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Everything posted by Mark001

  1. +/- support Good naval Helpful Knows all duty's in naval SSO in SO and knows DT and Shock already Professional Semi-Active Just got low command overall your a good naval and i dont see anyone else taking this besides you mainly because of your SO experience and naval skills, however you have been low command for not even a week and if your going to a duty that high you should increase activity., and be on low command longer. i wish you the best of luck and i hope you get this position but i would like to see you a little more active and experienced in naval low command. if you have that then there is no one more fit for this position!
  2. +support incredible app has leader skills and traits very active helpful and I think he can lead inferno to activity
  3. +support active helpful leads naval in a way that’s very efficient and effective no one is more fit for this new position leads his branches now very well, so I have no doubt he can do this.
  4. What is your ingame name?: Mark What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128867149 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: Security Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Kallus What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I can improve the branch by setting a good example and hosting tryouts. by hosting tryouts I can help ST's get off ST and help shock stay active and keep the ship under imperial control. Why should you be trusted with this position?: because I have been active and have listen to all orders and have followed them without question and will do so until I am to not anymore. I also am a midshipman and have been around for a while. Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank to help shock enlisted and keep shock in shape and the ship under control, also as naval we run the ship but we don't help branches put much but in a specialty we do, that's why I want the rank. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: to help enlisted and keep the branch active and in check and report the branches status to command and promote good enlisted, and also help them on the ground and manage prisoners and RFA's and man the brig.
  5. +support -active -host DT and Shock tryouts often -sets good examples for shock and naval -good leader -good luck
  6. Lore Name: Mark Rank: Researcher (test Approved by Professor Adams SCP: 999 and 096 Question / Idea: in the attempts made to try and kill SCP 096 I wanna tame him. Background Research: in the past a test was made with 049 and 096... it seems they connected, I wanna see if 999 with its special property's could do even better. Hypothesis: I think 096 will be tame to 999 and 999 only but one could only hope. Observations (What Happened During Test): *door opens* Mark: scp 999 please enter the cc. Note: SCP 999 was briefed about scp 096 and given a choice, he was more than happy to comply. scp 999: makes a happy noise and enters the cc... scp 096: 096 looks at 999 and hits 999 with a incredible force that shakes the facility. Note: test almost aborted however cc help and 999 got back up. scp 999: *gives a large hug to 096* scp 096: does not scream or cry like in other tests. note: after ten min on constant hugging it seemed 999 did not want to stop and 096 wasn't reacting, however it was hard to tell on the sensors only. Mark: *opens door* please leave the cc..... scp 999: *exits cc* scp 096 *does not cry for around 36 hours and 14 min and 2 sec.* Note by researcher Mark: this test was odd and a change of behavior by 096 it didn't seem to react to 999 looking at his face after the hit. this is a odd behavior and need's to be tested more in depth later. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A no test on SCP-096 should ever be recorded photo graphed or watches unless permitted by Dr. ███ or by ██ - █ Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): scp 999's property's where most likely the cause but more research will be done. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: almost.
  7. just wanted to say great format but the test itself wasnt good, if you want to get a amazing grade then use this format with a great test! otherwise your format is great you just need the right test. (dont make a log out of every test you can keep testing until you get a good one then document it) also the reason i say this is because MTF got mad at you because he said you where just killing d class and where not doing a real test (you already knew what would happen)
  8. Mark001


    i have a 128 combat level but only 58 skill points i should have 64
  9. you where one of the best Naval and my favorite. sad to see you go hope to see you another rime.
  10. you thought it was ok to go on your staff job and press the hyperspace buttons? idk what you were thinking. so please tell me why you pressed them?
  11. -support -the reason ground high command cant change defcons is because thats navals job, they are in charge of just that.. ground not the ship. so leave that to naval.
  12. +support -active -good guy -know lore the hells you talking about xD
  13. 1. Your In-game: Blue Bird 2. Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128867149 3. The admin's name in-game: Watermelone 4. The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A 5. What did the admin do: Pressed hyperspace button while on staff job, and then shortly after came to bridge and started playing imperial inq, even after asked to stop. after told not to go around pressing hyperspace buttons he then froze me telling me not to tell him what to do. 6. Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED): Him admitting he pressed the hyperspace after i made a report. 7. What do you believe should happen to the admin: idk what is the correct punishment for pressing hyperspace button while on a staff job and playing music all over the ship even when asked to stop is, so your choice 8. Any extra information: N/A i asked JMT if you can press hyperspace buttons while on duty they said no.
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