the server really short responses to questions I haven’t really interacted with you so I can’t comment on your personality but regardless best of luck!
  3. +support Former A1 member, welcome back
  4. -support 3 slot job, melee weapon, shit hit reg CI literally have a mech that can insta kill pretty much anything, and another one that CAN insta kill anything and teleport. On top of this the mech has regenerate powers and like 3k health, a single job having a sword should not be an issue
  5. -support applying for engineer and not in any utility branches. change to guardian app and I will +support
  6. -support, short app kicked out of RRH(?)
  7. Wrong section but +support for the unban
  8. Massive +Support -GENSEC SCMD -Amazing DHWD -Amazing person to work with -really active -very deserving of RRH! good luck MeeSeeks!
  9. +support If he says all this bad stuff about the server then I doubt he would care if he received a ban and can’t play on it anymore
  10. +support Atlas has been a long term member of RnD. Even though he didn’t get gamma he very much deserves EARCH. he has experience and commitment currently SARCH perfect canidate for EARCH
  11. In Game Name: Buck Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:1:570251076 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Engineer Current RP Ranks Held: Medical Surgeon (Junior Command) | Delta-5 1LT | Gladiator Deputy Head. How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 2 warns Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: New Roleplay: Joining the Red Right Hand team would allow for me to gain more RP scenarios that I normally would not have gotten the chance to experience. It is also a combination of my two main lives on the server which are MTF and Medical. Being in Engineer squad would allow me to get the best of both worlds and get the opportunity to do even more In depth RP. Helping Engineer squad out: Right now Engineer squad has 3 members marked on the roster. One of those is a pending Guardian transfer. I feel that if I were to be in Engineer squad I could help increase activity within that squad and potentially encourage others to try and join too. Right now the majority of RRH are in guardian squadron. Having 23 members which is quite literally 10x the numbers of Engineer squad. Recommendations: While being in medical and MTF, Numerous times I have been told, Hey you should apply for RRH. I always took it with a grain of salt because I knew that when I felt I was ready I would apply. I decided to apply for Engineer squad because I saw that it was struggling and I could help it. Guardian does not seem like it needs a lot of help so I veered away from that and landed here. Why should we accept you: Experience: I have a lot of experience being in powerful positions as well as leadership positions. I am currently command in 2 branches on the server and the Deputy Head of Delta-5 SF Gladiators. I have been in command for a little over a month now on the server and have proven I can be trusted with these positions. I have 10 weeks on the server and have been with this server alone for over a year. I also have previous experience with stuff like this because I was a 1LT in medical over on imperialRP and helped lead the Rescue Squadron sub battalion when it was first implimented into the server. Leadership: As stated before I have been in command positions where I learned important traits such as leadership. In the short time I have been Deputy Head of G9 I have already made a large impact on the sub branch and how it works. Through this and positions of command I have gotten the experience needed to be a good leader. As command I always do my best to push for activity and promotions within Delta-5 and Medical. I would like to say that I am fairly respected within the community and a good command member. Combat: I am fairly good at PVP. I may not win all my battles with CI but I put up a good fight. PVP is important even for the Engineer class because in the event of a CI raid I would be able to defend myself and support others around me.
  12. +support Robby/Gerry is an amazing COL In D5 and goes above and beyond. Leading FTO and G9 proved his competence. Robby/gerry is an amazing person to work with and current RnD command. Good applicant for SARCH or EARCH
  13. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Buck 2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? STEAM_0:1:570251076 3. What is your Rank? Senior Medic 4. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 1 5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 2 6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 6 7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)? I believe that I should become a medical command member because I have command experience. I was a medical 1LT on imperial RP and a current Delta-5 2LT and the Deputy Head of a sub branch. I am on the server a lot as well as active on the forums and discord, this allows me to help answer questions that people may have. I currently have 9 weeks of play time on the server and have been with the server as a whole for over a year and a half. I have been in medical for almost 2 months now and have learned the ropes of the rules and how enlisted think/act. This will allow me to help them understand the SOP more and get into more in depth RP for stuff like surgeries [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 (two) of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.] 8-1. You have found a Resident in HCZ, what do you do? Firstly I would escort the resident back to LCZ med bay and inform them of why they are not allowed in HCZ. I would check training logs to see when they were trained and who trained them to see if they are new and made an honest mistake or if they were simply minging. If they were new and it was a mistake I would let it slide with a verbal and remind the trainer to go over the rules of being a resident in training. 8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? I would ask them to join a seperate Teamspeak call if possible and give them the Field work SOP to read over. I would read over the SOP with them and ask them some questions as a form of mini quiz. Once they had correctly answered the questions I ask I would give them their whitelist and have them request tags in discord. once done I would give them a short tour around LCZ and show them the medic station inside of D block and the medic station outside of D block. I would then log the training in the discord for HCMD to see and update the roster 8-3. You see an Exp Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? I would attempt to get the attention of the Exp medic and ask him if he had a reason to be shooting D class. If it was self defense I would let it be but monitor him to make sure it was truly self defense and not RDM. If he had to valid reason to be shooting I would have him leave D block with me. If he does not comply with me I would cuff him and bring him to bunks. I would then ask if he had a valid reason to be shooting the D class. If there was no valid reason for shooting the D class I would strike him for breaking ROE and demote him off the job with the /demote command.
  14. EXREMELY MASSIVE +SUPPORT -Atlas has put in so much work into getting where he is in RnD and deserves To be HCMD. -Atlas is one of the longest standing command members that RnD has had. -Atlas is very easy to work with and get along with -If anything this shows his dedication to the branch. Being around for 7 months at the same rank, and not even HCMD? most people would have transfered or resigned after the 3rd or 4th month. -I dont think inactive people are spending more 10 hours a day on the server WHILST being in school and having a job. https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/893864698?servers[4610158]=1M -The people leaving -supports are not even active RnD OR just in military. and on top of this dont see the ammount of work Atlas has put in with hosting PT and helping around. GIVE THIS MAN HCMD
  15. How would this affect EOI operatives and 8286? Would the ID card change to match what you have your name set as? Would SF have the ID cards? Could you be able to search it in a strip? there are a lot of unknowns and questions and until there is a solid answer that makes everyone happy I’m gonna say -support
  16. +support Sawick is former JMT and should know better. There was also an incident with him mass player dissing a naval which he was warned for. if not a ban remove staff powers/reserves
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