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Yato Sensei

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Everything posted by Yato Sensei

  1. + Support Southpaw is a great candidate for the job!
  2. Its too early mate, get a bit more experience on the server, get to know the rules better and clear up your history.
  3. + Support Yes sir! Lets get this thing back to where it deserves to be!
  4. Should have read the rules. - Support
  5. Sad to see you go Kami! Hope you have luck in your future endevors!
  6. Replying to Donny here. Yes, MTF can in fact pass the blue line to get a D class but you have to have your cuffs out. If you are going in with a gun in order to defend yourself, you start acting like a riot control and you are invading D class's space which could lead to some very bad situation if there was more of them. For next time make sure you are with your cuffs out. Also if you are getting shot at/attacked, pull back behind the blue line and deal with the problem, then go in to grab a D class. + Support (For being talked to about the sitatuation/verbal)
  7. - Support The miniguns aren't even that accurate, their damage is pretty meh. A negev can outtrade this weapon (If you can control the recoil). Also, Goliaths have some heavy restrictions. They can't be in D block unless its Partial/Full Lockdown and they can't be in LCZ on Defcon 4 and 5.
  8. + Support Well that sounds like something fun. It will encourage people to come back to the server and play at least once, everyday. If SMT is fine with this, I don't see why not.
  9. - Support CI already has a Slueth job. They also have an undercover scientist by the name of Dr. Maynard. Not needed.
  10. Well yes, of course. That's what I meant with the thing I said, obviously ranks restrict certain weapons. But if you have Plat and you are 035, you can buy any gun in the armory.
  11. - Support I will have you know that night time is the most perfect time for you to chill and relax and have the most fun in. It also goes easier on your eyes which is a massive plus to your health. If you change to day time, then we all will have our eyes burned by the sun's immense light power. Smh admin plz no
  12. Man's gotta let people know he's resigning, jeez!
  13. At least 999 and 131 can be used to RC SCPs
  14. Making me cry like this? Noooo You better be here for my voice reveal or I will pour water on your front door mat :@
  15. + Support This could make some for fun RP in maintenance, if SMT is fine with adding it of course.
  16. Huge + Support Give this man the title he deserves!
  17. Mate 035 can get any gun be it donator or not. There is no restrictions on it.
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