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Everything posted by Will

  1. Will

    PED is gone

    Noisestorm - Crab Rave [Monstercat Release].mp3 oof i thought there would be an audio player
  2. If that's so, the PED family needs a couple of warns to be issued
  3. What you want to see? - A rule added to the MOTD stating that criminal families can only have one money silo per family (or base at the very least). Why should we add it? - I find it annoying and kinda OP for crims to throw down a crap ton of money silos in one base and then gov struggle to either destroy or simply push into the base (a recent example would be the bases that PED have been using. What are the advantages of having this? - Keeps economy stable and disallows people from abusing money silos without resistance Who is it mainly for? - Everyone (crim especially) Links to any content - N/a
  4. +Support This is an appeal for the discord server, NOT FOR THE GMOD SERVER. https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198353421197
  5. -Support I get you want to make raiding easier, BUT there are times where even I use it on gov for training's and for RP purposes. I don't think a prop should be blacklisted just because it makes bases too hard to raid. (If you are referring to the PED base in yellow warehouse, then I would recommend you ban any pole like props from being used as fading doors such as any props under Plastic/Plates section).
  6. +/- Support I don't think that you personally are an alt, however there are some things that I believe might have led to this ban. None the less, I also think that this should be looked into.
  7. '!slay ^' as many times as I can (not that I can't already do this lol)
  8. -Support Jailed the wrong person so this is a misunderstanding. Also, I don't think a 2 or 3 rank demote in staff is acceptable for anything really; even a strike in this case would be a bit much in my mind.
  9. +/- Support + Points above - Recently came back No offense to you Willy, but I feel that you came back almost yesterday and I'd like to see you on to the server a bit more before I can give you my full support. Good luck!
  10. +Support Also, is there any chance we could rotate that desk at the end so there is more room to move around?
  11. Yeah, -Support. Tac units are hard to kidnap and often risky since they usually work in teams.
  12. +Support It's been said already by others; James should receive a punishment along with any others that were minging in and around spawn. I guess this is just another reason why we should maybe get some more European staff so we don't have gaps like this at 3AM.
  13. +Support Logs support it. (Player combats are a bit messed up at the time I checked it, but was able to get their names/ SteamIDs which seem to match up.) I'm your favorite anime: STEAM_0:0:478724585 / https://steamcommunity.com/id/slaskebingen123/ Snigor: STEAM_0:1:519475525 / https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198999216779 Both of them do have prior warns with RDM being one of them so I think that they should be banned for a bit after reviewing the evidence here.
  14. +Support I was at the mansion where this took place and all there was were a few cones setup on the side of the road. It is a false warning in my opinion an could have been handled a bit better in my mind.
  15. -Support Sorry Jayden, but I would feel better if you had a bit more time as Major before being promoted to Colonel. To me, it feels almost as if you were promoted just yesterday. Good luck!
  16. -Support Sorry Luckygoose, but you do need to step up your activity in PD. I have noticed you have been on this past week or so, but as others have mentioned you are typically on FBI rather than PD.
  17. +Support + Active + Always in TS + Mature + More than enough time as CPT I'm kinda surprised you did not put this up sooner Tonto.. Either way, good luck!
  18. I'm in the same boat as Eternity here; I would 100% give you a +support, but I do think you should have waited a bit more for the 3 week deadline. Good luck Jack!
  19. I'm sure the reason why I am resigning does not surprise anyone; I am rather inactive in SWAT and I feel that there are others who are more deserving of the rank of Staff Sergeant than me. During my time in SWAT, I made some good memories and met some good people along the way who had helped me get to the rank I got to. Freeze - Thanks for everything you've done for the department, you're a pretty cool guy once people get around to knowing you Ronin - Booper of noses, get that second CMDR spot Smaug - Minge, thanks for inviting me to SWAT Elapin - You'll get into high command one day Seb - Pretty cool TS PFP Zirados - Keep up the good work in the department, you'll go far! Ender & Dropperlemon - I want you guys both to get SSGT, you guys are way more deserving of the rank than I am There are others I could mention I'm sure, but for now I guess I will just say thanks to those who have helped to get me to where I am now. Thanks for everything and perhaps I'll be back at a later date. - Staff Sergeant Will XL16, Rockford SWAT Team
  20. My only - is that I think you could use a bit more time before applying. SA is a big jump in staff and I'm sure every PRP Senior Admin would love to have one of the 2 open spots, but again, I think it would be best if you waited just a bit longer before aplying.
  21. +Support - Cool guy - Former staff - Active - (above reasons) Good luck Cammy
  22. My only - is that I feel you could wait a bit longer Jayden as I feel you are progressing through the ranks a bit quickly. Otherwise, good luck man!
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