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Comrade Boekhom

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Everything posted by Comrade Boekhom

  1. Sleuths arent allowed to start off in ci base with a disguise, we can only have them once we find a closet IN the foundation, if thats seen please report it also sleuths arent allowed to breach scps, only maynard
  2. I will give this a +/- support, the only way I will +support this is if its made where only 1 person could roll against said fake id, as having 5 rolls vs 1 is extremely unfair
  3. +Support Man do be smackin them heads tho
  4. https://docs.google.com/document/d/15ZHqzMaygpOXzQsTU9eIXH16oZeZ_6QwmfYgSpGWQNM/edit?usp=sharing
  5. In Game Name: Comrade/Eirenic Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:515560461 What is your current Rank: SSGT What Type of Command Position are you applying for (High Command / Low Command): Low Command Do you have experience in Command, if yes explain: No Date of when you first joined MTF / Chaos Insurgency: I believe it was end of april-Mid May How many Strikes do you have: 1 What is your main goal of being Omicron-9 Low / High Command: Right now my main goal would be to push activity once again, and increase our numbers. As of recent our numbers have been dropping like wildfire and we need a resurgence. Another goal would be to help the members input and interest in the branch. There can be a multitude of ways to do that, push more rp things for those who want that, or help with combat training's and the such for those who are here for a more combat oriented time. Do you think there is any issues with the branch and if so how would you fix it (High Command Applications Only): What do you think of Omicron-9's ability to keep the facility under control from GOI's and what do you think can be improved (High Command Applications Only): Why should we accept you in Omicron-9 Command (150 word minimum): I think there are a few reasons I should be accepted into command, first off my activity, my activity is good as being halfway across from the US I'm still able to be active during our prime times, including our off times to help our newer members gain the recognition they deserve. I believe I can help with our activity in various different ways, more beneficial pt's, specialty training, even prizes for various things, that is a thing I have done in the past which works very efficiently. I will help push our protection of the facility, as we are the first line of defense against any GOI that come within the facility, we are the first to fight and last to be pushed down so our skills need to be up to par. I see this branch as a family, from the day I joined to the day I leave I want to keep it that way, it should be a family where everyone can come and join this would include getting input from all current omicron members, and even members of other branches as outside views can help as well. I want to be able to help all of our other low and high command push our branch into the future to push it better and better
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