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Comrade Boekhom

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Everything posted by Comrade Boekhom

  1. Name: comrade Rank: 2LT Discord: comradeboekhom#9934 Activity: 10 Ideas for CI: n/a How do you think you're doing? What you think you can work on?{Command only}: I think im doing alright, probably can work on taking some stuff more seriously
  2. -support No attempt on the word requirement discord and ts being mandatory
  3. Please follow this format to apply for ci -> @RexKillerHD
  4. +/- Support +You seem... determined? - Teamspeak is mandatory
  5. +/- Support - support So this is one of my favorite scp's but the way this is going aint right chief, giving a immortal being a cracker just aint it (even if it follows lore) that will be EXTREMELY abusable causing constant and constant breaches But +support just cause i love the scp tbh
  6. http://www.scpwiki.com/scp-1011 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-lclDTN0B_kGhq27HC43MPL12nuuLAevZNKDzxjBvUQ/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Also you took some stuff from my logs, smh sad face :pog:
  8. (Thats not how it works, anyone may grade it as normal, also we need access)
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