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Everything posted by WantedIdeas

  1. RCF Yeeeeeeee +Support might know how to left click. If you were in RCF you would have experiences re-containing SCPs
  2. who are you? kidding, you deserve a F
  3. +Support I think he can press left click and may or may not have some experience, idk!
  4. +Support reasons above I remember Security LCPL Warmercarps
  5. OmniCorn-9! F. Mobile task Force Unit OmniCorn-9, designated 'Sound and Furry'.
  6. You were banned at 12/08/2018 and since the ban said "Appeal at gaminglight.com" I am guessing it wasn't a community blacklist which is probably appealable. +Support I think you deserve a 2nd chance, It was around 2 years ago so you probably learnt your lesson. If this gets accepted I hope to see you on the server from time to time!
  7. -Support -I think the 6 FailRP, 1 NITRP Warnings show how much you know about RP! -Medic rank is pretty high up, I think you have a lot of experience. I think you need to climb up the ranks earn trust in medical before applying for this spot.
  8. We have 2 squads, one dealing with Gates (the most we can have at the gate is 4 people) and a squad for Escorting, Feeding, Etc. Rotating every 15 minutes, We stay at the gates for way before you do you adverts for any D-class/Sarkics, So no metagaming issues here, I don't really see the problem, it's 4 people max and you can probably just kill all of them. I mean it would be way more overpowered if we stationed people per checkpoint since it's not limited to a specific amount so which is better, 4 People max at the gate or literally all of Nu7 at Checkpoints?
  9. Seems like a 125 words to me. also why is this in archive
  10. +Support I think he can press Left click.
  11. WantedIdeas


    Denied Not following the format F
  13. Why is the imposter sus? F
  14. People's stealing my F's F
  15. Only saw this now, noooooooooooooo F i will see you on CI congrats on Command!
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