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Everything posted by Mark001

  1. It was good talking to you and being around you. SO's will miss you and so will Zefer and that open SSO spot! dont worry Zefer will take care of that spot well lmao. anyways, you helped SO and Naval a shit load and wont be forgotten. Remember your always welcome back and to message me.
  2. Didn't think about that, welp DENIED Reapply in never
  3. What do you want to see?: The Mandalorian or din djarin added to the Galactic Hunters pack. Why should we add it?: Would look really cool and add more content to the galactic hunters pack adding more interest into it and making people who have the pack more happy and satisfied with the purchase. What are the advantages of having this?: 1. More selections in the pack 2. cmon, its the Mandalorian, hes badass. 3. who wouldn't want to die to that model Who is it mainly for?: Anyone who purchased the galactic hunters pack or people who are on edge about getting it, and gaminglight itself getting more purchase's on the pack. Links to any content: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2327811463 all weapons are up to SMT, i dont know whats balanced and what fits the character.
  4. I remember finding out this was client side, i was so sad lmao.
  5. -Support - you have been on the server for a while and should know the rules, the staff's decision to give you a formal warn is justified and the right decision. the decision to be lenient is for new people, hes not new and knows the rules. lets not act like you didnt know what you where doing. i suggest leaving DT alone and let them do what they do.
  6. +support no idea why it warned him but someone kept saying half of the n word and minging, but hes gone now. but yeah sorry about that.
  7. -support -active -good high command member -will be missed
  8. me and Elias have been cooking up spicy lore for a fleet admiral reckless i will send the entire lore of it all! hope yall enjoy these events and maybe give insight on what there about. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q32GDDWem9UbDBKNHGdvZzBXd34EbDdLXQZ8OaNeD3s/edit?usp=sharing this has it all on there, feel free to suggest ideas! credit will be handed out to idea givers. Made By Elias^^^^^ he did great!
  9. +support -there is a update available for LFS -did you know theres a update available for LFS? -no way theres a update for LFS? -OMG THE NEW UPDATE FOR LFS!!!!! -WOW LFS GUYS LFS UPDATED!
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