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Zack Morden

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Everything posted by Zack Morden

  1. May luck be on your side reaching JMT buddy
  2. +Support For the riot shield Yes a riot shield doesn't shoot bullets it blocks them but however Ci still would be attacked for breaking "Rules" Quote from the Motd "SCP-912 may attempt to arrest rule breakers and bring them to GENSEC or MTF personnel." Ci raiding the site I would say is breaking the rules because only FOUNDATION personal is allowed into the site and ci doesn't work for the foundation and if they don't work for the foundation they are Trespassing or Invading Long story short: +Support for the riot shield however ci would still be attacked due to the MOTD
  3. And it may cause the server to lag but if these two problems wont effect anyone then im fine with it but for the mean time -Support
  4. Its enough to make a solid gear rust up I WILL MISS YOU MAN
  5. 100/100 KETER+ [Holy shit I have never seen this type of idea before] [Format Perfect] [Mass use of colors] [Spelling is PERFECT] [No Cons] [Note: Best log i have seen in a LOOOONNNNG time] *BEEP* LOG GRADED
  6. 85/100 Keter [Pictures are a plus] [Spelling is good] ================ [N/A] ================ [Presentation is bland] [Try to add colors] [Note: I am soo sorry for the late grade] *BEEP* LOG GRADED
  8. +Support Yes No longer will people have to set up timers or remember how long NLR is yes please (Changed -/+ to +)
  9. 100/100 Keter [Test log was fun to read] [Idea was something that often never comes up] [Spelling Fine] [Picture of 999 Ok] [Seems something 999 Would do] ============================ [Try to master Goggle Docs as the Forums kind of get old] =========================== [No Cons] =========================== One of the best Logs I have read in a while [*BEEP* LOG GRADED]
  10. +Support Come back to them Dr Gears
  11. PLEASE HOLD [This test log has been assigned for gradeing] [Please wait 1-3 days or less for your grade] [Thank you] -Zack Morden
  12. Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't it say something along the lines of "You have been forced to put on the mask" or something about that if not +Support
  13. 90/100 Keter [For your first log AND test the idea was good] [Grammar and spelling is good] ========================= [Only Nag I have is Try to add color if possible] If im correct we have a format for Goggle docs but im unsure about it Great work [LOG MEETS EXPECTIONS]
  14. 100/100 THAUMIEL Pros and Cons [Pros] -Login in the beginning was a nice little touch- -Spelling is on Point- -Format Perfect- -Cant even think of anything bad- [Test log meets expectations]
  15. THIS TEST LOG HAS BEEN ASSIGNED -Please wait up to 1-3 or less for your grade- Beep
  16. Zack Morden


    What they said -Support
  18. +Support -Great friend in research -Kind -Hard working Keep it up man
  19. PLEASE HOLD This log has been given to a cmd member for grading please wait 1-3 days or less
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