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Everything posted by Samm

  1. +/- Support This seems like a cool idea, but it would likely only be for utility and researcher (If in LCZ) and where do you suggest we put it?
  2. If this is true, -support, Chombos, you are a great player, but I don't feel being a tmod and a trial game master on two seperate servers would give enough time for one or the other.
  3. Me personally I just went with my first name with one extra m for uhh... well the name sam is taken pretty much everywhere.
  4. gaminglight zeeptin action figure when?
  5. Samm

    SCP-999 - Accepted

    +support under the condition that 999 keeps the swep but can only heal when no medical are online.
  6. Damn, good news just recieved that valve is finally going to communicate and now bad news
  7. I’m sorry but this is straight up just wrong. MTF are 60% of the time HIGHLY outnumbered by ci. As well as most of the time there isn’t a heavy mtf class online
  8. Rank: Junior Researcher Clearance Level: Level 2 List of Personnel involved in testing: Myself, and a Security Heavy Level D personnel involved: One D-Class, Designation "YaBoi" SCP: SCP-1048 Errors and/or safety hazards: Only one was d class running around lcz at the time, though the gensec stopped them from rushing me Question: How will SCP 1048 react to food and warmth? Background Research: SCP 1048 is a safe class SCP (Keter depending if 1048-a is breached/created) who resembles a teddy bear with a bowtie. Hypothesis: I believe 1048 will not care about the food but will be attracted to the warmth Observation/Visual Stimuli(Photos/videos): Analysis and Conclusion: *LOG START* Junior Researcher Samm: D-8192, approach SCP 1048 with the bread. *D-8192 walks to 1048 and hands it the bread* JR Samm: Hm, it seems 1048 is pushing the bread to his mouth, but he doesn't seem to know what he wants to do with it, he is pushing the bread around... Wait, now he is sat on the floor and the bread is in crumbs. *END OF LOG 1* *LOG 2 START* JR Samm: D-8192, approach 1048 and put the dough in the toaster oven. *1048 reaches for the dough* JR Samm: What... is it doing? *D-8192 startles back, dropping the dough* D-8192: It's molding the dough... kinda looks like a gingerbread man... more like a bear, though. *END OF LOG 2* *MANUAL AFTER-TEST LOG* So, what I observed from 1048 in the food part was he crushed it up against his body, at first looking like he would eat it, but then he seemed... rather disappointed in the result of crumbs on the ground. The second log was meant to be us baking bread for some staff later in the day, as well as testing 1048's reaction to the warm toaster, but 1048 just took the dough and tried to mold it into a bear shape. Further testing may be needed on why 1048 does this, and what materials he does this with. Do your results align with your hypothesis?: No, but this is helping us understand this anomaly better.
  9. IMO bottom line this takes away a gold class, leaving 2 scps and a mtf for gold... gold is 50$, if you want this to happen then i believe a new donator class for gold should be added.
  10. This is exactly what is going through my head
  11. If not nerfing it’s health, at least make it gold+ so you can’t pay just 10$ to have an incredibly strong class (more health than most mtf classes)
  12. yea, we have pretty low poly trash props atm (did trash man get added back? if so i better get on)
  13. as far as i am aware this isn’t even possible to do as it is a swep bug, if you want it to be fixed make a suggestion for a new swep. This is the same with most melee hitter on the server.
  14. Just wondering what made people want to start playing Garry's Mod, I am sure everyone has a different story. Me personally, I watched a LOT of VanossGaming and [Gmod Trollers] when I was younger, so I just kinda bought it.
  15. What is your in-game name?: Samm What is your steam name?: Samm What is your steam ID?: STEAM_0:0:175293679 Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Yes, starting in 2016 I was a moderator (Just shy of being admin, however, I resigned) on a DarkRP community, then in 2017/2018 (I am 99% sure it was 2018, but the post was taken down on that server's forums so I have no way to check). What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) August 14, around there (Sometime early August) What date did you make your forums account? August 20 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Platinum How many warns do you have on the server (Show proof with a screenshot)? 0 warns Have you donated? Yes What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Are you staff on another community (BE HONEST)? No. Have you read the staff guidelines at ? You will be tested on it: Yes I have, and I have them bookmarked in case I need them at any point. Timezone: CST (Central Standard Time) Permission (Senior Moderator+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum) I have shown activity in this community, and I have shown I can follow the rules. I have experience staffing on other communities and know my way around a logs menu and ULX commands. I am always doing my best to improve as a person and a player, and I have yet to be staff on a semi-serious server, and I believe it would be a good experience for me, and it seems fun to help out this community I have become apart of. Going a bit more on the experience point, this staff team seems like they handle themselves in a really good manner, and take what they do very seriously, as a teen who is thinking of getting a job soon, being staff on this server would be a great opportunity. Going a bit more on why I think I deserve the rank as the question asks, I have been friendly to the people I encounter on the server, but I can be serious when need be. To sum it up, I have put a lot into this community, and I think its time I try to help out the community in a way different from donating. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? I would bring them somewhere they cannot shoot/harm anyone else. Once I have made sure they cannot cause any more harm, I will ask them to explain. When they begin to shout obscene language, I will gag them, if they start typing it, a mute may be necessary. Once they have been gagged/muted and brought to a safe area away from other players, I would check logs, and see that they were indeed mass rdming. I would then call an Admin to issue the ban to said player. If they were being disrespectful (Which they were) I would issue a warning for staff disrespect if I told them to stop cursing at me and they continued.
  16. Name: Samm Rank: CPL Reason for leaving: I have felt burnt out of Nu7, and on top of that I just joined A1, and it is hard to balance that out every day. I didn't really want to leave, but I just need time to focus on other things in the long term. (I am enlisted, I have no 48 HR notice.)
  17. g ween greenw plese In all seriousness, +support.
  18. What do you want to see? - Well, for starters, I would like to see a limit of 8-10 mtf needing to be online for self breaching, 8 for euclid, and 10 for keters. Secondly, I would like it to be a rule that if no technicians are on, but a technician is needed to repair a cc, the scp doesn’t have to have its cc repaired, same thing with 106, but with janitors. Why should we add it? - It would severely help balancing issues and not give 5 mtf stress load to handle when there are 70+ players online. The technician/janitor rule would make it so scps are possible to recontain if there is nobody to fix the CCs. What are the advantages of having this? - It will make life for mtf easier, so they don’t have to deal with 10+ scps when there are not many mtf online. Who is it mainly for? - Scps and MTF Links to any content - N/A
  19. +support He does good rp, and i’m not sure if my opinion on this matters much in research but still. Also you gave us redacted some sweet therapy last night (i’m sorry lmao)
  20. possibly only do this for medical, A1 have to amnesticize a bunch of people
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