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Yato Sensei

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Everything posted by Yato Sensei

  1. Tomorrow it's gonna be -20 here and I don't even live in the US. Halp
  2. Ever thought about talking with GenSec HCMD about having Riot Control nerfed/reworked? - Support
  3. Woah Larson Daniels is applying for Z6 + Support Great guy Competent Knows his stuff
  4. - Support You are not fit for the role of a O5 member at all. A huge amount of warns, even as a mod. You behaviour is mingy in general which is not needed on such a high clearance job. Fix up your attitude and the way you do things and you might get a chance at it.
  5. Christmas event item mate, gotta hope it comes around next Christmas if you want to buy it.
  6. +/- Support Don't know what you've been banned for mate but being perma banned means you must've done something really bad, especially if such a high ranking person has banned you. Gonna wait for other responses and maybe some evidence.
  7. We are losing Beanz too? Man its a sad year. Hope you have loads of luck in your future endevors!
  8. + Support for the gate camping This wasn't really a problem until recently when it was mentioned that MTF are allowed to camp gates. I find it quite unfair towards CI.
  9. + Support Hello WantedIdeas brother
  10. + Support I think he might have just enough experience as a leader, just enough though.
  11. - Support It spices up the site and makes it a bit more unique over the default forums where its just PFP and your name.
  12. - Support 610 is pretty much a virus. It spreads to new hosts rapidly, they decay over time, if there are no new hosts - it dies. That's the concept of the SCP. The 90 second NLR timer can make this pretty deadly at high peak hours.
  13. +Support Clear intent to avoid a ban.
  14. Damn its sad to see a brother go like this. Gonna miss you man, happy that you are doing better regarding your mental health. Hope you return one day!
  15. + Support - Great idea for an event - Very active - Approachable - Colt is a great fit for ET!
  16. + Support Don't have to state any reasons. We all know Zeus.
  17. Yato Sensei


    Go Sleep, you are drunk
  18. See you mate! Hope you come back one day!
  19. Nooo we losing Daniels as well? Holy crap what an awful year. Hope you have luck in your future endevours!
  20. Also Sarkic have 3 minute NLR, but anyways, NLR violation is present. + Support
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