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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. +Support Until the staff member says his side of the story I am going to +support this since you can see in the screenshot present that he didn’t in fact damage Bloodstream which means he can attack back.
  2. @GoodmanIf this is true then this mans warn can be removed.
  3. It means Research HCMD will decide to either keep you blacklisted or unblacklisted
  4. No you are not getting your whitelist back. You have been blacklisted from Security for 1 month for the reason of "After demoted refused to flag off trainee, rude, hostile, told me to fuck myself several times, etc.". You can try again in Security when the blacklist is up.
  5. D-class are not supposed to have many advantages.
  6. Well I robbed the casino with the boys so I most likely have the 500k. I then split all of it up between 500 security members so thats where it is.
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