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Everything posted by DeletedUser12345

  1. Well they can be given perms by certain members of GenSec which the HSU did not ask if he did.
  2. +Support This should not have been a Warning. First, of all CPL's are allowed in HCZ so the HSU has no reason to cuff him in the first place. Second of all Ape was being cuffed after trying to say "one second" so he didn't even have any time to say he is allowed in HCZ. He rightfully killed him after he attempted to cuff him. For the actual sit and Weiss talking over him and not letting him tell his story I have no idea if that happened or not since there is not a clip of the sit so I will not comment on that.
  3. -Support Generally I find this unneeded and I like how the current weapons are.
  4. Sorry Bread but, your models need to be replaced. You were a community member which means your models are not allowed to be used on the server. They are doing the right thing here and replacing them. Zeeptin said it himself that your models need to be replaced on the server if you don’t believe me.
  5. Cardigan you were an amazing Command member. You will always be missed and I hope you return one day.
  6. Lmao wtf if this is considered ERP you might as well ban the entire community -Support
  7. Lmao that was hilarious but, I would rather have this be against the rules lmao.
  8. I agree with what Sixx said I really appreciate you making this apology. Also don't worry I was able to keep the FTO program afloat even while Soloing it.
  9. Your back smelly now let’s go to EZ.
  10. I understand your concerns but, we have been working very hard with the rest of CMD to make sure only trusted individuals gain NCO. I also believe you were not informed of our new SOP rule where JNCO’s are now allowed to patrol In HCZ with CPL+!
  11. Why do you need a Level 4 keycard on your E11 WO - COL. Same reason for us to get around the Site.
  12. +Support All I want is old D-block no edits and old snowy surface but keep our current surface layout. I also like our current EZ.
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