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Everything posted by Mark001

  1. +support -very true, cadets are more stupid than ever -minges are getting to minge faster than ever -it sounded like a good idea but it causes issues, like Beepteebops got into the server yesterday we all knew it was him but he was somewhere on the ship causing chaos.
  2. Mark001


    I dont believe i can arrest my higher ups or staff
  3. Mark001


    Ok i dont know whats right or wrong, people at night have been breaking rules and not doing RP, and they say its minge hours. even my own command members do it. and ive done i myself. so idk what to say about. when i RP at night i feel like i cant do anything because everyone is mingeing, i wont lie ive minged at night too. so idk what to do. because at this point so many people do it, even some staff ive seen do it. if a SMT could respond and give me a solid answer i would be thankful.
  4. Worst app ive seen in a while, you a good person but please try harder.
  5. Mark001

    Blue Birds EO

    What is your ingame name?: Blue Bird What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128867149 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: EO What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Grand Moff Tarkin What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? The way i can improve the 31st is by hosting tryouts to increase numbers and pressure activity on non active people. i will also try to help the battalion in any needed situation and i will make sure i try my hardest to help the battalion in any needed way possible. Why should you be trusted with this position?: i should be trusted because i have had command positions before on the milrp server as a CPT, i also have helped build servers and have never betray anyone in a harming way, unless its a joking way. Why do you want this rank?: i want this rank because there is next to no EO and very slim numbers on 31st and i just wanna help out, i also heard the SOP needs help and i can help on that. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: yes What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: Engineering officers are in charge of the ship structure and technology. This job comes with great responsibility you will be in charge of supervising the 31st. Your job will be to make sure the ship is in good health and any issues can be solved quickly. Some of your jobs will also be to use and create weapons and make new items for the Empire to use. Doing this you must make sure that all operations are kept safe and that the 31st personnel are informed of the ship's eceptations. Taken from the SOP in the EO section of the specialty's, i have read over it and i know what my responsibility's are.
  6. +support -active -mature -does job well - EO needs more people
  7. +support -active -mature -i stopped playing but i remember you as active -i want to see you as COL its a good fit for you good luck
  8. also " 1x Disrespect - Warning (Verbal or Formal) 2x or More - Warning + Jail (600 Seconds)" he followed the handbook
  9. lol -Support. -you break the rules you get the punishment -evidence was shown you were player dissing -not sufficient evidence for a investigation please fix grammar and spelling mistakes, it looks more professional.
  10. -support -have fun with lag -helicopter crashes will be fun because it takes skill to fly one without crashing -the noise of helicopter are deafening -whats the point of having a air unit anyways? -we have plenty of ground units anyways
  11. +support -active -helpful -great person goodluck
  12. +support - who the fuck wants a random ass person claiming shit thats not true -a fighting chance against lies
  13. +support -im tired of the same guns
  14. What you want to see? - the grass leveled with the road at this area please Why should we add it? - cars keep getting stuck and pursuits are no fun around this shit show What are the advantages of having this? - cars dont get stuck Who is it mainly for? - everyone's sanity Links to any content - N/A also if there is any other areas that has the same issue please comment it. and ill try my best to add it
  15. Format: format Lore Name: Blue Bird Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128867149 Rank: Researcher Activity Level: 10/10
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