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Everything posted by Bionicle

  1. Grade: 75 Creativity: 30/35 Good creativity Presentation: 20/25 standard formatting Writing: 25/40 noticed quite a few errors in grammar, but otherwise good. Test quality: Above average Extra Notes: n/a
  2. Grade: 80 Creativity: 35/35 Haven’t seen this done before and I love the idea! Presentation: 20/25 standard Writing: 30/40 noticed some errors Test quality: Above average Extra Notes:
  3. Grade: 70/100 Creativity: 30/35 Could’ve has more creative questions, but standard Presentation: 20/25 standard log Writing: 25/40 noticed a lot of errors in grammar Test quality: Standard Extra Notes: try running your tests through a grammar check program like grammarly.
  4. Grade: 80 Creativity: 30/35 would’ve liked to see more creative questions Presentation: 20/25 Writing: 30/40 Noticed some errors Test quality: standard Extra Notes: n/a
  5. Grade: 90 Creativity: 35/35 Loved this idea! Presentation: 20/25 Standard log Writing: 35/40 no errors I noticed Test quality: Exceeding Extra Notes:
  6. Grade: 80 Creativity: 35/35 I love this idea and haven’t seen it done before! Presentation: 20/25 standard formatting Writing: 25/40 noticed quite a few errors in grammar, but otherwise good. Test quality: Above average Extra Notes: n/a
  7. People shouldn’t actively be trying to suicide bomb anyways, so this is a bit unneeded. If someone attempts it, just call staff for FailRP -support unneeded
  8. What would we replace it with?
  9. -support. 049 has been known to attack doctors, as shown on the wiki when he kills doctor hamm. This shows that if anything, the rule that it shouldn't be able to attack researchers should be removed.
  10. Name: Bionicle Rank: DHOR/1LT Callsign: H02/LT34 Date of LOA Leave/Return: 4/11/2020-4/18-2020 (could be more or less) Reason (if private write N/A): Graphics card fucked badly, trying to get a replacement.
  11. Sounds good for janitorial, but you should follow the format if you want this to have a chance of getting accepted
  12. Bionicle

    mrdm x14 ban

    -support, reasons above
  13. If anything the whole “no infecting researchers or coldsilvers” rule should be removed to further line up with the current lore of 049
  14. + Support just be more active in CI lol
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