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Everything posted by Will

  1. +/-Supports are not accepted, its either one or the other
  2. So I've been around for a while here at GamingLight; 2 years is a long time for most. I've played on different maps, played with different people, and experienced some of the high and low points in the community and on the server. Throughout my time here, I've progressed quite far in a number of different fields; becoming a member of the junior management team, rising to the head of the oldest running and notable crime family on the server, and most recently achieved the highly sought after rank of Chief in the Rockford City Police Department. While I might have progressed quite far over the 2 years I've been around, I never would have gotten here or be the person I am today if I hadn't met a number of different people here in the community. I would love to do some shout outs to a couple of people, though I would prefer to keep this post somewhat short and sweet, so I won't be listing any names. Thanks for an amazing 2 years thus far and here's to the many more to come!
  3. Will

    RIP Capone Family

    Exactly why minging = bad
  4. No. https://gaminglight.com/store/tos.php
  5. -Support No SteamID. You were banned for DDOS and Dox threats against a staff member and the server which both are blacklistable offences. At time stamp 0:50 in the below video, you can hear "I'm gonna shut this whole fuckin server down" which would count towards the DDOS reason, and 3:42 saying "It's all fun and games till I have Dark's IP" which would count as a Dox threat. DDOS and Doxing are subjects that should never be joked about under any circumstance. https://medal.tv/clips/3SlFNri61xvKy/GVvffosiQlH2 As others have said, your appeal mostly seems to be comments about the staff team and unrelated to the appeal.
  6. Will

    Question for you all

    Vanilla, I like to keep it simple
  7. Your in game name: Will The player's in game name: Joe Nuts II The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:512340944 What did the player do: 40 warns Evidence (required): https://gaminglight.com/bans/player/76561198984947616 What do you believe should happen to the player: Perma Any extra information: n/a
  8. @[GL] Protec If you are going to vote on an application, please state your reasoning as to why you voted for what you did.
  9. -Support Warn bans are not appealable.
  10. -Support Pick up your activity in-game, on the forums, in TS, and most importantly try to stand out more to people (in a good way! Especially if you've already done the other things already).
  11. +Support Physgun guidelines are gone over with staff when they join and they are required to reply to the post outlining these guidelines to say that they have read and acknowledged them. On top of that, physgun use and/ or the topic of power abuse is something that gets brought up almost every meeting or about every other, so there is no reason why this should have happened.
  12. +Support You are not required to advert assist in this situation, only when assisting a family member with a crime such as a mug, kidnap, raid, robbery, jailbreaking, etc. would you need to advert assist.
  13. Sucks to see you go Zealous, I'll miss you too bud
  14. Does not meet rank requirement.
  15. Thanks for the kind words, and I wish you all the best with wherever your career takes you next in life! Just remember, you'll always have a place here in GL so don't be shy to come back and visit every now and again! Best of luck, Nick! o7
  16. -Support I watched videos from all sides (ICE, Sienna, and Maddog) and made my judgement on who needed to be warned. My opinion at the time of when y'all were returned is that it was mass RDM, though as jimmy said, I did review Maddog's footage as well (main reason why I decided to return you in the first place is that Yobo, Soulness, and Maddog tend to drag sits out for as long as humanly possible from past experiences with them, and I doubt that anyone would have enjoyed sitting through it). It was my choice not to warn Yobo as after reviewing Maddog's footage, I felt that he did not fall in the bounds that RDM is defined. If you felt that Yobo should have also received a warn, you could always put something up in the report center with the same videos you shared with me.
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