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Everything posted by Munchies

  1. -Support Hello Max, While reading your dispute and other peoples response, it looks like you're in the wrong. Like SpadeH said, you wouldn't execute someone in front of civilians or government officials. Like what it says in the MOTD "Use Common Sense! Act like it is real life. If you wouldn't do something in real life, don't do it here!". What Northy said, you should be held for accountable for your actions, you're a Senior Admin, you should know better in these situations. I would expect a new player to do that, not a high staff member. You shouldn't get away with this warn because "You didn't know" it's common sense, Its a rightful warn. I have nothing personal against you Max, I think you're a great and friendly guy, just what you did, made me make a -support! Also, not sure why a Trial-Moderator warned a Senior Admin, if there was higher ranking staff on such as, Super-Admins, Senior-Admins etc... I guess it does say in the handbook, super-admins can give permission to lower rankings to give out warns to higher staff. But still, I think a higher ranking stuff should of done it, as they were not AFK at the time stating from Masterson. If this comment was confusing or not what you were expecting, please feel free to contact me via teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums, etc. I'm always free to anyone that needs help with anything or any answers to questions. I would be happily to help anything you need, I'm always free so pop in and have a chat! Like I said before, I have nothing against you Max, just remember to follow the rules and make sure you're using common sense and act like it was a real life scenario. Kind Regards Munchies 4/03/2020
  2. Hello Alecsgarden, Just letting you know, that you posted this in the wrong section! You were meant to post this in the PoliceRP section. Kind Regards Munchies
  3. -Support Hello ▝ Biggie ŠmáłłⓈ▣, Your dispute, is very hard to read and understand. It's also not really saying much information about what happened etc. Your evidence doesn't show anything that could possibly help you in this favor... This is not really a staff report for lemon, you can possibly make a warn request on lemon for whatever you think he did. But for the staff member Jay, you need to have some valid evidence on what he did, you can't just show us him holding you and warning you. That's not going to get this situation sorted. I'm actually going to leave a -Support, The way you acted in this report is very poorly and disrespectful, you even said for yourself, that you don't even care about this report and that you don't even want to be bothered to record or do anything in your favor, you just decided to make a irrelevant comment. Anyways I would like to hear from Lemon and jay, with their side of the story. In the meantime, I suggest for you to fix up this report and take your time with it. Can you try and provide anymore evidence? Now when answering the question, "What should happen to this staff member". Your answer does seem a bit rude and harsh, we staff on Gaminglight, do our absolute best to keep everything under control and do our job correctly in a professional matter. We do not like to be disrespected or be treated in a rude matter, we're just trying to do our job and help in any situation. Being a staff member for a big community, takes a lot of dedication and commitment and you should really respect that as we treat every fairly. We don't get upset from a mistake someone makes, it's just you should know the rules, it pops up on your screen. If you actually read them you wouldn't be breaking the rules... We actually do like to have a lot of players on this community, anyone is welcome to join this community and we would never push anyone to leave, this is a friendly community where everyone is treated with respect. No staff here, take their powers for granted... We take these powers to help the community and get rid of anyone that break rules, keep the server nice and tidy, etc. I don't think you realise, how much time, effort and commitment we put into, to have this server enjoyable and clean for you to play on. Respect us, respect us for what we do, respect that we're just trying to help. We treat you with respect and kindness and you should do the same thing. Care for others not just yourself. Sorry for this rant, but If I'm going to be completely honest. I really think this report is not necessary and a waste of time... All you did was explained the role-play situation and if didn't even make sense, you kept swearing and making really rude comments about the staff. You don't even care about this situation, as you said before "I don't need to record as I don't care care" etc... Why even report this then. It makes Jay and Lemon look bad... I don't know if you understand but this is a big impact and should be taken seriously. I genuinely think lemon and jay, did their job right and in a professional matter. You just decided to take it to the forums and try and get away with it. Just in the near future, respect the Gaminglight community and others around you. This is a friendly community where everyone is treated with respect and kindess, anyone is welcome to join this community, we're all a family here. No one should be ever pushed or be forced to leave the community, we always like to have newcomers to play and have fun with their friends etc. I'm sorry if you had a bad experience when joining the Gaminglight community, we do apologies for that. Feel free to give us some feedback about your bad experience, we would be happily to here and fix anything up. Everyone here is treated the same, no one is different. If you feel that this comment was confusing or not what you were expecting, feel free to contact me on via, teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums, etc. I would be happily to answer any of your questions or help you with anything else you need. I'm always free, so pop in and have a chat! Kind Regards Munchies 28/02/2020
  4. Hello Ramonjason98, If you Hover over "BROWSE" You will be able to find the staff list! But the Head-Admin for PoliceRP is MyanDaBeast, and your Head-Of-Staff is Matthew! Contact MyanDaBeast first! They will probably see this anyways etc!
  5. +Support Hello Max Holland, Just would like to say, you have a great detailed and a well written application! You have put a lot of effort and time into this, It really does show true dedication when making an application with time and effort. You have some good responses to scenarios and good reasons on why you should become 'Senior Admin'. I personally don't know you that much, but from reading other people's response, it looks like you have been doing a good job at your currently rank. You have a great reputation within the community, you're pretty mature and have a great understanding about the rules etc. I would like to see more information about "Why you should be Senior Admin", but it's past the required limit! and you have explained a few good answers. Don't really have much to say, but it looks like you have met all the requirements to become 'Senior Admin'. You seem like a mature and genuine guy, you have been admin for a while and I believe you should move up to the next level! I wish you the best of luck and I hope to see you as a 'Senior Admin' If this response was confusing or not what you were expecting, feel free to contact me via, teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums, etc. I would be happily to answer any of your questions, or help you with anything else you need. I'm always free whenever, so feel free to pop up for a chat! Kind Regards Munchies 27/02/2020
  6. +Support Hello Ender, Just would like to say, you have a great detailed application. You have put a lot of effort and time into this application! It truly does show dedication, when you put in the effort and time. Anyways, I feel that you're ready for the rank of 'Admin' Now I don't really know you that well, but from reading the other response, it's positive and you have a great reputation within the community! You have a great knowledge and understanding of the rules, you're active on the forums and teamspeak, you seem like a mature and genuine guy. I think you have met all the requirements to become 'Admin' and I feel that you will do a good job at it! You have a good experience with staffing and a good understanding how things work. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you become an 'Admin'! If this response was confusing or not what you were expecting, feel free to contact me via, teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums, etc. I would be happily to answer any of your questions, or help you with anything else you need. I'm always free whenever, so feel free to pop up for a chat! Kind Regards Munchies 27/02/2020
  7. +Support Hello Emoo, Just would like to say, that you have a great detailed application. Your application has a great understanding about being a support member and it shows dedication. Good response for Question #7, a lot of positive mindsets in that answer. I don't know you personally but you seem like a genuine guy, that is willing to help the community out a lot! You're also apart of the Junior-Management Team, which is a big responsibility and takes dedication to get to that role! Which you have the requirements and knowledge to become a support member. I wish you the best of luck, I hope to see you as a support member! If you have questions about these response whether it be confusing or not what you were expecting, feel free to contact me via, teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums. I would be happily to talk about this! If you need anything else, feel free to also message me! I'm always free, so pop up for a chat! I would like to get to know you more! Kind Regards Munchies 27/02/2020
  8. Hello Ramonjason98, Contact Senior-Management Team, on discord, teamspeak or private message on the forums. Make sure you follow the COC(Chain of Command), so you will contact a Head-Admin first and show them the proof of the appeal and they should unban you! Now, I'm not sure if this is correct but Senior-Management Team do unban people once they have been accepted. So, it's quite unusual that you had to wait 5+ Months to be unbanned, which could mean that you could of ended up getting a blacklist and the staff member didn't notify. Maybe just double check your ban length again If you're blacklisted, you cannot appeal it! But otherwise it has been accepted and I'm not sure why it has taken this long to be unbanned. Just contact a Senior-Management Member starting from Head-Admin+ and just go over with the ban appeal and the reason etc! If you have any other questions about anything else. Feel free to contact me on, discord, teamspeak, private message on the forums, etc. I would be happily to talk or answer any of your questions you may have, I'm always free so pop up and have a chat with me whenever! Kind Regards Munchies 27/02/2020
  9. NEUTRAL Hello Jimmy, It clearly shows Elapin, player disrespecting. Whether it's a joke or not people still take it seriously. Especially coming from a staff member, a staff member is a role model for others and show respect and kindness towards everyone. Staff should not be breaking rules or even disrespecting people etc. At least Elapin, did own up to it. Not many people actually own up to stuff, they always try and make a false story and try and change it. But some people when they have done something wrong, they actually admit to their mistakes and will take any consequence! It's up to the Senior-Management Team to give out this warn or not, I would suggest for Elapin, to apologies to Jimmy and hopefully they can get over it and work together while being a staff member! Bongo, using the word "Retarded", is pretty disrespect towards others... People could have disabilities whether it be themselves, family members, or friends. The word "Retarded", should never be used in a term. It's quite disrespectful to those that suffer from a disability or a syndrome. Yes this may be a video game, but people spend hours and days playing this server. To relieve stress or anything negative getting in the way of them, people like to actually role-play on here and have fun with their friends. People like you ruin the fun for others because, that's because you seem not to care about role-playing and others around you. You just think, "It's a video game" and we can do whatever you want, it's not like that while you're here. We're a friendly community and everyone should be treated with respect etc. Before calling out Ender or Alpha, maybe you should think before you say. There were many ways of dealing with this situation... If you believe that ender or alpha was "disrespecting" someone, you must make a report on the forums with some valid evidence, or message them on discord and private message on the forums. There's no need for you to say, that they have "Talked crap" and calling them kids etc. Which calling someone a kid and saying that they "talked crap" is pretty disrespect, and you might think it's not, but it actually is. I think you should start caring and thinking of ours, people have feelings and the comment you just made, really does offend people in someway and I don't think you know that. Just think before you act or say, one small word can turn into a big mess. Especially using the word "Retard"... If this comment or opinion has affected you in some way, that may be confusing or it wasn't what you were looking for. Feel free to contact me via teamspeak, discord or private message on the forums! I would be happily to talk about this and answer any other questions you've got. Kind Regards Muchies 26/02/2020
  10. +Support Hello Febreze, You have a really good and detailed application, you do have experience with staffing, as being a Ex-Staff member for Gaminglight. You have all the correct requirements to become a staff member again, I know how you work and how you do your job, as I have known you since 2018. You have a great personality and always manages to uphold professionalism when it comes to staffing. I suggest just making your forums account more active again, and becoming more active in the community. Other than that, I feel that you're ready for staff! Now, warns... You do have a lot of warns, whether they're a year old or 3 years old. That's still a lot of warnings and chances... But since you've had a break from the community, hopefully you came back with a positive mindset and have changed to become a better person. Just make sure you do not get anymore warnings, having a lot of warnings impact a lot on your reputation etc. Also, maybe try and add a bit more information about "Why you should become staff" even you just pasted the limit, still try and push yourself to add some more information about yourself and what you're willing to do etc! Other than that, I still think you're a great guy and I feel that you should become staff again! Also, should catch up sometime. Haven't seen you for ages mate! If you have any questions about this opinion/comment, feel free to contact me via teamspeak, discord, private message on the forums etc! I would be happily to talk about this and anything else you need help with. I'm always free, so just pop in and tell me whats on your mind etc! Good luck Febreze, I wish you the best of luck! Kind Regards Munchies 25/02/2020
  11. -Support Hello XI Frost IX, I feel that you're not ready to become a staff member, Your application is kinda lacking with information and it's kinda doesn't make sense. By looking at your forums account, it was made back in 2018 and you left it be inactive... Then you decided to spam the forums and commenting on really old posts to get your posts up to meet the requirements. When answering that scenario about the "How would you handle a MassRDM", You don't really need proof about a MassRDM, it'll be in the logs. Trial-Moderators cannot kick and you can only jail for 600 seconds, In this situation you would call for a higher up and get them to ban the person etc. In my opinion, I don't think you're ready for staff just quiet yet! Not in a bad way, but I feel that you need to work on your application and take time when writing it out. I think you should read over the staff hand book and fix up any mistakes in your application. Also, make sure you're always being active on the forums, make sure you're not commenting on really old posts to boost your posts up! Make sure you're being active in-game and in teamspeak as well. Just some things you need to work on, when becoming a staff member! If you feel that this comment was confusing or not what you were looking for, feel free to contact me via teamspeak, private message on the forums/discord. I would be happily to talk about this and any other questions you need to talk about. Good luck Frost! Kind Regards Munchies 25/02/2020
  12. NEUTRAL Hello to whoever this may concern, Although, I believe Calamity didn't roleplay that situation out. But the spike strips shouldn't have been there... Yes, this is a semi-role play server but it clearly states in the MOTD, "Use Common Sense! Act like it is real life. If you wouldn't do something in real life, don't do it here!". In this situation, you would role-play the traffic stop how a normal officer would do it in the real world. People do have their own opinions when it comes to these types of situations, people agree and disagree but at the end of the day, you should be role-playing as you would act in real life... whether that be cop or civilian! Watching the video, Calamity did not role-play that situation. It does show Calamity copbaiting and rdming as this was just a normal traffic stop, Calamity wasn't wanted or had any warrants at the time. The Trooper shouldn't of deployed the spike trips, as they were not needed in a traffic stop. Spike trips should only be used for pursuits, checkpoints etc. However, spike strips do not threaten someones live, it protects officers and civilians etc. Just use common sense when using spike trips. Calamity, should be warned for Copbait and RDM. As you can see in the video, and maybe a rule or add to your MOTD about using spike trips etc. People need to know that this is a game, but also a server to role-play on and relieves stress when coming home from a hard day! People do spend a lot of hours and days to play this server, player's do not want to come into a server where people will just mess around and not following simple rules etc. That just ruins the fun for them and leaves them with a bad experience. Also, just make sure we're not arguing in this topic. As this can cause drama and enemies etc! Keep posts to a minimum, if you do not like the response that someone gave you. Feel free to message them in a private message on the forums and keep this topic clean. Just remember, people are just stating their opinion in this situation! Remember to respect the Gaminglight community, and care for others around you! This is a friendly community, where we all respect each other! Kind Regards Munchies 24/02/2020
  13. Hello Torbjorn, Welcome back to Gaminglight, we're glad you're back and we hope you enjoy your stay again!
  14. -Support Hello Pie, After reading Rookie's response, It does look like you did the wrong thing and you should stick with the 1 week ban. I think the 1 week ban will help you to rethink on what you did and see how you can improve yourself when you come back. Your dispute doesn't have much information about what happened etc, I suggest for you to have some valid evidence of the situation, which could possibly help you in your favor. You're pretty lucky with a week ban, You will be able to learn from your mistakes and become a better person. Just remember to respect the Gaminglight community servers, think of others around you... I suggest for you to wait out the week! Kind Regards Munchies
  15. *Disclaimer* (Igneous, did say I can apply for 'Forum Diplomat', as a Moderator) In-Game Name: [GL] Munchies Steam Name: [GL] Munchies SteamID: STEAM_0:1:222609639 Are you a Senior Moderator+? No, Moderator (Igneous gave me approval to apply for forum diplomat) How many post do you have on the website (150+ REQUIRED)? 1,636 How often are you online on the forums? Everyday, for a good amount of hours. What timezone are you in? ADET Why would you want to join our Forum Diplomat team (100 Words Minimum)? I would like to join the Forum Diplomat committee because my role within the community and the server I staff on, I like to engage and interact with other people. I feel that I'm always active on forums and I would like to keep the forums clean, nice and tidy, and get rid of any aggressive and disrespectful messages towards other people. I'm always willing to help with anything on the forums, whether that be helping people with their forums account, or removing any posts etc. I also will help with moderating the forums everyday and checking posts that are either, disrespect, could possibly start drama, and any posts that could cause spam etc. I feel that I have a good judgement and know how to handle things, in a professional matter while doing my role correctly. My goal to being a forum diplomat, is to keep the forums under control and to ensure everything is in correct order and is running smoothly and also removing posts, comments etc... that is not needed. I would usually spend a good amount of time on the forums, to check all the sections on the forums and look for any inappropriate, irrelevant posts, not needed comments/post and I would sometimes contact a forum diplomat and report it to them. I will always ensure that I'm doing my role as a Forum Diplomat correctly and in a professional matter, I will make sure I'm reading the handbook and making sure that I won't break any of the rules. Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, how? I feel that I have a good reasonable judgement, when handling something important whether its incorrect or incorrectly. I would also make sure, that I'm following all procedures and double checking before making an action. I always make sure, I think before acting and if I'm having trouble with anything, I would contact another forum diplomat and get their opinion/say. I like to work and involve myself with the people in the Forum Diplomat committee which would give me a good perspective and watch how others deal with situations etc. Learning off others in the forum diplomat committee will give me the ability to moderate any offensive or aggressive content without getting it wrong, as I have learnt off others in the committee. How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming the shoutbox due to getting banned from one of our servers? I would firstly, delete and remove any messages in the 'Shoutbox' and contact the victim via private message on the forums and ask him a few questions such as, what server did you come from, what was the reason why you got banned, and why did you come on the forums to spam and get yourself into more trouble. I would then proceed on giving him links where to appeal his ban and if he continued to spam the chatbox, I would then contact a SMT member about this situation and allow SMT to handle the situations.
  16. Hello Buga_James, Welcome to Gaminglight! We hope you enjoy your time and make many friends along the way. If you need any help on PoliceRP, I'm sure PoliceRP Staff would be happily to give you a hand or give you any information, guides etc.. to help you while being in the community! If you need anything or have something on your mind, feel free to contact me via teamspeak, private message on the forums etc, I'm a staff member for TTT, so if you inquires or any information you would like to know about TTT, feel free to contact me about anything related to TTT. I'm happily to help you out with anything else you need as well such as, inquires and information about stuff, and other stuff! I hope you enjoy your stay and get an amazing experience!
  17. NEUTRAL Hello Masen, As you're perma banned or blacklisted, I would expect a lot of effort in this appeal. Now I don't know if you blacklisted but if you are, BLACKLISTED cannot be appealed. In your dispute you're pretty much just saying, how you own a custom class and that you've spent a lot of money, which we thank you for your support and kindness towards the Gaminglight Community. Unfortunately explaining how much you have donated, will not get you unbanned... You need to have a valid reason on, "Why you should be unbanned" and explain why you "Accidentally crashed the server! I would suggest for you to fix this appeal up before I make a decision weather to -Support or +Support it. Please take your time while writing your appeal and have some sort of evidence or information about the appeal/incident! If you feel this comment is confusing or not what you were expecting, feel free to contact me via teamspeak, private message on the forums etc! I would be happily to talk about this and hopefully help you out with anything you need. Kind Regards Munchies 21/02/2020
  18. Yeah usually they do, because at the end of the day, they usually throw them away. But it's good when your mates are working, because they hook you up with like free cookies haha.
  19. Can we not argue or start having a conversation in this report. If you have a problem with someone commenting on your opinion or if you feel they're wrong, please take it to private messages. All you need to do is a + or a - Support about this situation, you do not have to comment and start ranting about everyone else's opinion. Talk about in teamspeak or messages etc... Kind regards Munchies
  20. -Support Hello Imagineslick Not going to write out a whole paragraph, I've already explained it in the staff report. But this warn should stay, because you broke, FailRP, FearRP and also Copbaitied. You do not know what role play is... It clearly states in the PoliceRP rules, "Use Common Sense! Act like it is real life. If you wouldn't do something in real life, don't do it here!" Yes this is a game, but still people play this for the role play. People like you ruin it.. sorry to say but you do, your attitude and how you act makes you not care for others or the server etc. You're kinda being a smart-aleck with everyone's opinion and this whole situation etc... Back when I was playing PoliceRP 2018, and not sure if it is still going around. But people like you we would call a 'Minge' because you guys don't care about anything expect yourselves, you have no intent to roleplay or follow simple rules. People like you ruin other people's role-play and fun... like sorry for sounding rude but it is true, you're not thinking about others in this situation. People spend a lot of time/hours enjoying this server and when people like you come around it ruins it for them. "Unlimited lives" Looks like you don't care about remotely role-playing you even said, "You would rather be killed than go to jail". You were also out numbered and you still chose to break FearRP and FailRP... You can't just jump out of your car while your car is still moving and expect to take someone hostage. Use common sense mate, it's not hard. Please feel free to contact me about this comment, but seriously start considering to role-play and think of others instead of breaking rules and ruining other peoples fun! Not cool dude. Kind regards Munchies 14/02/2002
  21. -Support Hello Imagineslick, Just going to express my opinion about this situation, but just want to say, Eternity has every right to respond to his report, the reason why we allow people to reply to their reports, is because we need their side of the story to ensure we have both information from the victim and the reporter. So, he has every right to comment! I also suggest for you to stop, commenting on people's opinion and being heaps disrespect and rude about it... At the end of the day, these people are giving their opinions from what they saw and heard. After watching the videos, you kinda decided to break fearRP, you also failrped as well. You can't just jump out of your car while your car is still moving and decided to kidnap a police officer, while he was in the car etc... Before you even got out of your car, you were asked to put your hands up... you were surrounded by many officers as well. You deliberately rammed that officers car, which would mean you cop baited etc, you did not roleplay any of that out. After watching Crease video, "I would rather be killed, than go to jail". Where is the role play in that, Is that how you would act in the real world? it's common sense, don't be one of those people that will just start a shoot out and not go to jail... Demotion/strike is not needed for this little situation, if anything maybe a talking. At the end of the day, you were in the wrong for breaking FearRP, FailRP and CopBaiting simple rules that you cannot follow. If you believe your warn is false, you must go to the report center and appeal it with some valid evidence. Yobo comment actually have evidence and that was in your video, so you kinda just played yourself and from hearing and seeing, you would be that type of person to break rules. That's all I have to say, if you have any problems or questions about my opinion. Please contact me via teamspeak, message me on the forums. I'll be more than welcome to answer and talk to you about this! When someone does comment on this report, do not start being rude about it... they're just expressing their opinions about this situation. Just remember, follow the rules and play the game with some common sense. Don't ruin other peoples fun while role playing. Kind regards Munchies 14/02/2020
  22. -Support Hello Utetwo, While reading your application and other's response, I suggest you fix up your attitude and how you treat the server and others... Looking at those screenshots, were pretty disrespectful not just towards players but the server as well. If you want to come back to the staff committee, you need to fix your attitude, show professionalism, and especially start showing respect to others. Being a Staff Member for Gaminglight, is a great opportunity and a great experience, but there are requirements to become one! You need to know that Gaminglight is a big community and that requires you to be professional at your job and know how to deal with situations, you need to use common sense and have knowledge about your role. As from seeing the screenshots, you don't really show any of that and one of those screenshots was from last month... So, I doubt you would have fixed your attitude or even improved on changing to be better. Question 15/16 - How would you handle a MassRDM: You wouldn't want to ensure that the MassRDM is over, you need to quickly get into action to 'ensure' that the person is not killing anyone else. You shouldn't have to decide on what their punishment is and depending on the situation, if they 'MassRDM' then its a "RDM/RDA (Mass RDM/RDA) - 10,000 second minge" It clearly states in the handbook... other staff members would rather ban but that's another option. Your answer is a bit strange, that's all I'm going to say. If you were to become staff again, you really do need to fix your attitude and think before you act. If people saw those screenshots/messages while you're a staff member, that could really leave a bad reputation for the staff committee for PoliceRP and I'm sure that PoliceRP would want to have a good reputation for their hard work etc. Before applying for staff, you need to improve on changing your ways, changing your attitude and becoming a better person not just for everyone but yourself. Treat everyone how you would want to be treated, this a friendly and social community. We do not need people to be rude or disrespectful, especially being homophobic in public discord channels... because you never know, someone could actually be homosexual and for you to say that, could actually offend them and make them pretty upset. If you feel that I was wrong about any of this, or you're confused about this. Please contact me via teamspeak or message me on the forums, I would happily speak to you about this, but I would suggest for to improve on changing and fixing on your attitude. We need people that will be professional at their jobs and will treat others with respect. If you ever need help or anything is on your mind, feel free to contact to me! I'm always free to speak to anyone about anything on their mind! I'll work with you, if you work with me. Just remember, what you say that is hurtful could affect others around you... it's never too late to change and improve yourself. People will start to know that you're changing, you just got to put in the effort and work towards a good reputation! Thanks - Munchies 12/02/2020
  23. Pretty good mate, when down to the servo and got myself a sanger and a choccy milk! After that went to maccas and was pretty devo that their ice cream was not working... crikey! And then went to the dunny.
  24. NEUTRAL Hello Koala/Blitz, While reading your appeal and looking at the reason for the restriction. It's best to leave it and keep improving, I rarely played SCP-RP so I wouldn't know how you act or how you're improving but I suggest for you, to keep improving etc. The reason that was given to you for the restriction, is worth a year and if not more. If you can't follow orders, then you're not doing your job correctly and it also tells us that you don't care about others and staffing, playing mini-games and ignoring staff calls on duty gives you and most importantly the SCP-RP Staff a bad reputation. I'm pretty sure and aware that SCP-RP would want a good reputation and be known for doing a good job by doing their job correctly and handling situations in a professional matter. I respect Th3's decision with the 1 year staff restriction, you're pretty lucky it wasn't more. A year for the restriction is honestly good and if not advantage for you, as you can improve and adapt more. Player's and the staff committee need to see improvement and changes from you, remember that reason that was given to you, reflects on everyone else in staffing on SCP. You need to think before you act, staffing on Gaminglight is a great opportunity and honor and should never be taken for granted, being a staff member comes with rules, requirements, and knowledge ... You have read the handbook and have read all the requirements, which means you shouldn't be breaking it. When I was growing up, I was a person that would act before thinking and that's what happened in 2018 when I was a staff/non-staff member for Gaminglight, I made wrong decisions, I made wrong approaches, etc... That ended up giving me a bad reputation for myself, and that could be because of the people I'm hanging/around with, people that break rules and don't care, those were the people I was hanging with... But I learnt from my lesson by taking some time off and coming back to the community with a positive attitude and chose the right people that I'm going to hang with. My advice to you is, think before you act, think about the people around you... are these the people that you really want to be around with, that just break rules and don't care about anyone else, think on how others feel, and most importantly... Take your time with your restriction, think positive about yourself, think how you're going to change your ways. There are many ways of changing to become a good person. Just think before you act, think and care about others around you, respect everyone as the way you want to be respected. It's not too late to change and fix your ways, you just need to put in the effort and make right decisions for yourself. I'm not going to leave a -support or a +support, I just suggest for you to wait out your restriction and work on make yourself a better person and thinking on how you're going to change your ways! If you need any help or any advice, let me know! I'm always opened to help and get to know people more. I will work with you, if you work with me, just come to me if you ever need help! Kind regards Munchies 7/02/2020
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