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Comrade Boekhom

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Everything posted by Comrade Boekhom

  1. -Support This looks extremely rushed and uncoordinated, while you may want to get on staff again lickity split you broke a good rule of the handbook, I'd say let your restriction ride out and apply for staff again in 2 months, and a excuse of "my mind wasnt fully there" isnt a valid excuse to use your powers off duty, if your on the server no matter what state you are in your held to the same standards as everyone else
  2. +Support Im pretty sure this was a feature like, LONG AGO so maybe zeeptin or igneous has a addon hidden away for it?
  3. Nah dawg, goons get all the power sorry
  4. The 173 was confirmed to Teleport out of his CC, move when people were looking, teleporting into people and going into armory so, -Support
  5. Name: Comrade Rank: SFC/SVR SteamID: STEAM_0:0:515560461 Discord: ComradeBoekhom#9934 SubBranches(s): Longshot/Hotshot Things you wanna see in CI: More things for RnD to do Activity: 9
  6. Your in game name: Red Spy Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:515560461 The player's in game name: Security OFC Bravo C The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0216675852 What did the player do: Homophobia/Playerdiss Evidence (required): https://gyazo.com/1e4ff128e2c4ff42fb6f0359803af0e0 Edit: https://gyazo.com/cf23b74830104017e86a591ae80e01dc https://gyazo.com/3943a7b4ef5512718394d1ca15b4a39c What do you believe should happen to the player: Ban Any extra information: N/A
  7. the thing is, this is exactly what happens, almost every single bot i see just sits in a place and guns down ci/d-class with no escorting going on but even on escorts they should only attack if the ESCORTEE or THEMSELVES get attacked, again like HLPR bot
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