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Comrade Boekhom

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Everything posted by Comrade Boekhom

  1. there is a 75 word MINUMUM required, you put 43
  2. -support Due to not meeting character requirement
  3. Not gonna -support for this other reason, but you may want to work on the typing skills a bit, makes it kinda hard to read. Plus im like 90% sure this is just a copy paste of your last app
  4. -support mainly for your one sentence of a (75 word minumum) response requirement
  5. +support just make it use some type of ammo, it does get annoying that you have a total of only 45 shots a life
  6. damn, -support this looking bland with no dispute or anything,
  7. In game name: Comrade Your Steam64 ID: 76561198991386650 Name of Deathcard: Good with salt Imgur link to deathcard image: https://imgur.com/2nUs3BE Proof: https://gyazo.com/d4b842af051cac24a2133ef64be0bb6e
  8. bro you claimed IN THE SIT you did NOT see anyone attack the gensec, you said you heard shooting and a smack, thats literally it. also just cause were in the same ts channel means nothing, we were with 7 other ci in the ts at the time so big fat -SUPPORT
  9. Mike loves me so much i got put in mentions twice
  10. @DooM Guy Bro how could you forget us harrassing gensec
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