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Everything posted by Doggo0

  1. This recycler can't be used because it puts the trash into the wall
  2. Yeah, most of maintenance can't access the CC now for cleaning and repairing.
  3. Yeah, this way most of maintenance enlisted wouldn't be able to access it.
  4. ------------------------------------ Time is up. Anyone who didn't fill it out before this message will be removed.
  5. I hope you can return then, I had fun leading maintenance with you.
  6. Noo, who am I gonna mess around with in the mornings now. Godspeed.
  7. I think 035 is balanced as it is right now, it doesn't need a pro keypad cracker. This would just make it too easy to crack checkpoints and other doors. -Support
  8. Utility roll call 11/21/20 - 12/5/20 Format: ------------------------------ Name: Rank: Steam ID: How would you rate your activity (1-10): Notes: ------------------------------- How to find your Steam ID: 1. If you're in game, type rp_lookup (your in-game name) into the console and copy it from there 2. Go to https://steamid.xyz and you can find it there
  9. I remember when you made the sit telling me you got falsly blacklisted. You even got staff after that, I was kinda surprised at that lol. Anyways I hope you come back sometime.
  10. Yeah, I'd rather keep this than go back to the old one where it was just a still screen. With this we can at least type (and spam).
  11. I'm taking away those 2 sweps from that job because it already has like 10. Scrolling through all that is really hard and I'm only taking away the ones they rarely (if ever) use.
  12. ^this. And also, as Phill said "Code Bright" is just failRP, he has to follow research SOP.
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