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Right Twix Bar

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Everything posted by Right Twix Bar

  1. The only gripe I have is: E11: "Oh, 5638 is breaching? Now would be a good time to go on a patrol and happen to pass by the lake." Or E11: "Oh, I just happen to be on the watch tower, watching the spot where you happened to appear." To fix this, the SCP should be able to choose where to go. With obvious restrictions like no spawns. Otherwise, +Support
  2. I can already imagine someone being like "Let me spam the portion of this song that has the N-word" I gotta side with Nydekore on this.
  3. Ah yes. I would love to use my +10 roll bonus to aquire another +10 bonus and absolutely destroy an interrogation. Jokes aside, the original idea seems cool. +Support
  4. Damn man. It was nice to have you back in Utility for a while. Though you will be missed here. Please don't just abandon talking to us, though. It'd be nice to see you in the Utility channels every now and again.
  5. Name: Twix Date of LOA: 3/13 - 3/17 Reason: Going camping. May or may not have access to internet.
  6. I follow both of these opinions near equally. Button mashing in games like Rainbow Six is annoying, though it kind of only is because people try to focus headshots in that game. So, *shurg,* I could go either way with this. +/- Support but leaning to +Support
  7. Please use the formant found here: As well as there's already a similar suggestion, found here: So, -Support
  8. You know, a NPC in medbay won't fix that problem. Also, it's by design you can only buy them in the armory. -support
  9. +Support Something like 10 - 20 secs would probably be good for this.
  10. Aren't SCPs not allowed to breach during tests, like how they can't during feedings? Regardless, -Support. We shouldn't encourage people to beach during tests, it'd just ruin Research's rp.
  11. I think you mean the latter definition. But I still agree regardless. Edit: Actually neither definition fits perfectly. Both hint towards inaction instead of being on their "own" side. The GOC would be more Anti-Foundation, leading it to more or less ally with CI. Sarkics are a good hostile neutrality that I like better. Overall, -Support
  12. And while some of the models are 1 - 2 mb, most are 20+ (two I think are even over 100). That'd fucking cripple the server. So a -Support from me regardless
  13. You've been a great Maintenance HCMD and I hope we'll still do well without you. Good luck with your own life and I hope you'll come back one day.
  14. Something like that would be better. It would fix two of the problems I have. I'd prefer something like "groups of 4+ people are immune to the effects of 303."
  15. First off, I think this would be too complex and just lead to people ignoring him. Second, this is literally the living, breathing embodiment of body blocking. No one, but 303 himself will enjoy it, especially with no way to easily counter it. Third, your rule of, "no targeting" won't work well. Any dedicated CI or MTF could screw over the other side if they wanted. Oh, some CI and MTF died in a fight, wouldn't it be a shame if a CI hopped on 303 and blocked the hallway outside of MTF bunks? Or, hop on the job, wait for a CI raid. Then block the door past Gate A. Then go fuck with D Class or something for a minute. Then go back to the CI (who are probably only in HCZ now) and block the door in front of them. Easy way to just fuck over the other side. -Support
  16. Damn. Guess I can't ask for help cause I'm Site Admin.
  17. Damn. You were a great command member. I'm gonna miss you. Hope to see you back sometime.
  18. So, what's wrong with Foundation Ops? It's literally only used as an occasional general MTF comms. And, all Foundation SFs have each other's passwords by default. So, no point in a general one. As well as chat comms. There's already /mtf, /sf, and /site for inter-branch/sf communication. So, -support.
  19. Though it's generally accepted that Command+ and SFs have it, I feel that yeah, it should be stated. Because, from my time in it, apparently ALL CI have cyanide. I don't know about RFA and Wardens, they could or counldn't. So, +Support
  20. Name: Twix Rank: Director of Logistics Branch: Utility Length (MM/DD - MM/DD): 12/28/21 - 1/3/22 Reason (If private that's fine): Why do I ever take LOAs for? Camping of course. It's been a long time since I've taken an LOA for any other reason.
  21. So. It's an SCP that can only raid with CI. Not one that is in LCZ 24/7. You're complaining about being spawn camped by it, so first, this: And second, THERES STILL FUCKING CI. You're going to get captured or murdered (by E4) if you leave your spawn. And, you mention being on Medical... so lockdown Medbay! It exists for a reason, and there should be more than enough time for you to lock it after 7598 passes by. -Support (Also, please, don't let this be the start of a "oh, lets remove this SCP because it's annoying and 912 got removed for being annoying" phase)
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