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Kami- Amaterasu

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Everything posted by Kami- Amaterasu

  1. +Support -Active -Responsible -Trusting
  2. Due to the Fact Demon is unable to make a forums account Kallus (Ducks) Tol him to get another naval to post it for him. This is for Mishipman Demon's App for Aviation Officer. Was fully left untouch (Besides fixing the Steam ID) What is your ingame name?:Demon What is your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:44416268 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?:AO What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:Garrick Versio What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? What i can do to make it better im a very good flyer and can be on a lot and can help ppl out with attacks and kinda do what I know a lot of ppl said my app was bad yes my Grammer is bad I did not do good on school this is kinda a ps not a thing for this back to the topic and i listen to orders only from the right people Why should you be trusted with this position?: well why i should be trusted i will not disobay any orders unless by a person who can not give me orders I have been a very active person doing stuff like manning ATC when it's a no fly time and I'm fine with doing that so other people dont have to do it and so they don't complain about that its boring or dumb so I just do it and dont care that there nothing to do in ATC Why do you want this rank?: i want to have this rank becasue i have been in airforce/SF in a lot of dif servers and i know some ppl in AO i also want to join one of these because right now I have a DNP In purge and I want to get far into naval maybe even getting to high command but right now I can only dream Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:yes i do What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:we are to mantain the SF and are to defend the ship from attackers
  3. What is your in-game name?: Kami What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: SubLT What specialty are you applying for?: Medical Overseer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Duck/Agent Kallus What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?: I can improve the Role-playing of the branch by offering more in-debt tasks, Such as giving required check ups throughout the whole ship of certain battalions, as well as expand what the medical researchers could research on and what they could go into like experimental healing methods. I can Assist in giving more tryouts for the people who wish to join medical and grow the branch. From what I see while I'm usually actively on is that Medical seem to rarely host tryouts around the late nights (5-10 EST), and that can be an issue at times. With that I will be on point on hosting tryouts when I am on at those times. Why should you be trusted with this position?: As I used to be an Engineering Officer I was able to assist Havoc with all I could with sims and improving activity. I can do the same for Medical as the Medical Overseer. I can bring more medical sims as well as activity throughout the branch. This branch is the best for learning more about how much it can be used for more Role-playing scenarios. I have been in positions which over see others before, such as command positions that I have stated before Why do you want this rank?: I wish to improve not only Medical as a branch, but to improve the idea to lower naval ranks of joining a specialty an how it is very important for all branches as a whole. Joining a specialty improves branch relationships and also includes how we as a naval can help that by mediating as being overseers of certain branches. This growth is important to fit each needs of certain branches while we watch over them and help them improve where they are needed. I feel when i join such specialty I'm improving my duty to both medical and to naval by helping the relationship between them. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: My purpose within the Medical branch is to make sure all medical records are up to date to ensure that the troopers of the ISD are in healthy condition. As well as to make sure Medical is doing their job to keep the ship as healthy as can be and that they are responsibly assisting in each unhealthy troopers needs. While off ship my job is to insure that all medical supplies are in order before we head off the ISD as well as no supplies were loss in transportation, to make sure all the medical troopers are on standby to ensure anyone who needs the medical help gets it immediately.
  4. bruh you werent suppose to be able to leave this early how dare you
  6. The first day I entered the server I did not know ANYTHING about SCP and any lore behind it. Way back on site 05 that had the flat land, I was on D-class. Having no clue on what the heck I was supposed to do. I instantly got thrown into a riot, trying to fail escaping the facility. I continued as D-class getting taken by Researchers who took me to where 173 used to Reside as that was a room for them to test in at the time. I joined research first as a Jr. mind you I never did any real test but it was the first time I was allowed to be outside of d-block without being shot. That’s when I met a Zone- Ashie back then- as he was a Gensec MSGT. I got trained for security by him and got promoted by Matrices at a meeting for telling the gensec to not stand in front of the barricades. And easily got promoted to CPL for guarding the d-block hallway. Eventually the day after I had bought bronze being trained in E11 at the castle. My first time of many I join a MTF branch- first day starr handcuffed the Commander at the time, Within Charlie-6, Gh0pit and literally handed him over to me- and to be honest I didn’t know what to do. A day passed yet again and I was up late night as a d-class. Easily escaping and leaving the facility for the first time as the class. I was going to the Chaos Insurgency base. At this time I only knew a little bit of the lore- and at the time I thought CI and Serpents hand were pretty much the same. And hearing the lore behind Serpent's hand- I was interested. I was lucky enough that Weiss- who was known to get a LOT of training for CI back then was on doing late night training. Back then I believe it was Creamy, me and another dude who got trained- however I got trained separately because there were only to be two trainees at a time. I got trained and passed the test- I was a Chaos RCT. A day and a few raids after I noticed the researchers seeing as I loved writing creatively I asked about how to join the RND department. They mentioned I could wait til I get to LCPL- but me being impatient I asked if it was possible to get transferred- and with that I got trained by Lord and whitelisted by Rabbit. I was now an AR. I climbed the ranks quickly- some say too quick- and looking back at it I'd agree with them. I can still clearly remember Enuz’s PT of the E4 betraying HCMD, and everyone arguing on whether to fight them or not. I had gotten promoted to SR that day. Eventually I made it to SRIC in about a month and, when Rabbit got COL I had decided to apply for HOR, as there was no one in either HOR or DHOR. I had gotten interviewed and instead got the DHOR position, which I accepted- due to the fact it gave me a chance to help grow the branch to the best of my ability. Back then RND ran under the high command of the military branch, and there were FAR less ranks then there are as of today. But Bionicle and I worked side by side to assist the branch as best we could by giving them challenges to go by. Eventually it was another meeting, a big one it would be the day a lot of things changed. I had gotten promoted to HOR- and at this time I gotta say- I made some stupid ass mistakes that would haunt me for my time. I was at this rank for about a week before being demoted back down to DHOR for a mistake that happened. At the time there were a ton of conflicts with HCMD and the officers and I had shown pieces of a chat that I shouldn’t have. But humans made mistakes and I pushed passed it. I had stuck to RND for a little while longer, climbing the ranks of Technical in the background, as I had gotten deep into a new Roleplay. Let’s rewind a bit for this part. Not long ago I had gotten Maynard for being RND command. I had gotten deep into research roleplay and had met a certain researcher. Doctor Karen J Bright. Now I met him before this a little bit as I had brought him into another RP while I was technician- just making CNTN as just merely a thought. But at this time as Maynard he was doing a test on this Anomalous wardrobe, his SCP in the making, SCP-15111. Alongside him we had done tests with SCPs to see what could damage such an Indestructible Regenerative wardrobe. Eventually he went on and did more tests with it and got it added to the server. While that was going on I was preparing a huge RP storyline for myself to create, involving my technical life, Amik Keian, the person who would be making a C.N.T.N. Bot. As there were the SMRT bot, with the researchers, and the HLPR bot, with the utility, but I had noticed no one had come up with a robot to help MTF. My whole perspective changed when we got into the CNTN bot role play. Many have come and gone throughout the roleplay- and in fact without Karen pestering me about the CNTN bot stuff I probably wouldn’t have fully gone through with it. I’ve met many through the hard times of the roleplay, although cringe at times, but it was all in good fun, and I wouldn't be the same without all the people involved. Through the time of this I had another big time in Omicron-9. With the dying branch slowly at its end, I pushed and pushed, hoping it would stay before eventually, I crashed and I couldn't keep going. I resigned. Resigned from CI, Omi9. . . Probably the biggest mistakes I could have done- but it was time to go on. This time, I knew it had to be done. With everything going on in real life, slowly losing more and more activity as time goes on. It’s time that it all should come to an end. This time, it's the time that I take a good long look at both myself, and my time throughout SCP has been worth EVERY second I spent. There have been So many people that have helped me through the hard times that it's really hard to leave, but my activity will not get any better from here on out. Now, Some honorable mentions I would like to include- These will be long descriptions, so be prepared. Skela/Aleks- I just want you to know how GRATEFUL i am to have had you leading CI at the time i was still around. I want to apologize so much for how I handled things sometimes, thinking it was the right thing to do. But you were a Great person to talk to, and an easy person to do so, so thanks. @WhoDatAleks Enuz- You are a GREAT high command member, although we didn't talk much, ever since the PTs you host i always tried to make myself better and worked towards the goal i pushed with. You were a person to look up to and I couldn't ask for a better LT-CMDR @enuz Watkin- You left not long before everything went down, you had a big part in a story that I glad you were involved in, I still miss ya, and think about you at times, I don't know if your even reading this or checking forums still but, thanks again for all you’ve done. Surge- You and I joined Nu7 for the first time around the same time, although I kept leaving and joining back multiple times, and you getting removed multiple times (Scrub) Keep pushing forward for me, I’ll be watching you go up those ranks. Don't leave too soon now. @Surge Beanz- . . . Oh beanz. Honestly I am glad you were there for the start of CNTN bot, and seeing as you really didn't know me too much I knew you. I idolized you since before we almost captured you one day and you smartly yelled at Erik at SCP-066 and instead of taking you to the base we hung you and took a picture. @CanOBeanz Travar- Ever since I met ya when you were that LCPL Of gensec who was containing all the SCPs with us, you always had that funny atmosphere around you. You climbed the ranks of Nu7 very quickly and eventually you’ve helped the Event team so much since you came back from your inactivity. I want to thank you for being there, and I know we’ll still see each other a lot. @Travar Vlad/Monika- Look, Vlad, There might be SO many differences we’ve had, but i want you to know that you seem to have grown SO much since then. I’m sorry to have cut the RP short but, it's time that it is set to rest for a possible another day. @SR Vlad romanov Daedran- Daedran, I am so glad to have had you involved with the CNTN RP and I enjoyed every moment we were rping with you as you had a GREAT character to roleplay with and I’m glad that you were involved with it. @Daedran™ Blackbeard- There’s so much I want to thank you for as a Commander I worked with for a while. Thank you so much for accepting my Omi-9 command application, and I'm sorry for leaving as I did before it happened. Thank you for having me and I am looking forward to seeing more of you in the future. @Blackbeard Jack (All of them But mostly DOL) - All the Jacks kind of took me in as one of their own, and I’m grateful for that. I still remember when I Captured Former DOL Jack back when he joined medical as a resident and he was the only medical on, so we took him with us to the base. @Jack (utility one) Novah/Markus/Emily- You were the one who trained me for both Nu7 the first time around, plus for FTO- that was way back when you weren't even in command. It's been almost a whole year now. My how the time passes, thanks for being there, and thanks for the entertainment. Lastly. Karen Bright. Karen, if you had NOT pestered me about the whole CNTN bot i would NOT have done the whole roleplay aspect. And having you there made it even more realistic. You were there watching the CNTN bots, there making sure they went well and were supervised, I wish we were back when those times were going on, how simple they were. Thank you for helping the RP grow into what it was, and i hope to see you and RP with you still, i would not like to lose you around. @Scoron Notable things from Characters I played: Amik Keian- “These Bots aren’t just being made to work and help the Mobile task forces do whatever they do in this prison, They are here to learn, learn how we work and to work with us.” A technician of the foundation, Amik had set out to make the CNTN or “Contain and Neutralises Troublesome Anomalies” Bots to assist the Containing of SCPs. Kami G. Amaterasu- “Even the sun can be at its darkest on the brightest day” A old foundation doctor transferred to Site-05 to turn to Chaos Insurgency when the foundation took her brother for having ‘anomalous abilities.’ Little did she know her own story was about to begin deeper into the depths of something darker. Tsukuyomi Mikoto - “The moon is there to shine on the night to show the path leading to the truth.” Brother to Kami, lost in the dark until found by a Researcher of the site, released unbeknownst to anyone through the dark facility. CNTN Bot Alpha or ‘Artifex’ - “Look! I’m a flower!” The first CNTN bot to be created among 4 others, They had learned many things throughout their time as a Bot, even after they had contained SCPs. They still act like a child, in hopes to keep a smile on peoples faces. Kaiju Seeker Rodan - “A creature should be studied in a natural environment, it is the only way to know how they truly act, such as acting in solitude..” An unknown humanoid who had seemingly come from a different world, Rodan and the other Seekers ended up in a creature filled land, eager to figure out more about these anomalous beings. And more about what a lot call, “humans.” Notable Pictures: All 5 CNTN bots together. Mike, Skela, Alpha, Epsilon, SCP-049, Watkin, Daedran, Kilo, And D-class named “Snowball” First time Alpha got to take SCP-049 on the surface. The start of it all. The Time Beanz was shown of Amik’s first start of the CNTN bot.
  7. What is your ingame name?: Kami What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:60884699 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: Engineering Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Ducks What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? I wish to improve the activity that Havoc is having a hard time with. Through this, I know some passive RP i can get Havoc involved with in order to get interest in the branch. To do this i would host Engineering Sims involving a whole vent patrol, fixing pipes and consoles alike. Another Sim i would host would involve them using their Fortification barriers to make a effective barrier that can help in different types of combative situations. Keeping the Havoc Engaged, and getting more trainings in for the branch will get more involvement through out the server. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I can be trusted in such position because in my time i have joined the Gaminglight Community i have been put in many positions that have assisted many branches as a whole. Most of these have been involved in the SCP-RP Server, however that time has passed and I thrive to help the activity within a branch that can use the assistance. I've been in multiple command positions in which the branch has had its hardest times, yet i stick with it, pushing through the difficulties and helping the branch to the best of my ability. An example is when I was DHOR of Chaos Insurgency's Research and Development I pushed engaging challenges to keep the researchers on their feet and some prize for them to look forward to. I have Led many roles in branches that needed the extra incentive. I am an amazing leader and i can come up with many creative ideas to keep the Havoc Troopers on their toes. I push out great role-play scenarios, including one's for engineering based- as I used to be a Maintenance Command member, needing to make scenarios on keeping the workers up and fixing the SCP Facility. I could go on about many scenarios I could bring to such a branch including them making weapons, or a whole ship wide- maintenance error and have Havoc going around fixing it. Why do you want this rank?: To get Havoc engaged in even more Creative Roleplay scenarios, I want to push my ideas on how to create a great Roleplaying Environment for the engineering branch. This includes giving people them more reasons on why to stay or why to enjoy the branch for the creativeness it can hold fully. There is so much potential within this branch that it can entail, including making engineering logs, or more roleplay friendly mini events during passive hours of the ship. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: EO's are in charge of looking over the branch of Havoc and make sure both the ship and technology of the ship is in perfect condition. If this ship is damaged, it's the EO's job, working along with the Havoc battalion, to make sure its fixed to perfect order and running smoothly. Working with the assigned battalion is a priority as communication is key, as both Naval and the Troopers should be informed of the needs of the ship. While off ship it is our best interest to make sure the base we reside at is at complete working order with defenses, such as turrets and making sure the ships Sf fly are in pristine condition.
  8. "ERP" I'm sorry but WHAT? I do not agree that this would bring up. Are you saying just because its a fucking female that it would be used for ERP? What the fuck is going through all your minds if your -supporting it for this reason. I'm sorry but that is not how things work all the time. We have STAFF to weed out that, If your going to say that its too much for staff to worry about then whats the point of having staff? The point of weeding out people of ERPing they shouldn't be apart of the server in the first place. I believe it would be GREAT to have some variety of SCPs like this one. It could encourage more RP and test ideas combining 053 and SCP 682. I would completely enjoy having SCP-053 within the server + Support from me
  9. +Support Reliable Determined Creative This man would be the best choice for SET.
  10. HUGE +Support Ever since Kieran joined Research, they have been non stop making up creative tests and pushing those with great Role-play. He's got amazing ideas and has a very open mind. I would love to have this man by my side when doing research for the [REDACTED] ~Signing off OR5
  11. Researcher: Senior Researcher Dr. Shirousagi Department Team: Lambda-5 Research Task Force 'Reality Keepers' Gender: Female Specialization: Research within Anomalous Objects in which Affect Time and Reality Test: Learning More into the SCP-999 and another possible use for 'The Tickle Monster' Log: Laughter For All. Pt 1
  12. +support Not Homophobic Seems like this staff doesnt like memes
  13. It has happened in the past. But i havent seen it since Site 10 came into place. People specifically sell the Sleuths to get them into the foundation and get a quick cash
  14. I'm pretty sure he was in cuffs when they did he stripping. ITs just a matter that hey didnt say what they strippe off of him. +Support, no reason specified on what they stripped
  15. Name:Kami Rank:Senior Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY):12/1/2020-12/18/2020 Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Getting Ready to move soon, so I wont be able to make events as often
  16. Lore Name: Shirousagi Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:60884699 Rank:EXP Researcher Activity Level: 5 But i just came off LOA
  17. Bruh you forgot when I kidnapped you as a resident ;-;
  18. Will miss you Zeus. You actually made me cry *_*
  19. +Support. Honest thinking about this, SCP 096 And SCP 682 can be stoped by this Riot shield and it’s pretty insane that both these SCPs would be able to in lore just go straight through them. It shouldn’t be allowed just to use the over powered shield against these SCPs
  20. -support its All about being in a group together, that’s the point of the SCP is the SCPs working together to take down their foes. Get a group together and work out a plan instead of going on your own
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