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Everything posted by Mark001

  1. Lore Name: Blue Bird Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128867149 Rank: Researcher Activity Level: on every day. after corona activity, it won't be as good.
  2. Name: Blue Bird Rank: Researcher Clearance Level: 3 Date of Incident: 3/23/2020 Describe the incident: A test on SCP 049 was taking place when SCP 049-2 broke out as well as SCP 049. SCP 049 and SCP 049-2 killed all GENSEC in the experiment. SCP 049 making zombies and is loose in HCZ. List classes of SCP(s) involved: Euclid. Immediate complications due to the incident: MTF containing SCP 049. Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): None. Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): MTF containing SCP 049, GENSEC taking heavy losses. Resolution towards incident: MTF kills all SCP 049-2s and SCP 049 is cuffed. How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: Small risk. Extra Information: Some research deaths.
  3. Mark001

    False Warn

    they jumped in front of me. when there is cross fire between foundation members do you warn them, I didn't think so. in no way was I targeting them they were in my way. I trying to kill 096-1.
  4. lore Name: Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: 096 Question / Idea: If SCP 096 is introduced to a mirror what will happen? Background Research: "when someone views SCP-096's face, whether it be directly, via video recording, or even a photograph, it will enter a stage of considerable emotional distress. SCP-096 will cover its face with its hands and begin screaming, crying, and babbling incoherently. Approximately one (1) to two (2) minutes after the first viewing, SCP-096 will begin running to the person who viewed its face (who will from this point on be referred to as SCP-096-1)." Hypothesis: SCP 096 will do nothing. Observations (What Happened During Test): "SCP 096s chamber is opened, Class D enters with a mirror. SCP 096 ignoring Class D and Begins Crying. Class D asks SCP 096 if he's ok. Class D is instructed not to look at SCP 096s face. Class D complies. Class D is instructed to show the mirror to SCP 096. Class D Complies, SCP 096 enters an enraged state. SCP 096 begins scratching its face-pulling skin and flesh off. Class D runs to the side of the room. SCP 096 Begins throwing itself around the room, SCP 096 kills class D and begins breaking the door down. SCP 096 breaks out of the door, MTF opens fire on SCP 096 to no visual effect. SCP 096 kills 2 MTF and GENSEC and begins running out of the room. SCP 096 is loose in heavy Containment and is still trying to kill itself. MTF is chasing SCP 096 and is shooting, SCP 096 goes on another killing spree on MTF and some researchers. SCP 096 reaches a door and stops, SCP 096 sits down and begins regenerating, it seems SCP 096 gave up on killing its self. SCP 096 is bagged and brought back to containment. SCP 096 remain docile, Dr. Oleksei and Dr, Dan have been notified of this update." Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): it entering an enraged state on itself. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No. Visual Stimuli: SCP 096 stopped at door calm. (all protocols were followed for pictures)
  5. Mark001

    False Warn

    Your In-game: Blue Bird Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:128867149 The admin's name in-game: Giovanni The admin's steam name (If you know it): N/A What warning did you receive: RDM Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): Why do you think this warn was false: I was 096 and I was activated, when I was trying to kill 096-1 mtf kept getting in front of me when I was attacking 096-1, they died because of it. they kept jumping in front of me I told them to stop but they kept doing it. they then called an admin on me for RDM, I feel it was unfair to get warned for RDM as they were the ones jumping in front of me. Any extra information: I'm very sorry you guys got killed but you jumped in front of me. I wasn't trying to kill you guys I'm very sorry.
  6. Lore Name: Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: 173 Question / Idea: Will SCP 173 move when a mirror is put to his face? Background Research:N/A Hypothesis: SCP 173 will stop moving. Observations (What Happened During Test): The D class enters the cell with a handheld mirror. SCP 173 immediately moves to snap the neck. D class is introduced to not blink and put the mirror on his face. D class cooperates. SCP 173 doesn't move. D class looks away only for SCP 173 not to move. D class begins itching his "Balls", and puts the mirror down. class D immediately dies to a neck injury. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 173 was looking at himself. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes.
  7. yes the gun sounds better is better and gives more enthusiasm to OFCs. and who uses there pistol after they get a m4
  8. Lore Name: Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: SCP 008, SCP 049. Question / Idea: Would the class D infected with corona be cured by SCP 049? And after that would the class D be infected by SCP 008? Background Research: N/A Hypothesis: SCP 049 would not be able to cure corona and make immunity to SCP 008. Observations (What Happened During Test): The class D entered the cell of SCP 049. SCP 049 that started his operations on the class D. The class D was then put back to a "human form". The class D said he felt "AMAZING". SCP 049: "I went ahead and cured something else while I was at it". The class D then was tested on for corona. There was no trace left, this was groundbreaking, he was completely cured no trace, no symptoms. The class D was confirmed safe and was transported to SCP 008s chamber. The class D was instructed to open the lid. The class D was exposed to SCP 008. The class D said, "I'm fine, what does this thing do anyways?". The class D was escorted out of SCP 008s chamber. he was then tested for SCP 008. He had no symptoms and no trace. The class D was confirmed clear of SCP 008 and corona. He was being transported to medbay when a group of CI murdered him and the guard. I just survived but I feel like I saw a miracle. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): Unknown at this time. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No.
  9. What do you want to see? - warns to delete after a long period amount of time. Why should we add it? - some people change if they were minges and also some people need time to learn the rules. and it's unfair that warns still affect you years later not everyone is perfect. people deserve a chance. What are the advantages of having this? - people don't have to have a warn haunting them from a year ago. Who is it mainly for? - everyone and people who change there mingy ways. Links to any content - N/A
  10. i made sure players didnt make it. its a Perma prob lol
  11. +support -active -mature -fit for captain
  12. -support -not active -not fit for command good luck
  13. -support -not active -minge -not really a leader +helps PD members that need help as much as i wanted to +support there are some prob that needed to be pointed out
  14. +/- +mature -not super active but not to bad.
  15. Lore Name: Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: SCP 999 and SCP 173 cross test Question / Idea: What will happen to SCP 999 as SCP 99 has no neck or bones. Background Research: N/A Hypothesis: SCP 999 will just be unaffected. Observations (What Happened During Test): SCP 999 enters SCP 173s containment chamber. SCP 999 runs up to SCP 173 and begins hugging SCP 173 and wrapping himself around him. SCP 173 seems to try to snap SCP 999s neck but fails. SCP 999 then ask SCP 173 for candy. SCP 173 then lets SCP 999 try to tickle him. SCP 173 goes docile not attacking SCP 99 seemings to have befriended SCP 999. SCP 999 runs out of containment chamber as SCP 173 attempts to follow but the door gets closed. As much as it broke my heart to see 173 follow SCP 999 he did kill my friend so yeah. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): SCP 999s affect to make people around him happy seemed to work on SCP 173. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, they became friends.
  16. Lore Name: Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: 008 Question / Idea: Is 008 still not gonna have any effect on class D? Background Research: N/A Hypothesis: It will stay the same as last time. Observations (What Happened During Test): Class D opens the lid. [5 min pass]. no affect on class d, last time I did this test the class D went insane instead of infection now, nothing is happening. I walk to Gensec to extract class D. I took my samples and scannings but yet no affect. I suggest we contact the director of containment or the site director that SCP 008 has seized its infection. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): Unkown. I can't figure out why it stopped infecting. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: no. it stopped making the D class Insane. now it has zero effect.
  17. the grammar the fukin because it was a direct quote.
  18. Name: AR Blue Bird Rank: AR Clearance Level: 3 Date of Incident: 3/16/2020 Describe the incident: scps have breached and are killing MTF and gensec we have lost control of the facility List classes of SCP(s) involved: 682,173,1245-2,076-02 Immediate complications due to the incident: MTF units storming facility, gensec on high alert. no onsite nuke has been activated. weird Long-term complications due to the incident (if applicable): loose scps Type of response towards incident (MTF/NTF/Security/ETC): scientist: we gonna fukin DIEEEE | MTF: CHAOS Resolution towards incident: MTF units all died after 1 hour and 20 min we gained back control 9 (I'm not joking) How dangerous was the entirety of the situation?: extremely with all these loose scps we could of cause an XK Extra Information: no site admin was on at the time meaning no nuke. requesting we have site admin on more as this could have destroyed the SCP foundation.
  19. Lore Name: AR Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: 012 Question / Idea: what will come back on the brain scan Background Research: document never shows a brain scan Hypothesis: will have some distress of some type Observations (What Happened During Test): subject went insane pulling blood out of body Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): shows the brain has massive distress. the Cerebrum shows a complete disruption almost like its getting infected. this causes the subject to not feel the pain of him killing himself. he also has a disruption in the temporal lobe. almost like 012 took control of the body. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: yes.
  20. Lore Name: AR Blue Bird Rank: AR SCP: 173 Question / Idea: does SCP 173 have mercy or compromise. Background Research: N/A Hypothesis: he will kill him instantly Observations (What Happened During Test): had a small amount of relent when class d was compromising for his life when he insulted 173 he killed him. showing 173 has some knowledge Evidence/Visual Stimuli: N/A Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Have Caused The Results): the insult Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: no. 173 showed relent and tried to compromise
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